30 Stunning Love Quotes & Poems About Faith From David Alan Royster
When it comes to family, faith and love, David Alan Royster has got something beautiful to say.

For those of us who don’t have great relationships with their actual flesh-and-blood, or don’t have family at all, it’s the support system you find in other people that become your family.
Heck, your family can even just be one person. As long as you have someone you can fall back on when times get tough and be a cheerleader for when they need someone, too, then that’s all that matters. No matter who makes up your family unit, these are the people (or person) you look to as role models.
I think it’s important to never underestimate the feeling your family instills inside of you when they give you advice or just smile at you and say, “I’m really proud of you.” That warmness you feel in your stomach, the goosebumps you get when you see happy tears in their eyes, how that person smiles at you when they see you living your best life – THAT is what makes the world go ‘round. Well, that and love, right?
But whether you’re six years old, sixteen, or sixty, you’re probably still learning things and leaning on your family for support. And one of the biggest things your family can teach you is love; how to love and how to be loved.
Love isn’t easy. I mean, dealing with your first heartbreak is, well, heartbreaking, but with family by your side, it never really seems so bad, does it?
But your family isn’t just there to pass the tissues when you’re heartbroken and jump for joy with you when you tell them you’re getting married (and everything else in between) — your family can be who you look up to when you carve your own path of love in life.
Instagram poet David Alan Royster writes about exactly this. David grew up in Southern California, where his love of writing started when he was around three or four years old. He might not have gotten serious about writing until after he graduated college, but the interest was still there from the beginning. And with his mother being an English teacher, learning materials were easy to find, but so was a passion for words and reading.
Now, at age 26, David can say that writing is one of the biggest staples in his life, along with family and God. He always tries to attend to these three staples in his free time, but outside of that, David is a substitute teacher; a job where kids get to drive him crazy all day, which he absolutely loves.
As for those staples? In his words, he’s a “churchaholic family man with a penchant for storytelling.”
If that statement doesn’t sum up David Alan Royster, his poems certainly help. Based on a foundation of faith, family, and love, David’s poems have a way of touching your soul in the most straightforward way possible.
Love is good, God is great, and family will always have your back; what’s simpler than that?
But it’s not the simplicity that makes his words nestle deep into your soul and stay there; it’s the way he’s able to string together each word in thoughtful and interesting ways that makes his poetry unique and beautiful. And as is the case with so many raw, honest poets, writing became a way for David to unleash some of the volatile energy and sadness he felt after a rough break-up.
Since then, he’s written almost every day, giving his pen therapeutic abilities. And much like a raw, honest poet, David is pushing through his share of challenges – both tangible, like having a brother who is a quadriplegic, and within himself, like the doubt, fear, and frustration he feels as a writer; wanting to create something beautiful and relatable, but having trouble articulating all of the thoughts floating through his mind in a way that touches his readers.
“My favorite things about being a poet are the genuine connections that I get to make with readers from all over the world and the simple fun of writing. I’m in this game for the connections. Without that, if I can’t persuade someone to feel my words, I’m walking away.”
And as for inspiration? A lot of the poems he writes are inspired by his mother and the ones with a little bit of wisdom sprinkled in are all thanks his father and the Bible. David believes in writing from the gut; writing from the depths of his soul, as if writing is the only thing that matters. He writes about family and God and his parents. He writes that love for someone (or yourself) can never really replace your family or your support system, but you can always make the person you love feel like family.
He even writes about things that have happened in his life that have forever changed him: losing love, his brother’s accident, and even death. His words are complex, but straightforward. He makes it easy for his readers to tell what’s most important, but in a beautifully romantic way.
“I have cried enough tears to sink the ocean… It’s from where I stir up the passion to write about love like it’s the last thing I’ll ever do.”
David Alan Royster is working on releasing two books this year, as well as finish a movie script and, of course, continue to hone his writing skills. Until then, his debut book, What Is It?, is available on his website and you can find all of his poetry on his Instagram page.
