The 50 Best Instagram Poets To Follow On Social Media
These modern poets will make you fall in love with poetry all over again.

There's an Instagram topic for every one. From food to instapoetry, you can have a meal and read while you eat, too. Although there's some controversy about Instapoetry and the book sales that result from them, the trend isn't going anywhere soon.
Readers and writers alike always ask each other and themselves the question of what makes good writing. They do this to improve their writing or, at least, to be able to identify good writing when they see it in others’ pieces.
An even harder question to answer is the question of what poetry is as a genre of writing. Even avid readers and writers can’t agree on what makes good writing, let alone poetry. However, frequently all good writing features a change, whether it be a story, character, or the readers themselves in the form of a moving emotional response.
Writing and poetry by consequence can come in all shapes and sizes, and Instapoets prove this to be true. They can be pages long or a few lines long. Instagram quotes can look stereotypically poetic, resembling older, world-renowned poets or resemble prose as is common with more contemporary poets.
They can feature elevated vocabulary presenting abstract themes risking authenticity or simple words that go unnoticed for the sake of describing a quick story. Poems and love quotes can come in forms that are easier to create and consume or forms that are more visually playful as seen with calligrams.
On that same note, they can also have a level of hybridity, where the poetry includes different art forms within it in order to add authenticity. They all have in common, however, the ability to impact readers through a vivid scene or by moving the reader emotionally.
Whether it’s good or bad, with the rise of social media, everyone’s a writer and a poet. Specifically, on Instagram, everyone’s a poet with only needing to write a few visually aesthetic lines. Surprisingly, some Instagram poets are great and deserve recognition in the form of a bigger following.
We've compiled a list of poets and their best poems (in my humble opinion) for everyone else to expand their knowledge base of poems that are waiting to be found.
Scroll down and read through some to find your new (or old) favorite poet!
1. Natalie Jensen
One of the key characteristics of Natalie Jensen’s writing is her emotional depth and how clearly she expresses it. Although the words themselves are not elevated, her honesty is attractive to readers.
Besides the ending, she avoids sounding too poetic. Everyone can identify with the feelings of wanting to reach out, wanting to move on or simply wanting to hold onto something that requires too much fighting. This is what grabs the attention of a reader at first glance.
2. Marc Robinson
This poem made the list for its description of a loved one on a psychological level. Most people either know someone or are someone who keeps others at a distance.
He does it so concisely. He sprinkles in more poetic vocabulary without venturing into a zone that’s too cliche and manages to make it a hybrid piece through a subtle use of an artistic background.
The poem and its ideas are intelligently split in two stanzas, with the first describing his loved one and the second describing her past using a metaphor that easily makes the poem relatable.
3. Alex Elle
When people think of poetry, they think of love and heartbreak. Some even use poetry to write about love and heartbreak in a borderline cheesy way. However, the one type of love that doesn’t frequently appear, in poems that are more sentimental, is self-love.
If anything, romantic love gets explored more often, and when self-love does get mentioned, it’s second place to romance due to the fact that it shows romantic troubles are connected to a lack of self-love.
Elle tackles different topics surrounding love, including the typical romantic heartbreak, but also, self-love and all the bad experiences that come from not having enough of it.
4. K. Lane
Here’s another example of an instapoem that features love, as is expected, but this is a more innocent familial love. Even the way in which it was written, handwritten in blue marker on a lined paper, lends an innocent child-like touch to it.
It’s an instapoem that is self-reflective and hints at a theme about having a dark past without being heavy or morose. At the same time, it also touches on widely-accepted themes of finding yourself in those you love, finding your home in a person, not a place, and finding your home in general.
It’s raw without losing its maternal touch, and no, I didn’t intentionally include the word raw in there just because she used the word too.
5. Nayyirah Waheed
What I personally love and have in common with this poet is that she officially began her poetic career at the age of eleven because of a poetry assignment. I was also in the throes of puberty, at thirteen years old, when I got a long prose assignment that solidified my passion for being a novelist.
