25 Inspiring Quotes From Real Life Princesses That Prove Disney Has Nothing On Reality
Real royalty.
![25 Inspirational Quotes From Real Life Princesses 25 Inspirational Quotes From Real Life Princesses](/sites/default/files/image_blog/princess_3.jpg)
When I was a kid, I was ecstatic about the Disney princesses. I spent each Halloween dressing up as a different princess every year. Heck, I still love rewatching some of my favorite princesses movies.
The Disney princesses have been a staple in nearly every girl's childhood. They served as role models and showed girls all over the world that they could do anything. Who doesn't want to be a princess? Witty, charming and oh, so beautiful?
Snow White showed how kindness and empathy could be a sign of inner strength. Mulan put a woman in hero's shoes. She went on adventures and kicked some serious butt. Did you know that Mulan was based on a real person? Hua Mulan was her name, and she is legendary. A Chinese poem revealed how she took her elderly fathers place in war. She kicked butt for twelve years and was honored by the emperor. This poem was actually one of the first that supported gender equality. Over the years the idea of Disney princesses was criticized. And a lot of people thought that girls couldn't be empowered by these characters.
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The truth is, Princesses can be ideal icons for feminism.
Many real-world princesses are strong, brave and super confident.
The late Princess Diana was truly inspirational. She was a beautiful person inside and out. She gave both American and British citizens a breath of fresh air. She did charity work in Africa spreading love and kindness to those who needed it the most. Her son Prince William choose to marry Kate Middleton, making their love a real-life fairy tale. She wasn't born into royalty but became one. She loves to do charity work, and her kindness emulates the late Diana. And she has a style to die for!
Meghan Markle will technically be this generations first Black princess. Not only is she an awesome actress, but she's also a humanitarian dedicated to gender equality and women's rights. Princess Rania Al Abdullah fights for youth education as well as empowerment.
The world is full of real, inspiring princesses. Why not celebrate some of the most inspirational, kind and sassy real princesses?
Here you'll find inspiring quotes from real life princesses that prove Disney has nothing on reality!
1. Always treat people the way you want to be treated.
"Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you." — Princess Diana
2. Never back down, and always be courageous.
"Courage! I have shown it for years; Think you shall lose it at the moment when my sufferings are to end?" — Marie Antoinette
3. No one can ever take away your dignity.
"I was a Queen, and you took away my crown; A wife, and you killed my husband; A mother and you deprived me of my children. My blood alone remains: Take it, but do not make me suffer long." — Marie Antoinette
4. A lady must always know her own worth.
"As a single woman, I would be considered dangerous." — Grace Kelly
5. We can do anything that we put our minds to!
"I'm basically a feminist. I believe women can do anything they decide to." — Grace Kelly
RELATED: FYI: Feminism Is A Reaction To Men, Not An Original Standpoint
6. Know and set your boundaries.
"I would rather be a beggar and single than a queen and married." — Elizabeth I
7. You are a strong woman, believe it!
"Though the sex to which I belong is considered weak you will nevertheless find me a rock that bends to no wind." — Elizabeth I
8. You have to take a stand in your life.
"The world is not the most pleasant place. Eventually, your parents leave you and nobody is going to go out of their way to protect you unconditionally. You need to learn to stand up for yourself and what you believe and sometimes, pardon my language, kick some ass." — Elizabeth II
9. You're more amazing than you think.
"I have to be seen to be believed." — Elizabeth II
10. Carrying confidence is sometimes the best weapon you can have.
"The important thing is not what they think of me, but what I think of them." — Queen Victoria
11. Try to find your true happiness.
"When you are happy you can forgive a great deal." — Princess Diana
12. Fight today for a better tomorrow.
"When life seems hard, the courageous do not lie down and accept defeat; instead, they are all the more determined to struggle for a better future." — Queen Elizabeth II
13. Life can be unpredictable, always try to roll with the punches.
"I never say never, and I never say always." — Grace Kelly
14. Always keep moving forward!
"I avoid looking back. I prefer good memories to regrets." — Grace Kelly
15. Listening to your heart can lead you to your truest passions.
"Only do what your heart tells you." — Princess Diana
16. Everyone has something special to offer.
"Everyone needs to be valued. Everyone has the potential to give something back." — Princess Diana
17. As a woman, you're free to choose how to express yourself, don't let anyone tell you any different.
"Many in the West look at the veil as a symbol of oppression. As long as a woman chooses to wear the veil, because that's her belief and because of her own personal relationship with God, she should be free to dress in which ever way she wants." — Princess Rania Al Abdullah
18. Your actions speak louder than words.
"Whatever title or office we may be privileged to hold, it is what we do that defines who we are." — Princess Rania Al Abdullah
19. It's ok to make mistakes and get a little messy.
"Making mistakes is the art of discovery!" — Princess Rania Al Abdullah
20. Be open to sharing your feelings with your loved ones.
"It's ok to have that conversation, even if it is uncomfortable or awkward but it's just starting it." — Kate Middleton
21. Motherhood is no walk in the park, be proud of your accomplishments.
"It is right to talk about motherhood as a wonderful thing, but we also need to talk about its stresses & strains. It's okay not to find it easy." — Kate Middleton
22. Don't be afraid, and remember that you are fierce!
"I am my father's daughter and I am not afraid of anything." — Elizabeth I
23. Correct!
"Men fight wars, women win them." — Elizabeth I
24. An unofficial princess who reminds us to be ourselves.
"Whatever self-identification things we grapple with, insecurities...draw your own box and be exactly who you are." — Megan Markle
25. If you believe in yourself nothing can stand in your way.
"It's pretty incredible to see what happens when you start believing you are enough." — Megan Markle
Jamille Jones has lived teaching in Hiroshima Japan for 2 years. Shes an Asian culture enthusiast, chocolate addict, video gamer and loves to teach for the heck of it.