The Most Arrogant Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked From Most To Least
Bet you think this post is about you.

We all know at least one person who thinks the world revolves around them.
They're completely self-centered in a way that’s kind of charmingly obnoxious. When someone has a huge amount of self-importance and confidence, it's sometimes easier to just agree with them. If they think so highly of themselves, they must be great, right?
The problem with arrogant people is that being this way takes up a lot of their time and interest, and if you're around them, you feel like you almost don’t exist. You want to be able to share what’s going on in your life or get guidance for your problems, but your arrogant friend is so self-absorbed that they don’t even ask about you!
Naturally, when it comes to being completely self-centered, astrology can show who the most arrogant zodiac signs are. And some are more self-absorbed than others.
Loving yourself, cherishing your strengths, and celebrating your victories are all good things, but don’t do them to the exclusion of others. Everyone is worthy of attention and being allowed to shine. If you’re always the sun, you’ll forever shut out someone else’s shine.
1. Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Well, it's no surprise that Leos are at the top of the list.
Sure, they're full of themselves, self-absorbed, and sometimes downright conceited, but it's usually justified. If they weren't the charismatic beings they are, they wouldn't have so many followers, friends, and supporters.
Leo's ego is so big that it can actually cause bumps in the road of their success. Once they've got an idea in their head, it's hard to get them to change their mind; they think they're right about everything.
The biggest factor that makes them so full of themselves is their arrogance; they don't just think they're all that, they know it.
2. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
One of the reasons Sagittarius wants to see the world is because they're convinced it revolves around them.
Sagittarians are a charming, inquisitive, and optimistic; however, the difficulty comes in the fact that they think their delightfulness should make up for their not-so-attractive qualities, like self-centeredness and vanity.
They think everyone should use them as an example, and they don't understand when people deviate. Sagittarius is perfectly happy pontificating their theories (on everything) because they're sure everyone around them is entranced with them.
3. Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus doesn't believe in compromise. Why should they? They believe they're always right.
They're self-indulgent to the point where they're completely oblivious to the needs and feelings of other people. Their problems trump everyone else's and should always be dealt with first, and if that means other people's problems go unattended, that's the way it is.
Taurus can be so self-absorbed that they can come off as callous and unfeeling to other people. They do care, it's just that they're at the top of the list.
4. Aries (March 21 - April 19)
It's very difficult for Aries to take another person into consideration.
It's not that they don't care, it's that they only have so much bandwidth to deal with emotions and things that they come off as insensitive. They're too busy to care about other people, and they're not great at sensing when another person is in need.
If asked directly for help, Aries is right there, but you do have to spell it out for them. If you put Aries' impatience together with their self-serving attitude, you can see why they might come off as arrogant.
5. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
While no one is more giving to the earth and its peoples, Aquarius can be surprisingly self-absorbed.
They can't deal with other people's emotions, but lord help you if you cause them any pain and don't immediately try to help them. They're good listeners but so stubborn that it can be pointless to try to change their mind once it's been made.
If they get a creative burst and are working on something that's important to them, good luck trying to get them to listen to you or help you in any way. What they're doing is the most important thing, even if what you're doing is just as prestigious or beneficial.
6. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Virgos are know-it-alls and perfectionists, so it's hardly surprising that they can be incredibly conceited.
They know they're right and they're not about to hide it; they want the world to know how brilliant, creative, and awesome they are. On the other hand, Virgo can beat themselves up for not being perfect enough or not knowing everything.
It can be tricky for Virgo. Luckily, no matter how self-absorbed and full of themselves Virgo gets, they'll always do whatever they can to help somebody out or to fix a problem.
7. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpios aren't the most self-centered of the zodiac signs unless they feel slighted or betrayed; then, a whole new side to them emerges.
When you cause a Scorpio to lose their trust in you, you set off a powder keg of vengeance and repercussions.They hold a grudge and feel it's their duty to right a wrong perpetrated against them.
If their partner breaks up with them out of the blue or a business partner cheats them, they'll become obsessed with teaching that person a lesson and/or having their revenge.
8. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
As with lots of things, Gemini is equal parts selfish and self-centered.
Their self-centered attitude usually comes out with their conversation because they love talking about themselves, and they love hearing people talk about them (in positive ways).
The good thing is that they have a sense of humor about themselves, so when they're being self-indulgent, they don't take it too seriously. They can laugh at their own expense and take a joke.
9. Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Libras are self-centered in the way they always try to improve and are never happy with the status quo.
They know they have some admirable qualities, but there's always room for improvement, and when you stop growing, you might as well be dead. They're great at seeing things from all perspectives, not just their own, and they really try to consider other people and the effects their decisions will have on them.
Libras can be self-indulgent but that's really more about self-care.
10. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces is too selfless to be too self-centered.
In fact, Pisces could actually be a little more self-centered for self-preservation, if nothing else. They're easily influenced and very forgiving, so they tend to put others first most of the time.
They're also intuitive, and that helps them know exactly what someone else needs. Pisces are compassionate, kind, and rarely put themselves first. They'd never do anything that would hurt another person, even if they themselves benefited from it.
11. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Capricorns are too wise and practical to be full of themselves.
They understand how the world works and don't believe their needs are more important than those of others. They may put too much focus on their work, and their goals and their drive may be mistaken for self-centeredness.
Capricorns want to get things done and want everyone to benefit from them, not just themselves. It's all about the greater good with Capricorn.
12. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancers may be emotional, but they don't think their feelings are more important than anyone else's.
Cancers are a very loving and protective sign, and they tend to put other people's needs above their own. When they do something for someone else's good, they don't expect anything in return.
There's no quid pro quo with them — they don't do things so they'll be praised and rewarded; they do them because they're the right things to do.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and astrology lover. She has written over 500 articles on the zodiac signs and how the stars influence us. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, and Woman's Day. Visit her website or and her Instagram.