Every other handwritten, unfinished, draft of fiction I’d written before that, was purely for fun and I consider it child’s play. Every piece of prose or poem I wrote for myself past that assignment, was with the full intent to hone in on my craft and launch a career as a novelist.
As for the actual poem above, in a few words, it’s a powerful poem speaking of strong people who rise again in times of trouble ready to face more challenges, landing it its spot on this list.
6. Saba
This poem reminds me of a couple twitter poems I wrote when I was younger. It was a long-term school assignment, but the poems were meaningful nonetheless.
My poems were about the idea of shadows or monsters hiding under your bed and how they can represent a dark past as well as your recurring hidden struggles.
Saba’s poem deals with a similar theme and uses the images of shadows as well as monsters to convey the message. Naturally, it spoke to me on a psychological level even though the words themselves didn’t need to be elevated, which can detract from a poem in some cases.
7. R.M. Drake
This poem, in simple words, conveys an empowering message. It’s one specifically directed at females. It’s easy to feel afraid of the future and what it holds for you. Especially so, when you’re also tackling feelings of inadequacy.
But, this poem gives you hope that no matter who you are or where you come from, you can meet your expectations and get to where you want to go if you realize your life is a journey that can take any direction.
8. Richard Dappa
Richard Dappa is a motivational speaker. It’s definitely evident in the way he wrote the above poem. Anyone who’s ever cared for a toxic person, and in this case a man, can relate to the subject matter of this poem.
You start caring for someone so much because you’re good-natured and then you start letting parts of yourself go. Dappa asks himself how powerful, or invincible, anyone could’ve been or can still be if they loved themselves as much as they loved that toxic waste of a man.
9. Natalie Jeanty
Women are socialized to use their emotional intelligence more often than men.
Therefore, our thinking typically considers all viewpoints before it leads to a decision. It shows how considerate we want to be, but also, can become detrimental to our individuality as people.
This is a wonderful reminder to women that it is an act of self-love to stand up for yourself without worrying about hurting others so much. Self-confidence and the ability to communicate shouldn’t be considered masculine when women should possess them too.
10. Pierre Jeanty
Having someone that can properly see you as a whole is so beneficial to your well-being. Even more so when you feel broken on the inside. That person who can give you an outside perspective in a loving way is important because they see you as a whole, even with all the broken parts and help you heal.
They see the good where it’s too dark for your eyes to grasp anything. They remind you that even you, with all of your broken parts, can contribute something positive to someone’s life.
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11. Lala Vida
This poem is one of the more sensual poems on this list. That’s precisely why it got its spot because it’s so unique compared to the others and paints a vivid picture of sex as a loving act. The words themselves are so beautiful and work together so well.
They gave a flow or rhythm to the poem that is reflective of the sensual way a sexy woman must walk. In other words, the way in which the subject of the poem must walk because the subject is clearly one sensual woman.
12. Mason Fowler
Like the poem before this one, this YourTango featured artist gets one of their sensual poems on this list. Mason Fowler specializes in writing about love, sex, one night stands, but he does it in a grittier and more sexual tone then Lala Vida.
There’s a hint of “too cool to care” tone in his sex poems. But, make no mistake, there’s always more than what’s on the surface in his aggressive sex poems. In the above poem, everyone can relate to the idea of having a one night stand.
But he adds the psychological aspect of women typically looking for beastly men as opposed to a fairytale prince...or an arrogant Gaston, in Belle’s case.
13. Jo Boneszewski
Instagram: joboniszewski_writer
This is another healing self-love poem. It highlights the strength a person can have when they’re facing an obstacle and they believe they just can’t take it anymore.It reminds us that we have the capacity to, not only get through it but also to remain in the struggle and feel it.
We can still ourselves, focus on the fact that we’re still breathing, and feel the struggle in its entirety. When it passes, our clarity returns and our wisdom increases.
14. Lang Leav

