The One Thing On Your Bucket List You Need To Do Before You Die, Per Your Zodiac Sign
You only live once!

Everyone should have a bucket list, but unfortunately many of us don't actually accomplish all of the things on it. According to astrology, each zodiac sign has a purpose in life, so achieving the goals on a bucket list can help us figure out what that is. A bucket list is a list of things you want to do, see, eat, and more before you die, and the best part is that no one's bucket list is the same, especially base on your horoscope.
Since all of the zodiac signs have different preferences and passions, your zodiac sign's bucket list is probably much different than mine, based on astrology. But no matter which bucket list you look at, they are usually always filled with some fun and crazy things to check off, and sometimes match what you should be doing during the day, according to your horoscope.
I am sad to say that I do not have a bucket list (yet). I have never really gotten around to writing one, but there are some things I still want to do in my lifetime.
I want to see how many countries around the world I can visit in my lifetime, I want to do something crazy with my hair, and I want to write a book. That's obviously not everything I want to do before I die, but I feel like it's okay to have an incomplete bucket list — or a bucket list that's not written down anywhere.
Why? Because when you finally get the chance to check something off of your bucket list, not only do you have that adrenaline rush of doing something totally awesome, but you might also discover something else you want to add to your bucket list as you complete a task.
So, for instance, if you've always wanted to visit a tropical island and you finally make it down to the Caribbean, you might also realize that you've always wanted to swim with dolphins.
Bucket lists are meant to be ever-growing, in my opinion. Nothing is more satisfying than checking things off of a list, yes, but being able to always look forward to your next adventure is even more exciting and fun.
And, not to get too cheesy and deep here, but life is much more thrilling when you have fun things to look forward to.
Depending on astrology, there may be one item already on your bucket list that you've been seriously considering.
And even if it scares you, you should definitely go through with it.
Can you imagine being able to tell all of your friends and family that you were brave enough to swim with sharks or go skydiving?!
So, if it's not already on your bucket list, here is the one item you need to do before you die, based on your zodiac sign.
ARIES (March 21 - April 19)
Of all the zodiac signs, Aries, you are one of the few who has most of her bucket list checked off already, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep adding things to do!
In fact, you need to keep stepping up your bucket list game because there’s only so many times you can add the same old things everyone adds to their own bucket lists.
If you could only choose one thing from your bucket list to do before you die, you have to go big. I’m talkin’ trying an extreme sport.
Now, you know better than anyone that pushing your limits and doing something that gives you an adrenaline rush is really exciting, so why not try something like skydiving, bungee jumping, or rock climbing?
It’ll definitely be one of those things you’ll talk about for a long time.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)
You’re not totally against adding something wild and crazy to your bucket list, Taurus, but it is definitely for a different reason.
Your one rule when checking things off your bucket list is that you have to get a LOT of pictures so that you can remember it for a long time.
Oh, and you have to actually be into whatever it is you’re going to try — which means nothing that’s going to make you get sick or blackout.
You’ve always been a sucker for good music, right? Like, you’re the one who always gets the aux cord when you and your friends are hanging out.
So, the one thing you need to do before you die (if you haven’t already) is to see your favorite band in concert — and if that isn’t good enough, try to score some backstage passes, too.
If you have to shell out some extra cash, hey, at least it’ll be worth it. Don’t forget pictures, either!
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)
Communication is deeply important to you, Gemini. It’s how you stay connected to your family and friends, after all! And if you didn’t have communications — all types, by the way, not just talking — you would feel like your life didn’t have as much meaning in it.
Plus, if we’re being completely honest with each other, you just love talking, anyway.
Your bucket list item should be around your love of communication and talking but with a twist. Why not learn a new language? There are obviously so many out there to choose from, but try to challenge yourself.
Choose a language that you aren’t familiar with or one with characters instead of letters. Better yet, why not learn sign language? How cool would that be?!
CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
There’s no denying that you have so much love to give in that big heart of yours, Cancer, but you also can’t help but feel that there’s more you can do to share the love.
Sure, you’re always there for family and friends, but what about all of those I the world who need help and can’t get it? Wouldn’t it be something if you could spread the love to them, too?
This is where your bucket list comes in, although I have a sneaking feeling that doing something rewarding is already on your list. Joining the Peace Corps might be too big of a project for you, but if you’re into it, go for it!
Otherwise, try something equally as rewarding like sending care packages to military troops or essential care items to people in third-world countries. You can even get your friends involved!
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
Decadence should be your middle name, Leo (or is it already?), because you just love the finer things in life. If you could only do one thing every single day, it would be to enjoy every second exactly the way you want to.
Of course, you know that’s not really possible, but you can still add a few days of doing exactly that to your bucket list.
You work hard for your money and you know that saving up for extravagant things are much more satisfying than throwing your cash at just anything.
