The Colors You Choose In This Personality Test Reveals How Many Past Lives You Have Lived
Who did you used to be?

Whether or not you believe in reincarnation, many people believe we have all lived a past life. In fact, there have been instances where people and even children remember memories, sensations, or feelings of a mystical and mysterious nature — it's like those things belong to someone else.
But how do you know if you've lived a past life? It's not as simple as a feeling of déjà vu, and it has a lot to do with the people you meet. However, taking a simple past lives quiz can reveal to you just how many lives you've already had.
There are certain moments in our lives when we find people whom we have never met before, and yet we have a very strong connection to them as if they were long-lost friends of ours. We get a strong sense of déjà vu, feeling like we’re repeating the past, and like we've known this person all our life.
This kind of connection exists only with people that you've met in previous lives, which makes sense as to why you both get along so well with one another. It's more than just memories — it's a connection that can often not be explained.
There are a lot of strange coincidences in life, so who is to say that you have not experienced some of these coincidences before?
Though there are ways to remember who you used to be, including past life regression or memory therapy, there are also tests that can indicate your past life.
So, if you've ever wondered about your previous life or lives, this color personality test can reveal the truth to you.
All you have to do is take the past life quiz below, identify which colors you see, and see how many lives you've lived. Depending on the colors you see, we can calculate how many past lives you've lived, so hit "start quiz"!
It is important to recognize when you have found someone that shares the same kind of energy as you do. To meet someone who is so similar to you is someone worth keeping around.
The reason why you should continue seeing these people will only put you in shock and awe as to how much more you both have in common — more than you might actually realize.
It is strange to think about our past lives. We could have been anyone and done anything. It’s even more strange to think about how our current life might overlap with our past lives.
Certain experiences, people, and conversations feel like they’ve appeared before, and can even manifest as lessons learned and possibly hint at a past life we once had.
Also, did you know that people's preferences for certain colors are actually indicators of how many past lives they've lived? Our mind connects colors to experiences, items, people, and things we love! How interesting is that?
Our experiences from our past lives help determine how we feel about certain colors, giving a slight nod to how many past lives we may have actually lived.
So, take the color personality test above and find out for yourself just how many cosmic cycles you may have under your belt. How many past lives have you lived?
Higher Perspective seeks to bring together like-minded individuals focused on personal growth and expanding their consciousness. We can be better to our planet, better to our brothers and sisters, and better to ourselves.