Which Book You Should Read Next, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Do you love getting lost in a good book?

What book do you like to read? Some zodiac signs are naturally drawn to reading, and they even read books about astrology or any topic under the sun. To these horoscope signs, reading is an adventure.
If you want to fall in love but aren't ready to make a commitment, you can safely explore all your heart can handle in a romance novel. If you love a good scare, a horror novel is just a library card away. You can read a book again and again and see something you never saw before.
Selecting a book has a lot to do with your personality. Like zodiac signs, each person has their own taste and interests in reading material. A Scorpio may like a mystery since the right author will help to reveal parts of themselves while reading a plot. A Libra may love a good chic lit book because it reminds her of her friendships and the people she loves.
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If you love to read and love astrology, you'll appreciate how books allow us to escape from reality and get lost in someone else’s story. It’s no wonder a good book can be addicting!
Sometimes all you need is to spend an entire day in your favorite chair by the window snuggled up in a warm, fuzzy blanket, maybe a bowl of fruit in hand, with a book good enough to force you to read it all at once. Set yourself free from whatever you’re worried about at work, right? Maybe fall asleep during chapter 8 and wake up from your surprise nap refreshed and ready to continue reading into the evening.
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I don’t know about you but that sounds like the perfect Sunday for me, after brunch, obviously. But sometimes it’s difficult to find the right book to read, am I right? Sure, you can ask around on Facebook, but I swear the only people who post a book on your status are those you hardly talk to so you don’t exactly trust their opinions.
When your best friend gives you a book recommendation she literally hands you the book so you’ve read them already and need some new input. That’s where I come in. Well, mostly your zodiac sign, but I’m here to help.
Each zodiac sign has specific characteristics that make you who you are. Your sign also determines your interests, dislikes, and more so I’ve chosen a great book to read for every zodiac sign based on these characteristics.
If you’re looking for the next good book to obsess over, check your zodiac sign and look no further — I’ve found the perfect book for you based on astrology. Here’s the book you should pick up next based on your astrological zodiac sign!
ARIES (March 21 - April 19)
Title: Underground Airlines by Ben H. Winter
Aries is a strong fire sign that loves a good challenge, and Underground Airlines is perfect if you want to read about both physical and personal challenges being overcome by the main character.
Underground Airlines is a theoretical fiction that shows what the United States would be like if Abraham Lincoln was assassinated before he became president and slavery were still legal in four states in present time. The main character, Victor, is a black bounty hunter who tracks down escaped slaves. He is trying to figure out who works the Underground Airlines, which are similar to the real Underground Railroads — they fly slaves out of the country to freedom.
As he pursues his mission, it’s revealed he is a former slave forced to do a job to earn his freedom. Aries will enjoy reading about his struggles and how he overcomes them and will be able to relate to his perseverance and courage throughout the book.
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TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)
Title: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Taurus is set in her ways and live up to everything an earth sign is known for. That’s why Jane Eyre is a must for you.
Read about the strong and independent woman, Jane (didn't see that coming, did you?), who finds herself and learns to trust her gut above all. Through strife and love and finding out her fiance is already married, she has an interesting life that could keep any Taurus glued to a book.
Cancel drinks for tonight, sit down with some tea and a blanket, and get started on this dramatic account of an orphan in the 1800s.
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GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)
Title: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Geminis get a bad rap for having two personalities in one but it really comes in handy when you’re reading!
Gone Girl is the account of a wife who goes missing and the struggle of his innocent (or not so innocent) husband to find her and clear his name. It’s perfect for any Gemini because you can get into the heads of each character as the book alternates points of view. That’s what you do on a daily basis in real life, honestly.
Dive into the minds of husband and wife and get to the bottom of this mystery, Geminis!
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CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
Title: Irena’s Children by Tilar J. Mazzeo
Get ready for a good book to pull on those water sign heartstrings, Cancers. Irena’s Children is a true account of how one woman hid many Jewish children and smuggled them to freedom during the Holocaust.
Irena Sendler shows courage and love for Jewish kids as she convinced their parents to let her keep them safe during the war. Over the years she kept lists of every child she was able to help so that they could reunite with their families once the war was over, unaware she rescued these children from the horrible deaths most of their families endured.
You will need some tissues for this one, Cancers, but it is well worth the tears as you read. You’ll grow attached to the story and those in it and want to keep reading for their sakes.