1. To forgive means to love.
"Lasting love and forgiveness are two sides of the same page." — David Alan Royster
2. Listen to your gut, but don't let it lead you awry.
"Don't confuse feelings with facts and don't ignore facts when they come as feelings." — David Alan Royster
3. Love is realest when it's honest and raw.
"There's nothing more romantic than getting down in the dirt and plowing through the weeds, brambles, thickets, and dry land of life with someone just as willing by your side." — David Alan Royster
4. Be there for me when it's hard, not just when it's easy.
"If you can't hurt with me, don't flirt with me." — David Alan Royster
5. Don't forget where you came from.
"It's important to remember where you came from; it's the easiest way to locate where you are." — David Alan Royster
6. Trust that everything I do, I do for us.
"Trust. Above all, I ask for trust. You won't know every thought that crosses my mind, but just know that they're all for us." — David Alan Royster
7. The good things in life are part of a journey, not a destination.
"The best thing that's ever happened to me is still happening." — David Alan Royster
8. Love fiercely and fully.
"If your love is not as strong as a tidal wave, I will not be moved." — David Alan Royster
9. Trust that God is bringing you the things you need, when you need them.
"I have a habit of running from the things I've prayed for and then asking God to send them again." — David Alan Royster
10. Be my dream and my reality.
"I have you in one world, but I need you in two: the hands and the heart, just one won't do." — David Alan Royster
11. Once my love is awoken, it has a ferocity like a lion.
"My love rumbles like the sternum of a lion. Be mindful of the beast you stir up." — David Alan Royster
12. Your family can prepare you for almost anything — don't take it for granted.
"My father, soft as rainclouds, my mother, hard as hail, prepared me to take the world by storm." — David Alan Royster
13. You're too perfect to let go.
"Sometimes I feel like a kid wanting nothing more than to squeeze you tight and call you mine." — David Alan Royster
14. Give the love you want to receive.
"Give the love that you pray for; someone's been praying to have it." — David Alan Royster
15. Put your partner first and your relationship will last a long time.
"'You first.' The only way love works." — David Alan Royster
16. Look for a love that your children can hope for, too.
"I don't understand how in my parents' age, it was 'til death do us part, and in mine it's 'til cheating do us part, 'til lying do us part, 'til chemistry do us part, 'til disagreements do us part, 'til boredom do us part, 'til cowardice do us part. I just want what my parents have, that part." — David Alan Royster
17. Look for the women who already know they're queens.
"They are different now than they were. My mother never had to say she was a queen to be one. I instinctively knew. So it makes sense now that I am sorely confused by the women who try to convince me with words." — David Alan Royster
18. Love is hard, but it takes a lot of ups and downs to make it last.
"I'm fine with the ups and downs in our story as long as the theme is love." — David Alan Royster
19. You feel like the entire world to me.
"And somewhere in my time with you, the crickets emerged as birds and the blackened hills found their hue. My eyes fell on you; I didn't watch the sun move, but I felt the world turn all night." — David Alan Royster
20. When my heart goes after something it wants, all logic goes out the window.
"My heart must be bigger than my brain – blocking it out of all my decisions, so that I cannot think past the way I feel." — David Alan Royster
21. The love between us is like a beautiful song.
"I was a poem, she was a melody, songs emerged between us." — David Alan Royster
22. Let's get drunk on love.
"Crack me open and get drunk on the contents of my spirit. Warning: consuming too much may have permanent effects." — David Alan Royster
23. Your beauty is endless.
"I'd tell you how beautiful you look today, but there's not enough time before sunset to tell how you set fire to a sundress; my mouth is overflowing from yesterday." — David Alan Royster
24. It might hurt, but it doesn't mean you're any less whole.
"Provided that he only broke you into pieces, you still have it all, like a pizza in slices, every. bite, delicious. You may not feel whole, but you are no less because of a feeling." — David Alan Royster
25. Work hard for the things you care about most in life.
"Everything in life I've worked hard for; what makes you think I'd do you different?" — David Alan Royster
26. You're my home.
"I'm only ever in two places – with you or on the way." — David Alan Royster
27. Take a little bit of home with you wherever life takes you and you'll always be happy.
"Only snails know there is no rush when you learn to carry home with you." — David Alan Royster
28. Don't let a casual culture make you forget what kind of love you want.
"It's amazing what passes for love these days – crows parading as blue jays." — David Alan Royster
29. A strong woman will bring strength to love.
"I've forever wanted a woman who loves like a soldier and fights like a poet. Always with unfailing faithfulness, always for the yearning in her heart." — David Alan Royster
30. Serve your partner and you'll always know what love looks like.
"Women should serve men. Men should serve women. Any house of peace is full of servants." — David Alan Royster
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Emily Ratay is a full-time writer living in Pittsburgh. She's passionate about the environment and feminism, and knows that anything is possible in the right pair of shoes. She plans on writing a non-fiction book in the future.