Which Zodiac Signs Are Clingy Vs. Independent In Relationships, Ranked
Where do you fall between super clingy and fiercely independent?

Some people can’t stand to be alone because when they’re by themselves they worry and think of reasons of why they’re alone in the first place. Of course, there are many states of being between clingy and independent, and, for the most part, we all have a little of both.
You can be fiercely independent at the beginning of a relationship, but you can’t bear being away from your partner. Or, you could be very needy and still crave your alone time. There’s no set way to be.
Also, the degree of neediness or independence that you’re feeling can change from moment to moment, depending on other factors.
Because astrology has a lot of influence on our personalities, it can help us differentiate between the clingy zodiac signs and the most independent zodiac signs.
However, it doesn’t suggest that a Leo is always this way or a Scorpio is always the other way. The stars merely suggest that each of the signs tend to be clingy or independent, or somewhere in between.
1. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancers need contact at all times.
If their partner is in the same physical space with them, there's going to be lots of affectionate touching. If they aren't in the same place, there's going to be a lot of calls, texts, and messaging.
If Cancer doesn't hear from their partner, they need to be reassured or they're going to get worried. Cancers can go from feeling fine about their relationship, to sure that they're being dumped very quickly.
2. Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Libras hate being alone, and if that means they're clingy and needy, they're okay with that — just don't make them spend time by themselves.
They do try to cover their neediness with a veneer of charm, but that's not fooling anybody. They can wait to watch the next episode of your favorite show together, or wait to try the new Thai place when you're available.
If their partner is going away, they'll ask if they can come too; they don't care if it's a boring business convention. As long as they don't have to sleep alone, they'll do it. They're pretty needy, but, luckily, they're quite wonderful to have around.
3. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Once someone has captured Pisces' heart, their neediness goes way up.
They're so selfless that they'll do almost anything for anyone; if you screw them over, they'll give you a second or third chance. They need to have someone to love, someone to make them feel loved, and someone to share their art with.
They don't like to do things solo except when they're creating. They're very sensitive and if they sense their partner is losing interest, they'll amp up the love.
Their neediness makes them extremely vulnerable, and it's easy to take advantage of them.
4. Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus is patient and calm, so you might not be able to see their neediness boiling under the surface.
They need to be right, they need to be loved, and they need to be admired. They want to trust people, but it takes them a long time to develop trust. That doesn't mean they're independent; it means they're selective about who they're vulnerable with.
They can be very possessive of people and their personal possessions because they need these things to feel confident. Taurus has many needs, they just don't share them with the world.
5. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Virgos don't seem that needy, but they definitely have their moments.
They can be extremely self-reliant, but they're terrified they're not good enough for their partner. So, they will do whatever they can to make their partner happy and suit their needs.
If their partner needs attention, Virgo will shower them with affection and praise; if their partner needs space, Virgo will find a project that needs completing.
6. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Most of the time, Scorpios aren't that needy, but if they get invested in another person and that person doesn't return their affection, they become a little obsessed.
When Scorpio is the only one invested in a relationship, they get extremely needy, and this neediness can come out in very inappropriate ways. Scorpio just wants their love returned, but they can come off as creepy.
They don't think of themselves as needy, but as someone who goes after what they want and gets it. Sometimes their intense focus works, and other times they just scare off the object of their affection.
7. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Geminis are a mix of need and independence — maybe because of the duality of their sign?
They don't want to be tied down, but, on the other hand, they don't want to be ignored. They want to be loved and assured that everything will be alright.
They can do things solo, but they'd much rather be around people. They have an intense need to communicate with other people and to be heard. Sometimes, they'll bite off more than they can chew, which will make them anxious.
8. Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Leos think they're independent; however, they're entirely dependent on attention and compliments.
They need to be the leader, the person that everyone looks up to, and the star. If their partner doesn't give them what they need, they'll go with someone else.
Leos aren't alone much and they don't enjoy being on their own. It may look like they're perfectly capable of being by themselves — and they are, as long as they're on their own and admired by a bunch of people.
9. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Capricorns are fine on their own, but when they make a commitment to someone, they can get needy.
It's as if they need to be certain that if they show how much they want someone, that person won't run away or betray them. They can be guarded until they feel comfortable.
Family is very important to Capricorn, but they're not going to make a hasty decision just to start the process of building a life with someone. They're going to be careful and make small steps until they know it's safe to trust someone.
10. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Aquarius is independence personified.
They love doing things by themselves such as traveling, hiking, or camping. They keep their emotions to themselves, and try to never burden someone else with their problems.
Independence, self-sufficiency, and being autonomous are qualities they prize in themselves.
11. Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Aries is too busy and too independent to be needy.
If they need something, they can do it for themselves. They don't want to be tied to just one person, so they tend to guard their heart a little bit.
They don't want to have to depend on anyone else, and they don't want to have to change their plans because of somebody else's feelings or fears. Thank you, but Aries doesn't need your help.
12. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Sagittarians thrive on doing for themselves — they don't need anyone or anything.
When they do settle down with one person, they need to be trained on how it's sometimes nice to let another person do something for you, or how when you confide in your partner, you become even closer.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and astrology lover. She has written over 500 articles on the zodiac signs and how the stars influence us. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, and Woman's Day. Visit her website or and her Instagram.