If the name Lang Leav sounds familiar, it’s because it should as she is one of the more well-known poets on this list. This poem is elevated through its elegant vocabulary. It’s as soft and delicate as the flower making it another hybrid poem on this list.
The poem above is also hybrid, by the way, but the use of imagery in this poem is more calculated. You almost forget the fact that Leav is hinting at a toxic person and troubling times in this poem because of its elegance and delicate tone.
15. Silence She Speaks
Writing is cathartic because it’s a healthy way to work through traumas and explore ideas. As enigmatic as the writer of Silence She Speaks is, she’s honest about the struggle of not loving yourself.
She tackles this issue in her writing bluntly and, by the end of the poem, she hopes to find resolution through the act of forgiving herself. She outlines all of the crimes she’s committed against herself in her dark times.
The poem becomes relatable through the outline because these are crimes we’ve all committed against ourselves at one point.
16. Simi Fromen
This counts as a phrase and a poem. Simi is an author interested in empowerment. This is evident in how the message is clearly delivered. She didn’t concern herself with making the poem pretty.
She wasn’t explaining an abstract concept because all she wants us to know that we have what it takes to pull ourselves from our lows and dive into starting over.
17. N.C.
This is one of the more traditional poems because it has a nice length and its concept is presented in an abstract way. It also delivers in emotion which sometimes gets lost when trying to be poetically abstract. N.C. achieves this by balancing abstract ideas with concrete details.
Fortunately, readers are delivered some clarity towards the end. It tells a story of disillusionment and the need to rely on at least one trustworthy person.
18. Madalyn Beck
Madalyn Beck’s use of a religious theme manages to be relatable without being too reliant on it. There’s a beauty in this dark poem that comes from the use of a kaleidoscope which is known to show colored fragments.
That’s an original and accurate way of describing the allure of the actions that are considered sinful. The poem is also unique in showing the balance between heavenly expectations and hellish desire. It plays on the concept of both places competing for the soul of a human being.
19. Megan Febuary
This is yet another impactful empowerment poem. It made the list because of how relevant it is to the issues women face today. Like I said earlier, women are socialized to consider others’ opinions.
That can lead to women being hesitant in voicing their thoughts. This poem touches on that subject in a more detailed way.
20. Avleen Musing
This is a positive spin on scars. American culture is a culture focused on youth and beauty. Consequently, physical and mental scars are stigmatized.
Scarred people are forced to be silent about their traumas and choose to cover up their actual scars with clothing.
This poem shows scars as mesmerizing works of art rather than something to be ashamed of and hide under clothing or lies.
21. Gareth Egan
This is one of the most effective hybrid poems I’ve seen. There are some people who go the traditional route because they find it easier to not combine different art forms. This poem, however, uses different art forms without having the poem lose anything.
This use of hybridity is creative and intelligent. The placement of the stanzas is just as intelligent, reflective of the flow in the content.
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22. Armaan Singh
This caught my attention because the poem is one of the kinder poems on this list. However, it’s a lot less about self-love than it is about brotherly love.
It’s about the kind of love that religions promote. It’s so relevant to today’s world events. Many religious people can relate to this poem.
23. L. Spin
This is a poem of a healthy length. Although the poet never specifies who the man in question is, there is an evident emotional depth. The poem does its job in moving the reader.
The tone of the poem beautiful in a tragic way. Although we don’t know the two people in the poem, the dynamic between them feels familiar to anybody who’s ever had a relationship run its course.
24. Christopher Poindexter
Instagram: christopherpoindexter
Christopher Poindexter is a popular poet on social media. I love seeing his poems on different websites. He commonly uses phrases that are relatable and beautiful in terms of their vocabulary.
He has a concise way of expressing his views on love. The above poem got its place on this list because of the second sentence.
25. D.C. Flowers
This poem got its spot because it went in an unexpected direction. I was prepared to read another sensual poem about desire and sex. Instead, it turned into a poem about vulnerability. There’s something romantic and special about going outside of your comfort zone for the sake of love.
Towards the end, it takes another unexpected turn when it becomes a poem about gender stereotypes in relation to what a woman is expected to be.
26. M. Wolff
This is the first poem on the list that tackles the idea of being with a loved one and comparing them to an ex-lover. The first stanza is about how much the ex-lover sticks to the speaker. The speaker never wanted their lover to want them but that’s what ended up happening for them.
There’s hints of an abusive relationship when the speaker talks about being too tired to live and how they have bruised hands when they pray. Not everybody gets into an abusive relationship, but most people can relate to the idea of comparing someone to another person we’ve lost.
27. Sean Bates
I love how the beginning poses a question that’s well-known. People assume that if it’s love, you have to fight for it. I don’t agree with that opinion.
So, I immediately reacted to the beginning. The end of this poem, I can agree with, because it clarifies that love shouldn’t require constant fighting.
28. Nest Haron

