50 Gratitude Memes To Share When You're Feeling Thankful

Grateful, thankful, #blessed.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

Having a grateful heart includes taking the time to count your blessings. Once you realize just how blessed your life is, you want to share your gratitude with the world with the best gratitude quotes and grateful memes for thanksgiving that inspire you to remain thankful and motivate you to count your blessings.

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Maybe that's one of the many reasons why Thanksgiving is such a special holiday. It's not only a time to celebrate with food and family, it's also a day to reflect on gratitude and thankfulness.

All too often in life, we get caught up in what we don't have and lose sight that having a grateful heart is a year-long practice we should all have.

Hey, its okay it happens to all of us. We can get into the "poor me" mood. Sometimes we even dress in green with envy for something someone else has. It's human nature to be a little envious sometimes. But it's up to us to be able to not dwell on that.

Focusing on what you do have instead of what you don't opens your heart and your mind. You begin to realize just how truly blessed you really are. Instead of being jealous of your friend's car, be thankful you have one that works. It allows you to travel, it doesn't give you problems. So who cares if her car is pink anyway?


Instead of being envious of a promotion your friend got at work, use that as motivation. If you feel like you deserve one too being salty about it isn't really going to help. Be determined to get what you deserve! Be tenacious, be grateful in your heart that you have an opportunity to have your hard-working nature shine!

Obviously, material possessions and career successes aren't the only things to be thankful for. The people in your life who you love most are the real treasures of the holiday. The best part of the holiday really isn't the food.

When you look around the table the people that you see are the real reasons you feel warm inside. It's not the moments in life it's who you spend them with.

So take a look below at our collection of the best gratitude quotes and Thanksgiving memes about what it means to really be thankful — you can share them with your closest friends and family on social media to say, "Happy Thanksgiving!"


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1.It is a choice you can make.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Choose to be thankful." — Unknown


2.Hope is always a good thing.

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"Small seeds of gratitude will provide a harvest of hope."  — Unknown


3.It is the time of year.

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"Let our lives be full of both thanks and giving." — Unknown


4.There's no secret with that.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"It is not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy." — Unknown

5.Said so well more than once.

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"It is not joy that makes us grateful, it is gratitude that makes us joyful." — Unknown


6.That is so true.

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"Be thankful for what you have. Your life, no matter how bad you think it is, is someone else's fairy tale." — Unknown

7.The best by far.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Gratitude is the best attitude." — Unknown


8.Complaining gets you nowhere.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offer thanks for all the troubles we don't have."  — Unknown

9.Loved ones are the most precious by far.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"It isn't so much what's on the table that matters, as what's on the chairs."  — Unknown


10.Do not focus on what you could have.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Life is full of give and take, give thanks and take nothing for granted."  — Unknown

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11.No point focusing on what you don't have.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Gratitude helps us to see what is there instead of what isn't."  — Unknown


12.You are so blessed.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Having somewhere to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing."  — Unknown


13.Every day could be a day to give thanks.

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"Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings. Turn routine jobs into joy. And change ordinary opportunities into blessings." —​ William Arthur Ward


14.It doesn't have to be a what if.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"What if today we were grateful for everything." Unknown

15.Every. Single. Day.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Thanksgiving isn't just a day ... It's a way we can live our lives every day." —​ Katrina Mayer 


16.Yum, yum, and yum.

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"Eat pie, drink wine and be thankful." Unknown

17.A lot more than you expected.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot."  —  Unknown


18.You decide.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Of this be sure: you do not find the happy life... you make it." —​ Thomas S. Monson

19.And they would be grateful.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"The things you take for granted... someone else is praying for."  — Unknown


20.Count your blessings, daily.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"As we express our gratitude ... we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them." —​ John F. Kennedy

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21.The journey brings thanks.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Along my journey I have learned that the more thankful I am, the more I have to be thankful for."  — Unknown


22.A bounty of gratitude.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"May the good things in life be yours in abundance that stays with you all year long. Happy Thanksgiving."  — Unknown

23.That is what is important.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Today be thankful and think how rich you are. Your family is priceless, your time is gold and your health is wealth."  — Unknown


24.Yours can be too.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual." —​ Henry David Thoreau

25.Use them wisely.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Not what we say about our blessings but how we use them, is the true measure of Thanksgiving." —​ W.T. Pukiser 

26.Yours are too.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"I am thankful for my blessings are too many to count." — Unknown

27.Goodness everywhere.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"For each new morning with its light, for rest and shelter of night, for health and food, for love and friends, for everything thy goodness sends." —​ Ralph Waldo Emmerson

28.That's all that really matters anyway.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"To hear the laughter of a child, to wake up to the love of your life, to know God placed them on this Earth for you ... You are blessed." — Unknown

29.A double win.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"No need to count calories today, just your blessings. From our family to yours."  — Unknown


best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Be present in all things and thankful for all things." —​ Maya Angelou

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31.Thankful for the past memories and lessons.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Dear past, thank you for all the lessons. Dear future, I am ready."  — Unknown

32.True words.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Be thankful for what you have you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have you will never ever have enough."- Oprah Winfrey

33.Live by that mantra.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Inhale love. Exhale gratitude." — Unknown

34.Big thanks.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude." —​ A.A. Milne

35.The best action you can take.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action." —​ W.J. Cameron

36.Remember what you're thankful for.

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"Thankful & grateful - today and every day. — Unknown

37.Remember the people who mean the most to you.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Give thanks with a grateful heart.— Unknown

38.What are you?

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"Thankful, grateful, blessed.— Unknown

39.Be thankful for elastic waistbands.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Eat. Drink. And wear stretchy pants.— Unknown

40.What means most to you?

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Let our hearts be full of both thanks and giving.— Unknown

41.Wake up with a smile on your face.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Live each day with a thankful heart— Unknown

42.What is Thanksgiving all about?

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Thanksgiving: Thank you for the food before us, the friends beside us, and the love between us.— Unknown

43.Do you have enough in life?

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Gratitude turns what we have into enough.— Unknown

44.What are you most thankful for?

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"I'm thankful for so many things, but mostly, God. Without him I'd have nothing else to be thankful for.— Unknown

45.Savor those special moments.

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"I'm thankful for every moment.— Unknown

46.Aren't you?!

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"The thing I'm most thankful for right now is elastic waistbands.— Unknown

47.Be the best you can be.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Be kind. Be thoughtful. Be genuine. But most of all be thankful.— Unknown

48.What friends and family are for.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Each day I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, dreams that turned into reality, likes that turned into love.— Unknown

49.The good and bad.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"Be thankful for everybody in your life, good and bad, past and present. They all made you the person that you are today." — Unknown

50.Be grateful for the things you have in life.

best gratitude quotes memes for thanksgiving

"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, 'thank you,' that would suffice." — Meister Eckhart

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Molly Given is a writer and lover of all things to do with mystery and magic in life. When she's not writing her fingers off she can be found planning her next adventure in a new part of the world.