So, if you haven’t already done it, you need to plan an expensive trip for yourself and pull out all the stops — that means 24-karat gold facials, seaweed wraps, full-body massages, and a 3-night stay at a gorgeous hotel. It might be expensive, but you are worth it!
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)
You have taken the time to learn all you can at work and to broaden your horizons in school, but you always crave more, Virgo.
There’s something about learning something new — about yourself and in general — that excites you and makes you want to go out and explore these things for yourself. And what better way than to knock a few things off your bucket list?
You might have already done some traveling in your lifetime, but what’s more exciting than that is going somewhere totally unique and off the grid.
I’m talkin’ somewhere you can see wildlife up close, like a safari, or hang out with natives in a remote area. Not only will you get to experience something that not everyone has before, but you’ll also quench your thirst for knowledge in this once-in-a-lifetime trip.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)
You tend to gravitate towards the most beautiful things in life, Libra, whether that’s enjoying the natural beauty of nature or stocking up your vanity with makeup.
There’s something so calming and empowering to you to be able to embrace the beauty in its purest form, but also to feel beautiful yourself — inside and out.
One thing you need to check off your bucket list before you die is set up a whole day of beauty just for yourself – but don’t be afraid to think outside of the box on this one.
Sure, you could treat yourself to an expensive contouring palette, but why not go all out and schedule a full-blown makeover and photoshoot? Feeling sexy? Try a boudoir photo shoot instead and frame your favorite shot in your bedroom.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)
One of your favorite things in the world, Scorpio, is spending time with your best friends. And nothing is better than being able to spend a whole weekend or week with each other, just enjoying the company and having fun.
So, it stands to reason that your bucket list would have something that brings your favorite pastime (hanging out with friends) together with your love of having a good time.
If you haven’t already, plan a trip with your best friends. Rent a house by the beach or go skiing together, and remember to bring a lot of booze and even more food.
You can spend a whole week together exploring a new city and just having fun together, which is perfect if you don’t live close to each other anymore or if your schedules are always so busy. Plus, you’ll be able to make a lot of good memories.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 19)
You’ll try anything at least once, Sagittarius, as long as you’re having fun while you’re doing it. So, it’s probably safe to say that your bucket list is pretty much completed.
You’re not one to chicken out when it comes to pushing your limits and some would even call you a daredevil. But while you may want to just stick to things like traveling, it’s important to get out of your comfort zone.
The one thing you need to do before you die is something that scares you. Whether that means swimming with sharks or something called volcano surfing (it’s a real thing), if it freaks you out — in a good way — then it’s what you should add to your bucket list.
Not only will you get an amazing story out of it, but you’ll also conquer your fears like a pro.
CAPRICORN (December 20 - January 19)
For you, Capricorn, a bucket list is a way to give yourself permission to do things you might not normally do otherwise. It might be a little tamer than other zodiac signs’ but that doesn’t mean it’s any less fun.
It’s just that you as a person aren’t very spontaneous, so when it goes on your bucket list, it means you’ve been thinking about doing it for a while now.
The one thing you might already have on your list – but aren’t sure yet if you’re going to go through with it yet – is getting creative with your body. Yes, I mean getting a tattoo — or a piercing.
There’s something thrilling about body mods that you love and still be able to hide it. It’s like your own secret! Go for a meaningful tattoo you can hide for work or something that says, “Look at me!” like an eyebrow piercing.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)
There’s not much you won’t do, Aquarius. In fact, your motto s to try everything at least once because how else are you going to experience all that life has to offer, right?
So, when it comes to your bucket list, you really try to raise the bar; you don’t want to be too tame and end up with a pretty boring bucket list.
The one thing you need to do before you die is eat something exotic. It doesn’t matter if you do it in your own hometown or the next time you travel, but the best way to broaden your horizons is to eat like the locals.
Ever heard of people eating scorpions? What about live squid? You already know you’re intrigued, so why not start looking into the best places for these kinds of exotic treats?
PISCES (February 19 - March 20)
Nothing is better to you than being able to curl up in bed with lots of blankets and snacks after a very long work week, Pisces. Sometimes, you work extra hard all week just so your weekend plans are that much more satisfying.
But whether you’re trying to be good or you just don’t want to go too crazy, you never really fully indulge.
Plan a day full of indulgence and add it to the top of your bucket list. This means a fluffy bathrobe and slippers, a mud bath and cucumber slices over the eyes, and lots of dark chocolate and champagne.
It’s the perfect way to unwind, but it’s also perfect for someone like you who works so hard during the week. You definitely deserve a day off, girl, so treat yourself!
Emily Ratay is a full-time writer living in Pittsburgh. She's passionate about the environment and feminism, and knows that anything is possible in the right pair of shoes. She plans on writing a book in the future.