This poem actually has a rhyme, unlike the other poems. However, just like the others, the poem is self-reflective.
There’s also a life lesson in it. To grow, one has to leave the past behind and give the future a chance. That growth requires steps in the same way dancing requires moves.
29. Courtney Conrad
Almost everyone is familiar with cancer. Cancer is such a horrible disease. Not only does it kill people frequently, it tends to be a slow death for its victims. It takes so much out of a person, mentally and physically.
This poem is relatable because it’s so hard seeing a loved one being drained of their life just so cancer feeds itself.
30. Alfa
As you go through life’s trials, it’s easy to forget who you are at your core. Not living life authentically is one of the causes of anxiety and unhappiness. Once it becomes normal for you to live life unauthentically, it can seem as though you don’t know how to get yourself back.
Relax because you’re still underneath all of the garbage life piled on you. This is an uplifting reminder to let go of the emotional hoarding and find yourself again.
31. Jen Everlong
One of the reasons this poem made the list was because of the consistency in the use of imagery. It was the use of fire, ash, the sun, and home that pulled me in. The second stanza explains what caused the fire, what the fire represented, and the result of it.
The third stanza’s impact comes from the depth of loyalty this person feels to their loved one even after they walked away. The last stanza reiterates the message of the first one and its punch is in the fact that the speaker wants their loved one to be happy.
32. Poet Wordsmith
This is a unique poem about the significance of photographs. I do think that in this day and age that people believe photographs are like lies being told. People either don’t look like they do in photos or they don’t show their true feelings.
They also sell stories through pictures on social media. The use of photos as facades we put on is an interesting twist on the idea of faking images.
33. Atticus
This is a short poem and it could really just be considered a sentence. However, this sentence has so much packed into it. It’s these ideas that make Atticus’ poem attractive. One of the truths that he’s hinting at in this sentence is that relationships take a lot of effort.
For most people, this effort is worth it if it means that they can stay with their loved one. Unfortunately, this sentence also points out that for some people, love means staying and withstanding toxic behaviors.
34. Maab Baidab
This poem written by Maab Baidab, can be found on Divine Bevy’s Instagram. The best line of the poem is the first line because it says that the speaker’s loved one has an attention-grabbing personality without needing to be loud.
There’s a notion that you need to be loud to get attention and I love that the speaker realizes that’s not the case. More introverted and silent personalities can still be powerful forces.
35. Brett Boes

