Corey Feldman Named 2 Of His 6 Sexual Abusers — And The Details Are Infuriating
Feldman named Cloyd 'Jon' Grissom as one of his abusers on "The Dr. Oz Show."

In more recent years, the subject of abuse in Hollywood has been brought to the forefront. The 2017 Me Too movement exposed a lot of powerful men in Hollywood after many in the industry came forward with stories of alleged sexual abuse.
The subject of child actors and the abuse they face in the entertainment industry has also started to gain more attention. Most recently, the new HBO documentary, Showbiz Kids, features former and current child stars as they share their Hollywood stories, including opening up about the abuse they face.
One of the people mentioned in the documentary is former child actor, Corey Feldman. Feldman has actually been quite vocal about the topic of pedophilia in Hollywood for years now.
In fact, Feldman's groundbreaking documentary, (My) Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys revealed the names of the men he says sexually abused him when he was a child actor: Alphy Hoffman and Dominick Brascia.
But let's back up. On a 2017 episode of The Doctor Oz Show, the former child star — who appeared in movies like, The Goonies and Stand By Me — went on to talk about a Hollywood pedophilia ring and the child sex abuse that exists in the world of entertainment.
At the time, Feldman had revealed a plan to bring down the ring he said he's been aware of as a child, starting by naming six names. One who Feldman had said is still very powerful today.
One of these six had been revealed by Feldman on the show to be Cloyd "Jon" Grissom, an actor who had small parts in two movies Feldman starred in.
Feldman actually had already detailed the abuse he faced from Grissom in his book, Coreyography, which came out in 2013. But his attorneys had made him choose an alias that sounded close to the molester's real name.
"By late 1986 or early 1987, my father had hired a man I’ll call Ron Crimson, a young, good-looking guy in his early twenties, to work in the offices of New Talent Enterprises," Feldman wrote. "Every time I walked across the street to talk business with my father, Ron would saunter over and manage to say something outrageously funny. We hit it off immediately. It was almost eerie how similar we were. It was as if he had studied me and was copying my every move.”
Grissom allegedly introduced Feldman to cocaine and other hard drugs. One time, after he gave the child actor a cocktail of pills, he sexually assaulted him.
"He grabbed my hand and led me into my father’s room," Feldman wrote. "He pushed me on the bed and took me in his mouth. I was immediately revolted, but I tried to tough it out. I told myself I could do it, that a lot of other people were doing it, that I should stop fighting and go with the flow. I ignored the nausea that gripped my stomach. I tried to imagine that I was somewhere else. That it wasn’t real. That it wasn’t happening.”
Feldman also told Dr. Oz that Grissom still had photos of Feldman and child actor Corey Haim on his social media pages, and suggested he was still "flaunting" it. His Facebook page has since been deleted.
Grissom is currently listed as a sex offender on the State of California's Department of Justice Office of the Attorney General's website. Grissom's convictions include oral copulations with a minor under 16, and lewd or lascivious acts with a child 14 or 15 years old. That conviction dated back to 2003.
Feldman revealed to Dr. Oz that he told the Santa Barbara Police Department in 1993 the names of the attackers in Hollywood, but a public information officer for the department told Fox News that their records don't indicate he named any suspects.
In 2017, Feldman had also publicly named another one of his abusers as Marty Weiss, a former child talent manager and convicted sex offender, whose abuse of another boy was profiled in the stunning documentary, An Open Secret.
The former child actor then encouraged Grissom to turn himself into police.
“Now is your time,” Feldman said. “Be a man for the first time and come forward yourself... Let it be known and you will be dealt with in a much more tolerant way, I’m sure. However, if you do not, we are coming for you.”
Grissom did respond to the accusations in a comment section on YouTube. "I said it's not me I'm sick and tired of saying that when no one listens," he wrote. "So g**damnit I'm not repeating it anymore."
And Weiss had also responded in a tweet:
Weiss then followed up later with another tweet:
Weiss also recently revealed on Twitter that he was a victim of abuse himself, writing, "Answering one DM publicly. Yes, I was a victim of CSA at 9 and again at 12/13. Victimized by 3 others in early adulthood including a very violent rape. This is not an excuse for anything I’ve done. But the traumas did have major impacts and not just due to the acts alone."
In 2017, Feldman had revealed a plan to expose Hollywood pedophilia in a documentary about his life which he called a, "Truth Campaign." He was hoping to crowdfund $10 million to finance it.
And Feldman finally accomplished his wish with the release of his documentary in 2020, which details the abuse both he and Haim had suffered as child actors.
While neither Grissom nor Weiss were interviewed for the film, they were both mentioned in it, as well as two other names: Alphy Hoffman and Dominick Brascia.
At the premiere event, before starting the film, Feldman made an announcement, stating, “The most important topics are the ones you hear about the least. When you don’t hear about it, is when you should worry. I didn’t want to do this [film]. But this is the shindig of a lifetime. This has literally been a lifetime in the making.”
Feldman is also one of the people who's featured in the new documentary, Showbiz Kids, though he's not interviewed in a one-on-one.
This new film attempts to bring a little more attention to this sad and horrifying subject that will hopefully bring change to the entertainment industry.
Please contact the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673 to be connected with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area.
Editor's Note: This article was originally posted in November 2017 and was updated with the latest information.
Emily Blackwood is an editor at YourTango who covers pop culture, true crime, dating, relationships and everything in between.