How To Kiss Each Zodiac Sign So You'll Be Their Last First Kiss, Per Astrology

Want to be the best kisser they have ever had? Here's how it's done right!

couple kissing Jacob Lund / Shutterstock

You may not be someone's first kiss, but if you really love someone you want to be their last first kiss. 

Kissing can be a nerve-wracking experience for a lot of people. The first kiss in your life is the most important, and the following first kisses with each new partner need to be even better than the last. How can you be their best kiss ever

Fortunately, astrology can teach you how to kiss each zodiac sign, so you're prepared to smooch, no matter their star sign!

Every zodiac sign has their own unique way of kissing, from soft pecks to an open French kiss. Some signs are passionate, while others approach intimacy in a methodical or mechanical way.

A few zodiac signs like kisses that are wet (that's you, Water signs) and others, like Earth signs, prefer a dry peck. Some want to hear words while being kissed, like Gemini, while others like to be playful, like Aries.

Every zodiac sign in astrology has their idea of a perfect kiss. And knowing what drives them wild comes in handy when you want to master their unique kissing style.

We've ranked the zodiac signs who love to be kissed most, to those who may be more shy kissers.

Here's how to kiss each zodiac sign.

Scroll down to find out how each zodiac sign likes to be kissed, and how you should kiss the one you want, depending on Sun sign compatibility, using astrology. 


Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): The Pokers

how to kiss a Scorpio

How could the most sexual/sensual sign of the zodiac not top this list? Scorpios are full of passion and sexual energy. Scorpios, being the most venomous and sexual sign of the zodiac, are penetrators.

How to kiss a Scorpio: If they can't do it with their stingers or their... other stingers, they'll just use their tongues. Literally, they will penetrate your throat with their tongue. Make sure not to bite down on their tongues when it happens. 


RELATED: Scorpio Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Gentlemen/Lady Kissers

how to kiss a Virgo

How can the Zodiac’s “eternal” virgins come right after the sex gods/goddesses? It's a bit shocking, of course, but with good reason.

Simply put, their precision and extensive practice on pillows in their more innocent years help them land this spot.


How to kiss a Virgo: Virgo's preferred kissing style is a sweet kiss on the hand when you're driving or watching a movie.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22): Hand On Hair Kissers

how to kiss a Leo

The kings and queens of the Zodiac are probably not happy to be third on this list after the sex goddess/gods, especially after the prudish Virgo. Unfortunately, Leo's passion doesn’t compete with Virgo’s technique and precision.


How to kiss a Leo: Leos are passionate kissers who will make sure to brush your hair away and look into your eyes first. Otherwise, they'll wrap their arm around your neck and pull you in to give you a good kiss on your cheekbone. You can make it enjoyable for them if you have an expensive scent in your hair or neck.

RELATED: Leo Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Neck Kissers

how to kiss a Taurus


This sign being in the top five best kissers isn’t so surprising. Taurus is a sensual sign, but in a different way than Scorpio.

Scorpio is driven by a desire to fulfill their physical and emotional needs; Taureans are driven precisely by the need to use senses. To feel their partner’s plump lips (if they are plump), smell their enticing scent, touch their soft skin and take you in.

How to kiss a Taurus: They have to go for the neck to get the feel of your skin and scent at the same time.

RELATED: What Taurus Is Like In Relationships

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Forehead Kissers

how to kiss a Gemini


Gemini takes the fifth spot of the top five best kissers.

How to kiss a Gemini: Gemini, being a cerebral sign, will go for the forehead. It's a great way to feel connected between the two of you. Plus, getting to look closely into expressive eyes after the kiss is a bonus. It makes you come alive. 

RELATED: 8 Reasons Gemini Women Are The Best Women To Love

Aries (March 21 - April 19): The Biters

how to kiss an Aries


Aries bring the fire into your kisses. You’re probably always trying to be a better kisser with each new set of lips to beat out Scorpios, and it works... sometimes.

How to kiss an Aries: Quite the physical person, they make kissing a full-body experience. They might start pressing both of your lips, add in a little tongue, and finish with a bite. Feel free to be a little aggressive yourself.

RELATED: 13 Brutal Truths About Loving An Aries (As Written By One)

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Tongue Tracers

how to kiss a Sagittarius


With kissing, Sagittarius definitely doesn’t hold horses. They bring the fiery physical aspect of kissing to another level. 

How to kiss a Sagittarius: This is all fun and games. It’s not about soul-sucking through someone’s throat. They like to use their lips to trace your skin and they'll go beyond your mouth, too.

RELATED: Sagittarius Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Long Liplocks

how to kiss a Cancer


With Cancer, people can feel this sign's emotions through them, which isn’t always the case with the more sensuous or fiery signs.

How to kiss a Cancer: Cancers won’t kiss wildly. They’re tender-hearted kissers who build tension up slowly. If Cancer is a little more daring, they might work themselves up to holding you against something, like an elevator wall.

RELATED: The Best And Worst Cancer Personality Traits

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): The Peckers

how to kiss a Pisces


Pisces kiss in an extremely gentle way. Unafraid to sink into their emotions, they get lost in them.

How to kiss a Pisces: At first, their go-to move might be a single lip kiss that leaves you feeling connected and wanting for more. But their kisses are a refreshing experience for both partners.

RELATED: The Best & Worst Pisces Personality Traits

Libra (September 23 - October 22): Flutter-Kissers

how to kiss a Libra


Despite their reputation for being highly erotic, Libras are shy kissers. They like to go for the butterfly kisses where your eyelashes touch together.

How to kiss a Libra: Libra kisses soft and light. They give the kind of kisses that leave you feeling fuzzy afterward. 

RELATED: Libra Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Skin-Nibblers

how to kiss a Capricorn


Capricorns are a little more classy in their kissing. Yet, they're also go-getters.

How to kiss a Capricorn: They may just bite you like an Aries, but they do it more softly. They'll try not to kiss you where it might be uncomfortable for you, as long as you let them know.

RELATED: Capricorn Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Angelic Kissers

How to kiss an Aquarius


Aquarius may not be happy to come in last on this list. But these visionaries have a very unique kissing style.

How to kiss an Aquarius: They show their mental connection by kissing you on the eyelid. This is more common with spouses, or with parents and their children. Still, it shows a strong mental connection.

RELATED: The Truth About Aquarius Women (As Written By One)


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Camila Isopo Novi is a fiction writer/journalist who loves small humans, validation through the form of likes or comments on her writing, and biting remarks.