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LEO (July 23 - August 22)
Title: Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
Fire signs alike will have a good time reading Dark Matter, but Leos will especially enjoy its sci-fi theme and hidden truths.
Jason, a scientist who creates a box that can transport things between parallel universes, is kidnapped and injected with some type of serum. When he comes to, he finds he never married his wife and was a much more successful scientist.
Leos will be sucked into the story to solve the mystery of why his life is different than it was before — and how to get the world back to the way it was.
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VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)
Title: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
If you’re looking for an exciting book with lots of details you can catch throughout, The Girl on the Train is for you, Virgos.
It is about a woman, Rachel, who notices everything, and when something about a couple she sees every day on the train seems off, she knows something is wrong. Once the police are involved Rachel’s past is brought up and it may take away from her credibility as a source.
You’ll want to side with hard-working and analytical Rachel, who seems like a Virgo as well, but only details can prove what really happened so you will have to keep reading t know the whole truth!
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LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)
Title: Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
Libras, prepare to be swept away with this book that covers ex-lovers, family relationships, scandals, and lies all under one cover.
Communication is important to air signs, and Libras are no exception. Big Little Lies is about how everyone communicates differently depending on who they are interacting with. It is a story of different sets of parents and their kids who each have secrets of their own.
Get familiar with the characters’ lives and enjoy their dilemmas while you read about how they survive day-to-day life.
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SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)
Title: Euphoria by Lily King
Scorpios are driven by passion being a deep water sign, and Euphoria is nothing but passion!
The reader is drawn into a love triangle between three anthropologists in Australia studying indigenous people in the 1930s. As they dissect the behaviors and cultures of the native peoples around them the three main characters study each other without realizing it.
They soon are encompassed in a forbidden love triangle that puts their careers and lives on the line.
This is absolutely my favorite book as a Scorpio. You become so wrapped up in the passion each character has for everything they do that you cannot put the book down! Scorpios, this is a perfect fix for your secretive and emotional nature.
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SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)
Title: The Witness by Nora Roberts
Sagittarius loves a good adventure and as a fire sign, curiosity and enthusiasm run through your veins. Satisfy that need for an exciting tale of a woman on the run from the Russian mob who falls into a sort of forbidden love with a cop.
The Witness is a drama-filled story that never has a dull moment. You’ll get action, love, regret, anger, and more as you read through this book, and what more could a Sagittarius want? It keeps you on your toes as you flip each page and new parts of the past are brought into the present with every move the main character, Abigail makes.
Don’t settle for a boring book. Pick up a copy of the Witness and get to it!
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CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)
Title: The Mothers by Brit Bennet
Capricorn is a grounded earth sign, set in what he or she believes and stubborn enough to be difficult to sway.
The Mothers is a tale of three teenagers coming of age in a small, conservative town and depicts how their life choices affect them and those around them. It’s a perfect combination of tradition, rebellion, family, love, and heartbreak for a Capricorn. It provides both sides of the story while still being able to point out the writer’s views without them being written.
Capricorns will be pulled into the story by connecting and feeling for each character without having to agree with the unlikely friends, showing that you can love those who don’t see things as you do. Bennet has such a way with words that, as a Capricorn, you’ll want to keep reading to see how it ends for everyone in the story.
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AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)
Title: Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris
This is a book for the deep thinkers of the world — a book for an intellectual Aquarius to figure out.
It starts out with a seemingly perfect couple, but we all know that one couple that is too perfect to be true. As the story goes on you find out that the husband, Jack, is a psychopath who controls his wife’s behavior in public with torture at home.
This thriller keeps you on the edge of your seat as you try to figure out if the wife, Grace, and her sister, Millie who has Down’s syndrome, can find a way to get out of Jack’s psychotic grip.
Grace is an easy character for an Aquarius to connect with because she is keen on getting herself out of the situation she’s in by sheer wit and patience. Follow her journey and enjoy this book with a cup of Joe.
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PISCES (February 19 - March 20)
Title: The Unseen World by Liz Moore
Your emotional connection to everything around as a water sign combined with your intuition and love of helping others makes this book a hit for a Pisces.
The Unseen World is about a girl, Ada, who is raised by a genius of a dad who spends more time in his lab than with her. You follow Ada as she begins to uncover secrets about her father and his work and bond with her during her transition from an orphaned child to an adult.
Pisces will love this book thanks to Moore’s well-written character development and will stay tuned the entire book to see where Ada’s journey will take her in terms of her relationship with her father and those around her.
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