This poem is reflective of life and how a person goes through it judging themselves. People always want to have their lives in order and figure themselves out.
However, nothing is ever truly in place because life is always changing. Anything can go wrong or be wrong at any time.
So, this poem is right when it points out that you have only two choices: you choose to see yourself in a better light or accept that you are flawed and be at peace with it.
36. Rupi Kaur
“Calladita te ves mas bonita” translates to “silent (or quiet), you look prettier” in Spanish. Rupi Kaur starts her sentence with this idea in mind, by stating that someone’s told her that speaking her mind will make her uglier.
Yet, she points out that passionate people should not have themselves be put out like fire. Nor, should people with thoughts be silenced or concern themselves with being easily accepted. People like her were made to be memorable.
It’s understandable if they’re a little hard to comprehend because people are complex beings.
37. Muskaan

An important rule should be: have a life before you have a relationship. This poem made it onto the list because so many people make the mistake of putting too much importance on any one relationship.
Relationships are important, but if that’s all you have when your relationship ends, so does your world. People put so much importance on romantic love when self-love is just as important and not replaceable by love from someone else.
You have to be confident in your own identity, pursue your interests and love your life.
38. Caged Raven
Homebodies and troubled people should relate to this poem. I loved it because there’s a notion that’s promoted by certain cultures that people need to be around others. Yes, social interaction is important, but so is alone time.
There’s nothing wrong with being alone because it doesn’t mean you spend lonely nights. Alone time is great for healing and for learning to love oneself, especially when you’re in the middle of a hard time.
39. Cleo Wade
Continuing with the self-love theme, so many people need to love themselves more. They need to live lifestyles that are healthier for the mind and body.
But, those people don’t know to begin to do it. They don’t have proper examples. But, if they manage to do it, they can show others how they should be loved and how others should love them.
40. Nayyar Ehsan
This poem is darker than most of the poems on this list. However, the tone is consistent and attention-grabbing. It elicits a strong emotional response. The repetition of the word “search” is intelligent and effective.
It all ties in together by the end in adding the idea of putting salt in a wound and how a nemesis can do that to a person.
41. Chido Ranganayi

This is one of the few storytelling poems on the list. The use of point-of-view shifts from second and first is effective in creating a storyteller's voice.
It has an emotional depth to it while sounding poetic because of the variation in sentence structures. The ending was surprising but also fitting because of the metaphoric use of liquid as love. It plays on the idea of being drunk on love.
42. Tyler Knott Gregson
When we start out as children, we’re all filled with curiosity and playfulness. We have no problem having fun and building our dreams. As we get older, we become more inhibited and careful because of the messages we have about the world.
It can be a scary place, so it’s understandable why someone might have insecurities and feel like they can’t live life fully. However, it’s important to remember to be brave as we do what we love.
43. Steven Selfa
The last poem to get a spot on this list is one of the more traditional poems. The first line speaks of a sunset and the phrase “midsummer night” is added later on in the poem.
What’s unique about this poem is that the entire poem is about lovers becoming like a sunset. They’re like its beautiful hues. Each hue is seen in the mind’s eye because of the beautiful description of the poem.
44. Beau Taplin

This is one of those instances where the form of the poem matches the content.
This poem is straight and to the point. It speaks about how people hold a certain power with others. This power is the ability to influence someone else on a deeper level through words. It’s expressed impactfully through the use of one long sentence and it’s more intentional than ironic.
45. John Carroll

This poem is unique in its form. Most of the poems on this list follow a more traditional form. However, like the previous poem, the form matches the content. It’s a story about the importance of actions, specifically good actions, and how they affect someone’s life as a journey. The form itself takes readers on a visual journey to understand the meaning.
46. Jessica Michelle
First love is such a powerful experience. It’s become its own theme, explored many times by many people through different media. Unfortunately for us romantics, it’s not common anymore for first loves to be someone’s only love. Frequently, we spend the rest of our lives with our second, third, or fourth love. This poem shows that the speaker is unashamed to admit she still wants to be her lover’s first love because those are her feelings for her lover.
47. Matt Baker

Contrary to the previous poem, this one is more about the aftermath of a powerful relationship. Fire and water are common symbols for the power a loved one has on another person. This poem is unique in that it uses both as opposed to one or the other element. It also shows how a person has the power to become like both elements. Meanwhile, the word placement is intelligently used to create a poetic rhythm.
48. Ariadna Blanco

This is a beautiful way of describing how life throws a bunch of negative situations but they don’t always deter people. Challenges feel so bad that people become convinced they can never grow after experiencing them. This poem challenges that notion. It’s quite possible to experience personal growth after experiencing a traumatic event. Many people become better individuals as a result of those issues.
49. Cindy Cherie

This is, simultaneously, a love and heartbreak poem. It’s an empowering way to celebrate cutting ties with someone that no longer serves a purpose in your life. It questions whether or not love can exist once you decide that you can’t be with a certain person. But, it also celebrates the start of self-love. She’s breathing for herself and her heart no longer beats for anyone else.
50. Tony Ciampa
This is a twist on the idea that once you meet the right one for you that it’s all over. People act as if it’s a final destination when it’s more like a journey that never stops. You find the person and you continue building your lives together. Hopefully, most of the memories created are of positive experiences. This last poem earns its spot for the reminder it conveys as its message.
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