8 Sex Tips For Women Who Want To Have Great Orgasms Again (And Again)
Do it right. *wink wink*

You know that old saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks?”
Well, we found eight women, all over the age of 40, who decided to flash some serious side-eye to that sentiment by trying some new things that transformed their lives forever, and they were generous enough to share their favorite sex tips so you can check them out for yourself and start having great sex again, too!
Here are their suggestions, so get ready to take notes!
1. Get tantric.
Tantric sex is not all about having sex for hours on end, as rock star Sting once boasted. It actually includes realistic practices that can help sex last longer.
“My boyfriend and I learned the tantric ‘Breath of Fire’ in which he breathes very fast through his nose to delay his climax. To feel more sensation during the Big O, we growled like tigers to tap into our primal nature. Sounds silly, but it totally worked!” explains Caroline, 51.
2. Take sexy selfies... for yourself!
For Lisa, 46, taking sexy photos of (and for!) herself gave her a whole new sense of self… and sexiness!
“I gained a lot of weight and my self-confidence was down. So I started taking photos of myself for fun. With my digital camera, I was able to control the angle, the lighting, and use a filter — and I liked what I saw. It gave me my confidence back. I don’t apologize for my size anymore and I feel more confidence in life and the bedroom,” she says.
3. Embrace your inner goddess with Buti yoga.
If you want to feel like a warrior princess, a goddess, and a sex kitten all in one hour, then try Buti yoga. That’s how Carrie, 47, describes this unique yoga practice that combines shakti (the female principle of divine energy) awakening power yoga, primal movements, and tribal dance with a bit of twerking, belly dancing, and exotic dance moves.
“When I get out of [a] class, I want to have sex. I feel sexy, strong, powerful and very fired up. It awakens the goddess in me!” she says.
4. Take a burlesque class.
Burlesque, which is essentially a form of striptease dating back to at least the 1800's, helps women learn how to tease and seduce in a classy way using vaudeville-style props and cheekiness (pun intended!).
“My friend told me it was very empowering, so I gave it a shot. I would practice my routine for my boyfriend after class and we both loved it. I would never dance for a guy like that before, but this class was a real confidence-builder and it spiced up the relationship big time,” says Janie, 47.
5. Book a boudoir photo shoot.
Why should models have all the fun? Lots of photo studios offer Pinup Girl and Boudoir photo shoots to help women tap into their inner pinup model or vixen.
”It brought back the va-va-voom in me! I gave a book of my pinup photos to my boyfriend as a gift and it reminded us of our desire for each other. I felt sexier and when you feel sexy, the sex is better!” says Shari, 54.
6. Sext your partner.
A recent study reported that 88 percent of adults have sexted and 96 percent of those endorse it. Have you? Sending sexy photos and/or messages is a great way to add some spice into any relationship. Just ask Alexa, 47.
“I’ll sext my boyfriend all day and by the time I get home, we’re just ready for each other. When you’re flirting all day, you feel [more aroused] at night. It’s also a great way to ask for what you want sexually without having the awkward conversation in person,” she says.
7. Smoke some weed.
Guess what? Cannabis is now considered to be an aphrodisiac. Many sativa strains are blended specifically to increase the libido.
“I smoked for the first time in about 20 years and it opened doors for me sexually. I had an absolute sexual awakening with weed. It helped me let go of insecurities and made me feel more free. I walk around naked now and I’m crazier in bed. And, that feeling has stayed with me even when I’m not smoking weed,” says Jennifer, 49.
8. Read erotica.
If reading is to the mind what exercise is the to the body, then reading erotica is to the female libido what Viagra is for men with erectile dysfunction!
“I didn’t realize how not in touch with my sexuality I was until I started reading erotica late one night. It woke me up, and taught me a lot. I learned to use my voice in bed, which was a liberating lesson for me and made it hot for my lover,” says Kate, 49.
With her provocative writing style and penchant for in-depth research, Carrie Borzillo has earned renown and respect over her 20 years as a music and entertainment journalist. She has also written about sex advice columns for Gene Simmons’ Tongue Magazine, SuicideGirls, and THC Expose Magazine, and has appeared as a sexpert on national shows such as “Loveline” with Dr. Drew, Playboy Radio, and others.
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