9 Famous YouTube Celebrity Astrologers That You'll Want To Follow For Zodiac News
These astrologers know their stuff!

Ever read your horoscope? Do you know your zodiac sign?
Have you ever asked someone what their zodiac sign was or wondered if the two of you were compatible, astrologically speaking, when things clicked or didn't work out?
Nowadays, astrology is popular with Millennials, but believe it or not it's been popular long before now.
Even people who don’t necessarily believe in astrology still identify with their zodiac sign or birth chart. Back in the 1970s, people would meet a stranger and ask what their zodiac sign was, and some even wore necklaces with charms that had their Sun sign's symbol on it.
Today we have modern astrologers that make the science of astrology easier to understand for people on the internet. Like early astrologers, many modern astrologers study the planets and how each planet creates energy that impacts how people behave.
Both ancient and modern day astrologers follow a lunar cycle when they waited for the Sun to return to its original position. It started being used to predict seasonal changes or celestial events.
As such they used it to predict other events such as war or natural disasters. In royal everyday life, leaders used it to make their decisions too.
Here's a bit of back history related to astrology and its development. For a long time, astrology was considered a science due to the fact philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle highly regarded it.
People believe it was developed in ancient Egypt and later used by the Babylonians. After the Babylonians got ahold of the teachings, it spread to Greek culture. From then on, the Romans also adopted it and renamed each sign, those names still being in use today.
Even though lots of people argue about whether or not astrology is real, the accuracy is a bit compelling.
From celestial events, like eclipses and figuring out what someone's zodiac sign is so you can get to know them better, lots of people are turning to astrology via the internet because they want to explore what it teaches.
If you're looking for reliable and super accurate astrologers to follow who understand the history and science of lunar patterns, we've gathered up the top 9 YouTube famous celebrity astrologers out there on the internet.
"Astrolada" is a Bulgarian astrologer whose full name is Lada Duncheva. She is a self-proclaimed “hectic” who’s always busy with new ideas, activities, and projects.
The inspiration for her astrology career and website, much like my own writing, comes from her cultural background as well as her observations of it. In Bulgaria, she noticed that there was a mix of mystical phenomenons, archaic folkloric tradition, and ancient lore which led her to start reading the ancient esoteric Christian readings of Master Beinsa Douno.
She says that literally one day an astrology book fell on her head when she realized it interested her. Once she started studying, it was her boyfriend, an Aquarius, who pushed her to pursue her passion, and the rest is history... or better yet, her story.
She went on to study at the London School of Astrology under Sue Tompkins and Frank Clifford. and she practices Hellenistic, Babylonian, Medieval, and Vedic astrology— just to name a few branches of this science.
Her website is easily accessible, featuring a calendar, readings, reports and horoscopes, courses or webinars as well as personal services for options. She airs on YouTube live rarely, but she has a video on love, relationships, dating and whatever else a person needs to learn about their own zodiac sign or astrology.
Alyssa Trahan is a Libra who became YouTube famous when she started a series of videos called, "What I Hate About Your Zodiac Sign" and "Why I Would Never Date..." that zodiac sign. It gained global attention and now, she's literally one of the most famous astrologers on YouTube out there passing one of her mentors, (who is also on this list).
Alyssa is more entertainment/social media savvy as she has a personal website, an official YouTube account as well as a verified Facebook account. She does consultations, and it looks as though she will soon be hosting seminars for those who want to dive in deeper into astrology. These are for her writing, acting, and, of course, astrology endeavors, as she also is mother and wife. She's a busy lady indeed!
Her personal astrology website, which is beautiful and organized, has reading categories that include: lifestyle, love/sex, family, astrology, career/purpose, beauty/fashion, mind/body.
Below that, are easily visible links to articles featured on her site. What’s special about this site is that she offers you the option to get an interpretation of yourself based on your actual day of birth.
Kapiel Raaj used to study western astrology until he decided to change his focus on Vedic astrology. Although he emphatically states that he is NOT an astrologer but a truth seeker, many of his followers would swear he's the real deal when it comes to a practicing astrologer.
