15 Places On Your Body For A Memorable & Unique Coordinate Tattoo
Tattooed coordinates mean something different for every person.

Tattoos are one of the most unique ways of expressing yourself. Seeing people on the street and loved ones who have a tattoo only further indicates that this style of expression isn't going away anytime soon.
No matter the style of tattoo, people feel connected to other people who have gone through the process of getting this type of artwork done to their bodies . Getting this type of art work was once seen as taboo, but now that time has passed and we're in 2018, tattoos are the norm rather than unusual.
Once inked, a tattoo is there for life — completely and utterly permanent — and they can mean a lot of things, depending on the person wearing them. The same goes for one of the more recent tattoo trends — coordinate tattoos.
Basically, it's getting certain coordinates tattooed to the body part of your choice. Many people get coordinates tattoos to commemorate a special moment where something transpired (think a birth place, or where you met your first love). And luckily, because coordinate tattoos tend to be small and simple, most licensed tattoo parlors will give them to you for a fairly cheap price.
But, of course, if you've never had a tattoo, it's important to note that tattoos are known to be painful — especially on specific body parts that are more sensitive to pressure, such as the ribs and ankles — so you might want to bring a parent or close friends to see you through the pain (if you can't handle it yourself, that is).
Decided that this style of tattooing is right for you, and you're ready to get inked? Before you book your appointment with your local tattoo parlor, be sure you've already figured out where on your body you want to place your new tattoo. (Because once you start, there's no turning back). Placing your tattoo is important, because the placement of the tattoo will determine how people see you, and the tattoos visibility will determine career choices in the future.
Lucky for you, we've done some research for you to suggest 15 places people have placed them before, so you can get an idea for what it's going to look like. (Hint: it's going to look amazing, duh.)
1. Coordinates tattoo placement on your upper back will make you look elegant in any style.
Upper back placement is a great way to show off your tattoo when its convenient for you. Show it off at social functions with a style that shows your back and easily cover it up for formal events!
2. Go bold with a neck tattoo.
Feeling bold? Placement on the neck will show everybody that your not afraid to have your tattoo the topic of conversation. Making your tattoo disappear will be easy if you have long hair or a scarf, it will be covered in no time.
3. Inner-arm tattoos will give you confidence every time you look in the mirror.
Gain more confidence and show off your arms with your coordinate tattoo.
4. Pedicures don't stand a chance with your foot tattoo.
The perfect footwear, like sandals or heels can show off your coordinate tattoo, if placed on the foot or feet. Pair your coordinate tattoo with a fresh pedicure, and your coordinate tattoo will stand out even more.
5. Place your coordinates tattoo on the inside of your arch (and match it up with someone else).
Coordinate tattoos are great for showing off your friendship if you get them matching up with someone else.
6. Point yourself in the right direction and get a finger coordinate tattoo.
Fingers never looked so good with coordinate tattoos. Manicures will have a new companion with this interesting tattoo style.
7. Show off your hard with with a tattoo on your torso.
Have you been working out lately and want to show off your toned stomach? Coordinate tattoo will make your stomach look great whether your working out or wearing an outfit that shows off your flat abs.
8. A simple shoulder tattoo is understated and sleek.
Summer is coming, and its the perfect time to show off your tattoo, but with class. Off the shoulder tops are great at showing off your new ink.
9. Rib cage coordinate tattoo will show off your baywatch body.
Rib cage placement of a coordinate tattoos is great for showing of your bikini body on the beach or that adorable crop top that you bought from the mall.
10. Your inner wrist is a perfect place for your new tattoo.
Its time to retire your watch and your bracelets and embrace a an inner wrist tattoo.
11. Go full frontal with collarbone tattoo.
Placement on your chest or your collarbone with a coordinate tattoo will show the world that you are not afraid to show off who you are.
12. Above the ankle tattoos are easy to show off and cover up.
Above the food placement of coordinate tattoos are easy to dress with capris and shorts this summer.
13. Elbow tattoo placement can be easily dressed up or dressed down.
Back-of-the-arm tattoos are the most subtle way to let everybody know that you are unique and different.
14. A spine placement coordinate tattoo goes with just about everything.
Want a way to show off your back? A spine placement coordinate tattoo is the way to go.
15. Your hips wont lie with a hip tattoo.
You can never go wrong with a hip coordinate tattoo. Your hips wont lie with this amazing design.