What It Really Means When You Dream About Your Teeth Falling Out
It may border on a nightmare, but its message is important.

If you’re anything like me, you rarely remember your dreams. Not remembering your dream when you wake up doesn't mean you didn't have one, it just means the dream wasn't important enough to remain in your memory.
It seems like the dreams we remember the most are the ones we just don't know how to explain. For example, a dream about teeth falling out.
What does it mean if you dream about your teeth falling out?
It's believed that each dream has a deeper meaning, and losing your teeth in a dream can reveal something about your emotional, physical, or mental health. Some also believe that dreams about losing teeth serve as warnings or give you insight into deep, internal issues.
Although dreams about losing teeth differ for every individual, this is one dream we all seem to have had.
The "losing teeth dream" is the one where a few or all of your teeth begin to fall straight out of your mouth. This dream causes us to wake up in a cold sweat and rush to the restroom to make sure our pearly whites are safe.
This dream is so strange, yet so common. But what does it mean? Why is this dream so common? There are so many different interpretations, and it causes difficulty when we try to choose which one we think fits us best.
Does dreaming of losing teeth mean death?
When you take this dream at face value, it's about loss. That's why dreams about losing teeth have often been linked to death in many cultural interpretations.
However, loss can have many other meanings (loss of jobs, relationships, opportunities), and it isn't likely that your tooth loss dream is representing a literal death in your life.
What does it mean when you dream about your teeth falling out and crumbling?
Dreaming that your teeth are crumbling is a common anxiety dream. It could point to feelings of a loss of control in one or more areas of your life, or how things are "crumbling" metaphorically in situations.
What does it mean when you dream your teeth are falling out spiritually?
There isn't just one spiritual meaning of a dream about teeth falling out. This anxiety-provoking dream could be indicating feelings of loss, a yearning for a sense of direction, or insecurities that currently plague you.
Does dreaming about teeth falling out mean you're pregnant?
Pregnant people often dream about their teeth falling out. In the context of pregnancy, this dream could be highlighting different fears or difficult feelings. But just because you have a dream about your teeth falling out, that doesn't mean you're necessarily pregnant.
Interpretations for dreams about your teeth falling out:
1. Fear
One popular interpretation of losing teeth in a dream is that it symbolizes a feeling of loss and insecurity in your life. You have either lost something abruptly like a job or a relationship, or you fear that you will lose something important to you soon.
This interpretation is not a bad one, and while some may be able to relate to it, this isn't the case for everyone.
2. Illness
Another interpretation is that it symbolizes someone in your family being ill.
While this sounds like there would be no correlation to your teeth falling out, when people’s loved ones are sick or even nearing the end of their life, their dreams may start to reflect these issues.
There are a lot of other ways that this dream is interpretated, but what are you supposed to do when you don’t feel like any of them apply to your life? The best thing to do is to start asking yourself questions and making observations about the current state of your mental health, as well as the things going on around you.
3. Loss of control
Are you sure that deep down you aren't worried about abruptly losing your job because of circumstances out of your control? Are you sure that you aren't feeling some type of insecurity about some aspect of your life?
If you can’t think of anything that would cause a light bulb to go off in your head, this may make you wonder if you can relate to these interpretations. Your next best option is to think about whether anything is going on with your teeth in real life to cause you to subconsciously worry about them.
4. Worry
Has one tooth been as loose as it was when it was time for your baby teeth to come out? Do you have a dentist appointment soon that sends a chill through your spine?
These may be factors that are worrying you in the real world and are impacting you in the dream world. Another important question to ask yourself: “How much value do I place on teeth?”
5. Self-worth
Some people think teeth are the most important part of someone else’s face or their own face. Others don't look at teeth at all, and feel like other features like eyes or noses are much more important.
A dream about teeth falling out can indicate that you're slowly improving your own self-esteem in one or more areas of life.
6. Death
This dream can feel so terrifying because losing your teeth would be a huge loss. Based on how much you value your teeth, this dream can have a negative connotation. Some people hate their teeth and would see this dream as positive because they are losing the part about themselves they dislike the most.
7. Spiritual growth
While nobody wants to be completely toothless, they may see it as an opportunity to let something go, and allow another idea or opportunity to grow in its place.
Depending on the way in which you lose your teeth in a dream, here are the possible meanings of each:
1. Teeth crumbling
If your teeth crumble in your dream, you might want to turn your attention to an area of your life where you feel powerless. Or, for a more literal interpretation, consider how things might be "falling apart" in your waking life.
2. Teeth falling out all at once
Interpretations of teeth-related dreams often suggest a connection to communication. If you dream that your teeth fall out all at once, think about conversations you had in the days leading up to the nightmare. Maybe you let something slip that you shouldn't have.
This kind of dramatic tooth loss in a dream can also signify death or a loss of any kind.
3. Teeth falling out one by one
Are you the world's worst secret keeper? If you have a repeated habit of leaking information, it might manifest in your dreams as tooth loss that happens one by one.
4. All but two teeth falling out
When you dream about losing all but two teeth, it could mean you left something unsaid. Did you hold back in an argument or important conversation? Did you bite your tongue at a really critical moment?
If you've been holding something in, it might be weighing on your subconscious.
5. Teeth splitting apart
A dream about your teeth splitting apart could indicate weakness in an area of your life you've been neglecting. Use this dream as your guide for self-care.
6. Pieces chipping off teeth
A chipped tooth in a dream could point to small insecurities, but it may also mean you feel misunderstood. Was there a recent conversation where you didn't say all that you needed to? Or, did you say something the wrong way? Revisit instances of communication that feel unfinished.
7. Growing new teeth
We get new teeth at different life stages. Our adult teeth came in during childhood, and adulthood greeted us with wisdom teeth. If you dream about growing new teeth, you might be entering another transitional period in your life. Take it as a sign of exciting growth or a new beginning!
8. Crooked teeth
If you constantly feel like something is "off" in your life, it might show up in your subconscious as a dream about having crooked teeth. Crooked teeth in a dream could also point to insecurities or a lack of confidence.
9. Rotting teeth
Rotting teeth in a dream could mean you're wrestling with insecurities about your appearance, health concerns, or a fear of aging.
Do you have a major milestone birthday coming up? Did you recently have a health scare? Or, are you dissatisfied with some aspect of your physical appearance? Consider what might be bothering you.
10. Teeth moving back into gums
We've all said things we wish we hadn't, and sometimes the shame from those slip-ups haunts us in our dreams. If you have a dream where your teeth are receding back into your gums, it might be because you've been wanting to take back something you said.
11. Loose teeth
Have you been harboring a secret? Are you scared to ask for what you really want? Are you holding something in that you need to say? Or, are you afraid of losing something or someone in your life? Consider the ways communication and fear of loss might be troubling you.
12. Teeth falling out while kissing someone
If you've recently started dating someone, having a dream where your teeth fall out while kissing them isn't all that bizarre. It could mean that you're feeling vulnerable and nervous about being with someone new.
Dream interpretation is all up to the individual, especially when it comes to a dental dream about tooth loss.
Because we all have our individual lives and go through different experiences, it's nearly impossible for the dream to have the same meaning for all of us. A lot of us have this dream, but it doesn't have one universal meaning. We must look deep into ourselves to figure out its true intention.
Sarah Jones-Smith is a writer who covers astrology, spirituality, love and relationship topics.