He has a book that he wrote and he often promotes in the middle of his YouTube videos, but you won't feel slighted at all. His videos are spot on and full of information that will fill your need for more intense understanding of astrology.
On this astrologer’s website, you can find services related to Hindu/ Vedic astrology. This website was intentionally created to not include overdone readings or articles. Therefore, he doesn’t include the typical weekly, monthly, and yearly horoscopes that he knows people expect when they think of astrology.
He had the mindset of providing a solution to a problem he saw with the spread of astrology, it being that astrological writing tends to be general and doesn’t get to the core of the matter.
For him, it’s important to write mostly about houses, signs, planets, and degrees because he knows most astrology fans want more knowledge about it but no astrologer explains the topics.
Nicole Huntsman is a Libra who began studying astrology and since then she has helped thousands of people from celebrities to every day individuals on their relationships, compatibility and more.
Her YouTube videos give detailed information on zodiac sign compatibility. She covers all zodiac sign relationship combinations and other topics related to astrology.
The first thing you notice about her website, Modern Cosmic is its minimalistic style and its pricey services. However, Nichole Huntsman, its creator, also has testimonials/reviews by previous customers that back up her prices.
She has links that take you to articles that inform you on anything you need to learn about astrology as a newcomer. If you’re more visual or auditory, she has videos and podcasts as alternative options to the typical astrology article.
If you’re looking for a more immersive experience, you can go to one of her workshops and their information can also be reached through the link.
Joanna Martine Woolfolk is a Libra and an astrologer whose work is featured in Howcast’s short how-to video and article, Zodiac Love Guide. These are a series of videos and each is focused on a different zodiac sign but they are all part of the above article.
Unfortunately, since publishing those Howcast YouTube videos and publishing her book, The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need, she’s passed away.
As such, researching her personal information is a little bit harder since most of her work is based upon her contributions on astrology. However, she has also published a series of twelve books focused on the Sun signs that's available through Amazon.
This is a popular astrologer who was inspired to make a positive change in the world at a young age. Motivated by the fact that physical life has an end, she began learning about astrology, numerology, metaphysics, and tarot in her teens.
At sixteen years old, on the recommendation of a friend, she attended her first astrology workshop hosted by a local community college. Two years later, she had her first professional reading and resolved to learn as much information as she could to become a professional astrologer herself.
This is an astrologer who’s always accepted that astrology is different for everyone because it’s so vast and there’s an element of freewill in everyone’s life that affects their destiny.
Sonny Rosatti is the astrologer behind this website. Just like the name of his website suggests, it’s got a friendly warmth to it. It may not be ranking high in aesthetics, but all of its information is easily accessible.
He offers a full astrology reading and a tarot reading as well. Supplementing those reading options are Monday morning and weekend horoscope videos.
Deborah began studying astrology as a child, and she has now launched a course to help others learn applied astrology. Every day she has a new YouTube video with a horoscope forecast that's fun and easy to listen to. What's most popular on her YouTube channel are videos where she acts out each zodiac sign.
Astrology Answers is more of an official astrology website rather than a personal astrologer website. It’s a colorful yet simplistically organized website. The first option presented to you is to read your daily horoscope based on your sun sign.
At the top, they give you the usual options to learn about horoscopes, zodiac signs, and tarot to name a few subjects in astrology. If you scroll down, they also show you some of their featured articles which is, of course, an essential part of any website.
Kerry McCullam is an intuitive, astrologer, and tarot card reader. Her YouTube channel has grown in popularity since she began going online. Hers is one of the cutest astrology blogs because of the name and the layout.
What sets her apart is that she also lists clairvoyance as a personal skill. As for her approach, she says she likes to make her clients feel like they’re just being read by an old friend.
Another detail that sets her apart is that she lists specific times in her schedule that she can be reached. She seems to have a light an airy energy that would connect well with seasoned astrology students and those who are just trying to understand how to make sense of zodiac signs and horoscopes while learning the ropes.