What You See First In This Visual Test Reveals What People Secretly Find Most Charming About You
You are infinitely more fascinating than you know.

Each of our personality traits shape shifts a bit in the way optical illusions do, appearing differently to various people when looked at from alternate perspectives. The image you see first in this visual test reveals which specific traits people secretly find most charming about you.
Someone with a charming personality is kind, friendly, funny, and irresistible. You'll know you're charming if people are constantly hitting on you, trying to be your friend, want to do business with you, or long to be in your presence.
Research conducted by Alexander Todorov, a professor of psychology at Princeton, found that people make judgements about likability, trustworthiness and competence with less than a tenth of a second after seeing someone's face for the first time. Similarly, you can quickly determine which of your personality traits people just can't get enough of by taking this simple test.
All you have to do is look at the picture below and make a mental note of the first image that catches your eye.
What you see first in this visual test reveals what people secretly find most charming about you.
After you take a quick look, scroll down to find out.
1. If you saw the old man's face first
If you saw the old man's face first, the personality trait people find most charming about you is your insight.
You are a generally deeply observant and open-minded person. You don't always advertise just how much you see and pick up, but if you did, no one would be surprised. You've got an air of Sherlock Holmes about you: taking in information and processing it with tremendous speed.
People love hanging around you to get your take on people, places, and situations. You're almost always known to cut right to the heart of the matter.
2. If you saw the woman with the broken umbrella first
If you saw the woman with the broken umbrella first, the personality trait people find most charming about you is your tremendous sense of humor.
Even when you're in the face of a disaster — be it something as minor as a broken umbrella or as major as a broken heart — you can't help but shine the light of your humor into the world and make it better. The brilliance of your humor is something that people can't ever get enough of. You light up a room. You're a very charming person. Know that.
Charming people embrace an essence of charm and a power of touch to a surprising degree. They speak with body language.
3. If you saw the woman with the working umbrella first
If you saw the woman with the working umbrella first, the personality trait people find most charming about you is your positive attitude.
It doesn't matter what's going on, you always find a way to see the bright side. Sometimes you worry that this might irritate people, but you're actually their biggest source of laughter.
Don't hold back your sunshine. If you have a positive take to share, go right ahead and do that.
4. If you saw the flowers first
If you saw the flowers first, the personality trait people find most charming about you is your old-school hosting abilities.
This means you are extemely good at making people feel at ease, decorating your home in lush fabrics, and providing snacks that taste just as good as they also look. You have a passion for entertaining, and people love to be your guests.
Visiting flea markets with you is always a delight, as you seem to magically find something just perfect every which way you look. Whether it's shaking hands or your sincerity of words, you maintain eye contact and make people feel important.
Rebecca Jane Stokes is an editor, freelance writer, former Senior Staff Writer for YourTango, and the former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek. Her bylines have appeared in Fatherly, Gizmodo, Yahoo Life, Jezebel, Apartment Therapy, Bustle, Cosmopolitan, SheKnows, and many others.