The 7 Moodiest Zodiac Signs In Astrology
The moodiest zodiac signs go through all their emotions in one day.

All of us are moody in some way. We wish we could control our emotions, but our brain says otherwise. Moods come and go, and sometimes are so transitory that they barely register.
But for the moodiest zodiac sign, they feel their emotions with high intensity.
And not only will astrology reflect that, but their relationships might suffer as a result.
Our moods can affect how we physically feel. When you’re feeling angry, your blood pressure may raise. If you’re feeling great, it can influence your mood to be happier.
However, trying to not feel isn’t a good plan of action. If you continually stomp down your feelings and your moods, faking happiness, it can affect your body in unhealthy ways, putting too much stress on yourself.
You just have to feel your emotions and ride them out. It would be great if we were happy 100 percent of the time, but most of us aren’t.
It’s good to go through a sad or cranky mood to get to the other side. Because if you had no idea what it was like to feel unhappy, how would you be able to appreciate happiness when you felt that?
Here are the 7 moodiest zodiac signs in all of astrology — and what makes them react this way.
1. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Ask anyone who is the moodiest zodiac sign, and they'll say Cancer. Why are Cancers so moody? It's because they just feel everything deeply.
A Cancer who is in a good mood will shower those they care about with love, but a Cancer in a bad mood will lash out or will go off by themselves so they don't hurt anybody else with their negativity.
The good thing is that this zodiac sign is comfortable with their moods and expressing their emotions. They're also good at handling other people's mood swings.
Cancers are by far the moodiest zodiac sign.
2. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Why are Pisces so moody? It's because Pisces can be overly sensitive, which can alter their mood in a flash. Some say this makes them the dumbest of all zodiac signs, mainly because their emotions often blind them to the truth; they try to feel everything so hard that they often forget to stick to the facts.
The littlest things can set them off and send them directly into a spiral of sadness. It doesn't even matter how large or small the issue is — it can instantly change their mood.
Pisces don't do conflict well and are more likely to internalize a problem or concern than deal with it directly. They hate feeling helpless!
Luckily, Pisces are usually able to work through their mood shifts and use them as inspiration for their creative endeavors. What may be a foul mood to you is an opportunity of expression for Pisces.
3. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpios are known to be the angriest zodiac sign, but why are Scorpios so moody. Like Cancer and Pisces, Scorpio is a water sign who feel things passionately, and their moods reflect that intensity.
One thing that's true about a Scorpio is that they can't hide it when they're in a bad mood — it's written all over their face.
Since they like to feel intensely, it's not unlike them to listen to sad songs when they're in a sad mood, or do a boxing workout when they're feeling angry.
Scorpios want their moods to propel them into action, whether it's revenge for someone who hurt them or being there when someone they love needs them.
4. Aries (March 21 - April 19)
The Ram isn't going to keep their feelings or their moods to themselves! And if they're mad at you, expect an earful.
But why are Aries so moody? It has a lot to do with their attitude. Because in addition to being mad, they'll be determined to beat you in some kind of competition just to show you how superior they are.
Aries know they can be a handful, so they're not above apologizing to everyone after they've been unkind with their words.
However intense Aries' moods might be, they don't last for that long. They will go from feeling as if their life sucks, to feeling as if there isn't anything they can't do.
These fire signs are moody people and also tend to have mood swings, which they quickly bounce back from.
5. Libra (September 23 - October 22)
It's standard protocol for Libra to ask if their friend or family member is mad at them. The answer is usually no. Libras fear that they've unknowingly upset someone, and that fear will eat away at them and affect their mood.
But why are Libras so moody? Libras don't want to be moody, they just feel everything — and that includes things that have nothing to do with them.
They place a lot of the burden of other people's feelings on themselves, and that's an especially heavy load. And no, Libra, they're not angry with you; in fact, their mood probably has very little to do with you.
6. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Why are Geminis so moody? Well, Geminis don't want to bring other people down with their moods, but, unfortunately, they seem powerless to hide them.
Whenever anyone asks Gemini if they're in a bad mood, they will usually respond that they're fine and give a bunch of reasons as evidence to back it up; unfortunately, their "reasons" prove why they're in a terrible mood.
Geminis also tend to go on social media and rant until their mood has passed. When they go back later and read what they wrote, they will feel exposed and a little embarrassed.
They would probably do better just admitting feeling the way they feel, rather than trying to make it seem like they are always happy. Luckily, though they have bad tempers, they're not ones to hold grudges for a long time.
7. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
If Virgo doesn't have their way all the time, they start to spiral and become mean. It would be an understatement to call Virgos control freaks — they're more like control tyrants.
But why are Virgos so moody, in addition to being possessive? Virgo gets moody when they don't get what they want, exactly how they want it. This is why Virgos are such great party planners, because they like to be in control of everything.
If Virgo says, "I need alone time," trust it. You don't want to deal with this zodiac sign seconds before they're about to blow a fuse.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and astrology lover. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, and Woman's Day. Visit her website or and her Instagram.