The Newest Dating App Helps Nerds Find The Love Of Their Life
You don't have to wander the galaxy to find love.

Are you a geek? Do you love all things nerdy and fandom-worthy? Well, then we have got an app for you that is a game changer.
It seems that dating apps are ruling our social world. So many people are swiping left and right trying to find a soulmate or maybe just a fun distraction.
With Tinder being the first app that really took off, many other dating apps have followed suit. And with the passing years, the apps have become more and more advanced. There have been updates making it easier to converse and find deeper connections.
Connections aren't always the main point of function for the apps. But having similar interests is always a great way to start up some flirty convos. I mean, there seems to be very specific dating app for everyone these days, from Christians to farmers.
But now, the nerdiest of the nerds can rejoice because there is finally an app for our people! This is just as big as the new Star Wars movie and it's called Cuddli.
What is the Cuddli dating app? Cuddli is an app just for geeks. Some Android users may be a little more familiar with the app. But for the rest of us, this is as good as Comic-Con being in your hometown.
Geek or nerd is just a fancy word for passionate. There is a large group of the population that absolutely love to be enthralled by a pop culture phenomenon. Whatever your passion in the geek realm may be, it is special to you.
Maybe the stories were relatable. Maybe the stories were inspiring. Whatever it may be that motivated you, getting involved and being a part of a community that understands that passion is amazing.
Just like with other apps, you are able to put your own specific interests and what you would find important in life. Cuddli has that same sort of basis. Except for those interests and similarities, you might list something more along the lines of the Marvel comic kind.
You are able to have a mini conversation with a person without even talking. As soon as you see their profile, you see what they are passionate about specifically. That jump-starts communication right away if the two of you are similar. And if not, you just swipe. No harm, no foul.
If you are not a fan of these apps because they may seem a bit *ahem* creepy, do not fear! Cuddli eliminates the awkward cringe factor.
When someone goes to add you, you disappear until you accept them back. If you don't accept them, you are in the clear anyway. Sorry, creepers, this just isn't the app for you.
The other great part of this app is that if you do make a love connection, you can switch to "couples" mode. You essentially become monogamous in the app and are not able to message other people. But this way, as a couple on- and off-online, you are able to keep that romantic message history on Cuddli.
So if you are ready and willing to make some love or even friendship connections with just the click of a button, then saddle up! Download Cuddli and let the passionate nerdiness in you combine with the passionate geekiness of someone else.
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Molly Given is a writer and lover of all things to do with mystery and magic in life. When she's not writing her fingers off she can be found planning her next adventure in a new part of the world.