The Brutally Honest Love Advice Your Zodiac Sign Needs To Hear
Everyone sign needs a little tough love sometimes.

Relationships are hard, there's no doubt about it. Perhaps the hardest part of falling in love is coming face-to-face with the realization that some parts of you need to change if you want your relationship to last.
Everyone is different, and what those specific flaws are often come down to astrology.
Your zodiac sign determines your personality traits and how you act in relationships, and are a good way to gauge what you can do to have a better love life.
Aries (March 21st to April 19th):
Stop trying to be the one who’s okay with casual flings when you are not. You want to come across as being spontaneous and adventurous, but sometimes still crave the stability of a relationship. You allow casual relationships into your life when you secretly have a longing for something deeper. Something more passionate.
Taurus (April 20th to May 21st):
Stop judging others for their past mistakes. You have a tendency to judge others before you get a real chance to get to know who they are on a deeper level. You hold people to a very high standard and expect their past to be nearly squeaky clean. It’s okay to set your standards high, but don’t write someone off just because of their past. If they are aware of their mistakes, have apologized and moved forward, then so should you.
Gemini (May 22nd to June 21st):
Stop worrying about what people think about you so much. You tend to think people are always judging and criticizing you when they aren’t. And in all honesty, no one has the time to spend criticizing your every move. Let go of the idea that you’re a target for judgment and stop caring about it all together. It’s okay to have insecurities, but if you keep allowing them to hold you back, you’ll never live your life to its fullest potential.
Cancer (June 22nd to July 22nd):
Stop holding onto the past. It’s time for you to let go of people that hurt you. And situations that made you feel helpless. You’ve experienced pain over and over again, and have allowed so many of the wrong people consume your time and thoughts. You are naturally a forgiving and caring person, so, therefore, you allow the same people burn you time and time again. Let go of the ones who hurt you and make room for the ones that would do anything to see you happy again.
Leo (July 23rd to August 22nd):
Stop allowing your pride ruin every good thing that comes your way. You have a habit of ruining things before they even have a chance to begin. Your ego gets in the way, making it nearly impossible to get anywhere in relationships. You are able to be proud and confident but also modest and understanding. You are not always going to be right, so it’s time to start realizing that for yourself. Own it.
Virgo (August 23rd to September 22nd):
Stop over analyzing every single detail. You are a deep thinker and you sometimes let your thoughts get the best of you. You let the tiniest things control your mood and you can make something out of nothing far too easily. This can be a problem not only in relationships but in your everyday life. Never let your subconscious dictate the way you choose to live your life. If you tell yourself you’re not good enough to find love, then you never will be.
Libra (September 23rd to October 22nd):
Stop letting the wrong people in, and allow the right ones find you instead. You love to feel “popular” and like the life of the party everywhere you go in life. You love meeting new people, and you thrive off of new exciting relationship connections. Sometimes this forces you to put energy in the wrong types of relationships, leaving you blind to what you’re doing. Stop focusing on the do*che bag that hasn’t texted you back in a week and open your eyes to the other amazing people out there.
Scorpio (October 23rd to November 22nd):
Stop being so closed off from the idea of romance. The more you push love away, the more it will creep up on you someday. Love is going to come into your life eventually, whether you want it to or not. It will catch you completely off guard, and if you’re constantly ready to push it away immediately, you’ll never know what it could have amounted to. Embrace being soft once in a while. It’s really such a beautiful thing.
Sagittarius (November 23rd to December 21st):
Stop sitting back and letting life pass you by. You have a habit of letting things play out on their own, which can be a good thing at times. But sometimes you assume that everything is going to figure itself out on its own and you won’t have to put in any effort yourself. The love of your life may find you when the timing is right, but you will have to work to welcome it into your life. It won’t just stay without any effort or care.
Capricorn (December 22nd to January 20th):
Stop being so negative when it comes to love. Sure, you’ve had a couple rocky experiences in the past, we all have. You’re not doing yourself any favors by constantly expecting the worst. You will find someday that all the struggles and heartbreaks will lead you someplace incredible, once you allow them to do so. Once you stop keeping your thoughts trapped in a negative place you will find what it is you’ve been searching for.
Aquarius (January 21st to February 18th):
Stop telling yourself that you have to be emotionally unavailable. Dating is messy. Love is messy. We’re all constantly hurting one another but that doesn’t make it any less amazing. Enjoy the ride. Love is a rollercoaster, it has it’s ups and downs. If you focus on the downs all the time you’re never going to be able to appreciate the ups. Being vulnerable and letting emotions pass you by is healthy and will help you grow as a person.
Pisces (February 19th to March 20th):
Stop altering yourself for other people. Sometimes you change parts of who you are in order to fit a certain role for another person. You change things about yourself that make you unique because you want to please that person and keep them happy. Stop thinking that you need permission to do what you want or think how you want to think. Happiness is an inside job, and if you keep letting other people take control of that, you’ll never truly be happy with yourself.