What It's Like To Have Sex With A Kinky, Fetish-Loving Scorpio
Scorpio is known for its sexy, sensual qualities.

When you think of sex, which zodiac sign comes to mind first? If you said “Scorpio,” you’re not alone — this sign is known for its sexy, sensual qualities.
Why did Scorpio earn that association? Was it just some random decision that everyone went along with until it became tradition? Nope. As ancient astrologers worked out the nature of each sign, they discovered conceptual correspondences between the signs and the physical world.
That’s why our signs are associated with certain planets, birth stones, and colors. Each sign also rules a specific part of the body. The genitals were assigned to Scorpio.
It’s true that early astrologers and scientists didn’t really understand how the reproductive process worked. All they knew was that there were a whole lot of weird things involved “down there” — those body parts give us the strangest feelings and irresistible urges, not to mention the emergence of new life. What the heck is going on in there?
Scorpio's secretive, passionate nature and connection to the creative and destructive forces of the universe was the obvious choice to rule the sex organs. Even today, no matter how much modern science teaches us about reproduction, sexuality always has an element of excitement, mystery, and magic, especially when it comes to having sex with a Scorpio.
RELATED: The Ultimate Scorpio Compatibility Guide: Understanding Love & Relationships According To The Zodiac
Mind you, a Scorpio native isn’t necessarily willing to jump into bed with anyone, any time. The Scorpio energy is ultimately spiritual rather than physical. They have boundaries like the rest of us and deserve respect.
Besides, everyone has some Scorpio energy in their natal chart, regardless of their Sun sign. Scorpio’s location and any planets involved there can tell us a lot about their secret inner lives, passions, and fantasies.
Each chart is different, so the possibilities are endless, but let’s take a look at some interesting examples.
First of all, any planets in Scorpio will have a strong influence on someone’s sexuality. Venus in Scorpio gets turned on by romance and the idea of love itself. They want the whole experience: wining and dining, foreplay, adoring declarations. Mars in Scorpio, however, relishes a good “quickie” with no questions asked or promises made.
Does your partner seem to enjoy talking dirty? See where Mercury is in their chart. The planet of communication in Scorpio (or favorably aspected with Scorpio) can bestow a delightfully filthy mouth. Mercury’s energy is intellectual, and Mercury-Scorpio can get turned on simply by exchanging ideas with someone who can express themselves openly.
Benevolent Jupiter intensifies everything it touches. Jupiter-Scorpio is likely to be an insatiable lover, as long as everyone involved is really enjoying themselves. They might prefer to have more than one partner. Orgies and swingers’ clubs are Jupiter-Scorpio’s fantasies come true.
Even if a chart shows are no planets in Scorpio, the location of the sign itself reveals details about someone’s sexuality.
The astrology chart is divided into twelve segments, or “houses,” each of which are associated with a certain aspect of life. Scorpio ruling someone’s fourth house (the segment of the home) indicates that they prefer a very private sex life. In public, they might not strike anyone as particularly sexual at all. Once on their own turf with a partner they trust, though, don’t be surprised to learn about their secret bondage room.
On the other hand, the tenth house (directly opposite the fourth) rules the career and public reputation. Scorpio on the tenth house implies someone who’s very comfortable expressing their sexuality to the world. They may have a fascination for public sex (the risk of getting caught is a turn-on!) or even genuinely enjoy a career in the porn industry.
The seventh house defines one’s perfect partner. Someone with Scorpio in the seventh house might be uncomfortable with sex or just naïve about their own kinks, but find themselves turned on by someone else’s sexual confidence. They need that Scorpio energy to inject mystery and passion into their lives and help them discover exactly what they like.
Scorpio is not a naturally submissive sign by any means, but Scorpio in the fifth house is at its most endearingly vulnerable. This segment of the chart rules creativity, fertility, and youthful enthusiasm. Scorpio here loves to feel taken care of, and genuinely enjoys learning from others and relinquishing control now and then.
You can imagine how the infinite combinations of planets, signs, and houses create sexual preferences and secret fantasies that are unique to each person. The examples here should give you an idea about how to interpret what having sex with a Scorpio is like in your own and your partner’s charts, and help you take your sex life to the next level.
RELATED: 5 Things That Make Scorpios Completely And Utterly Irresistible
Trudi Mentior grew up in Great Falls, Montana, where she spent her formative years wondering just what might be beyond those vast plains, on the other side of those distant mountains. She now lives in Vancouver, Washington, with her husband, three cats, and a loudmouthed hyacinth macaw (who loves to scare the cats).