The Kind Of Guy You Should Wait For, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
There's one type of person that you should hold out for.

In our lives, we meet a lot of guys, but there is only one who is made for us that we should wait for.
Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)
Intellectual conversations on one of your biggest wants, let alone biggest turn on when it comes to a relationship. As an Aquarius, you need to find a man who gets your thinking. So you need to find a man who loves to question everything there is in life and is obviously smart. You also need someone who is honest and doesn't want to control you.
Someone who supports your ambitions because you're known as one of the most independent signs and you expect to be treated how you treat others. Which is why you need someone who loves honesty, freedom, and spontaneity.
RELATED: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving An Aquarius (As Written By One)
Pisces (February 19 to March 20)
Wait for the guy who is a hopeless romantic with an old-fashioned view on love.
You, Pisces, are one of the most romantic signs and you love being courted by a man with flowers, kisses, and everything in between. You need to find a man who is willing to go to all lengths of the world to be that romantic long term relationship type of guy. A guy who truly wants a connection with you. Because you are not the girl who wants or needs a dating fling. You're the wife up kind of girl.
RELATED: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Pisces (As Written By A Pisces)
Aries (March 21 to April 19)
Wait for the guy who loves as hard and as unapologetically as you do.
You need a man who can handle the strong loving woman you are and who loves that about you. Find someone who is as entranced by you as you are by them.
RELATED: 13 Brutal Truths About Loving An Aries (As Written By An Aries)
Taurus (April 20 to May 20)
Wait for the guy who wants to know all your ins and outs, every little thing that makes you tick before making you his.
As a Taurus, you aren't the type of girl that just dives into a new relationship. You look for someone who likes the same things as you. Appreciates their friends and family as much as you do and just someone who overall has your same life goals. You need a man who is patient and loving.
Someone who is not going to push you into a relationship while you are still trying to get to know them. Someone who wants the same things are you do in life and can make you feel a type of love and comfort you have never felt before.
RELATED: 5 Brutal Truths About Loving A Taurus (As Written By A Taurus)
Gemini (May 21 to June 20)
Wait for the guy with the spontaneous personality and a heart of gold.
You, Gemini, are a woman who gets bored way too easily. Men always seem to not be on your same energy and intellectual level... But you still love them. You need a man who understands the fun loving person you are. You need someone who is passionate, exciting and knows exactly how to give you those butterflies. A man who loves to flirt just like you and can pass your communication and intellectual test.
RELATED: 13 Brutal Truths About Loving A Gemini (As Written By One)
Cancer (June 21 to July 22)
Wait for the guy who understands all of your moods and is always the one you run to when life becomes too much.
Cancer, you're the girl who is all about your feelings and most of the time it has left you hurt in all of your past relationships. But it is a great trait when you find a man who is gentle and comforting just like you've always wanted. You need a man who understands emotions and knows how to make you feel great no matter the situation.
He should be strong but definitely in tune with his feminine side because you two will both be able to connect on a level you've never had with anyone else before. He should be a man who can speak without having to say a word.
RELATED: 5 Brutal Truths About Loving A Cancer (As Written By A Cancer)
Leo (July 23 to August 22)
Wait for the guy who knows who his true self is and is so self-assured it makes everyone around him feel at ease.
Since you're a Leo you are one of the strongest women out there with a huge passionate side. You like being a leader in every situation, even relationships. But even though it has not worked as well with your past partners you will find a man who loves that about you. You need a man who is self-aware, reasonable and on the same intellectual level as you.
But you also need a man who stands up for what he believes in. Even though you are an alpha female, you want a man who can put you in your place, because something about that is just oh so sexy.
RELATED: 6 Brutal Truths About Loving A Leo (As Written By A Leo)
Virgo (August 23 to September 22)
Wait for the guy who doesn’t give up when times get tough, who’s going to stick by you through and through.
As a Virgo, you have a vulnerable heart and you're not someone who lets people in easily. You're also very hard on yourself at times and this can be because past lovers haven't loved you and appreciated your kind heart the way you deserved. You need a man who is gentle and calm.
Someone who can break down your walls but in a slow meaningful way. A man who doesn't play games and can be your best friend as well as your boyfriend.
RELATED: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Virgo (As Written By A Virgo)
Libra (September 23 to October 22)
Wait for the guy who loves to love as much as you do, who doesn’t just date to date.
Libra, you're the girl who has a longing to find the one as soon as possible. You love relationships and are probably the best girlfriend anyone could ask for. You need a man who understands your caring and loving heart but also looks for a future in a relationship.
You really believe in commitment which means he has to feel as strongly about that as you do. Also finding a man who is deep and meaningful in all of his actions towards you will be the best one for you.
RELATED: 11 Brutal Truths About Loving A Libra (As Written By A Libra)
Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)
Wait for the guy who is a real man’s man but knows how to take care of you (in every way).
Since you're a Scorpio, you just love people in general but when it comes to an amazing man you just go all in. Your biggest characteristics that you need in a man are intelligence and honesty. But you also need a man who is fun and not just in public... (wink wink).
You need someone who can give you goosebumps at home as well as laughs and smiles. You need a man who falls as hard into love as you do but who can maybe stand waiting a bit before you're all in when it comes to being official.
RELATED: 14 Brutal Truths About Loving A Scorpio (As Written By A Scorpio)
Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)
Wait for the guy who’s a child at heart and can have fun doing absolutely anything.
As a Sagittarius, you are known as the girl who loves to play and make people laugh because the world is too short to not be smiling and laughing. You need a man who laughs and wants to laugh just as much as you do. Someone who is fun but also loyal, faithful, and wanting to fall head over heels in love.
You need a man who can work around you wanting to always be out having a good time no matter what. Someone who can help you realize that one day maybe you could settle down with him.
RELATED: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Sagittarius (As Written By One)
Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)
Wait for the guy who respects your independence but is also there with open arms for you to run to when you need him.
Capricorn, you're the girl who doesn't need a man but still wishes she had one. You look for someone who really is worth it because you don't let just anyone break down your walls. You need a man who looks at you as the prize of all prizes a man who would climb any wall just so he could break it down to get to you.
Someone who understands that you only guard your heart because you've been hurt before and want to give it to someone who deserves it. You'll need a man who is dedicated, smart, and way more loving than you think you need. He'll make you feel wanted and loved and you will be so happy you kept your walls so high. Because you ended up finding a man like him.
RELATED: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Capricorn (As Written By One)