10 Best & Worst Personality Traits & Characteristics Of The Aries Zodiac Sign
What you need to know when getting caught up with an Aries.

Those with an Aries Sun sign are often proud of being born under the first zodiac sign in astrology.
Along with the other Fire signs Leo and Sagittarius, typical Aries traits include their passion, drive, energy, restlessness, and leadership. But people born under this sign are also prone to impulsivity, impatience, aggression, and mood swings.
Born between the dates of March 21-April 19, Aries are known for standing out from, and ahead of, the crowd.
As the first of the zodiac signs, Aries is often seen as the “baby” of the Zodiac, meaning they possess a young soul with the innocence of a child, as well as a “me first” attitude in all they do.
The sign of the Ram, Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of aggression. The symbol itself represents this sign’s sheer force of nature. Known for digging in its feet and butting horns, Rams are strong-willed and stubborn; just like their animal counterpart, Aries refuses to be pushed around by anyone.
Aries is a go-getter and natural-born leader in all they do, and since their passion is fueled by the planet Mars as well as the Fire element, they exude the utmost confidence and motivation and do what they need to get their way.
In addition to being leaders, Aries are incredibly direct with honest, have no problem confronting those who disagree with them, and know exactly what they want in life. Their boldness is what makes them unique to other zodiac signs, but their strong views and competitive nature come with a downside.
While Aries has many positive personality traits, they have a tendency to react with frustration and anger at those who question them, or when things don’t go their way. Not quite a sign who is quick to admit their faults, they come off as rash and intense.
Along with these traits, this unique sign also desperately wants to be liked, so it can be especially difficult for them to admit to the less-than-likable aspects of these inherent Aries personality traits. It's not that Aries feels a need to be perfect, they just need to be the best.
Of all the signs of the Zodiac, Aries has a fiery passion that comes through in every aspect of their life. And it’s these same traits that prove just how successful they can be when leading with courage and curiosity.
Positive Aries Personality Traits
1. Determined
Aries are determined in everything they do, always intent on doing and being better. Aries signs are unlikely to give up on anything, and though they may struggle with personal vices from time to time, they are always quick to correct their bad behavior.
2. Honest
Aries will always be honest, even if it can be a bit brutal at times. They see the world for what it is, and generally refuse to report things any other way. This tendency to share their opinions so honestly can get them into trouble, and it's often emotionally draining for both parties involved.
3. Confident
Aries knows how to be sure of themselves without being arrogant. Aries tends to be too self-assured to lower themselves to melodramatic manipulation.
4. Optimistic
Aries tend to be happy and optimistic, even in tough situations. The confidence that radiates from them is so consuming, they find it difficult to stay unhappy about anything for long.
5. Passionate
Aries feel intensely and passionately. Whether they're currently focused on their career path, a new hobby or an important relationship, Aries are enthusiastic about the things that matter most to them.
6. Courageous
Aries are brave in all aspects of life. When it comes to facing fears and taking on new challenges, Aries takes on challenges without wavering.
Negative Aries Personality Traits
7. Temperamental
Aries are easily angered by seemingly small things. Hot-headed tends to be a bit of an understatement when it comes to their emotional style. They can go from calm, cool and collected to fuming mad within seconds, especially if they don’t get their way.
8. Aggressive
Aries have an aggressive nature, but what else would you expect from the Sun sign ruled by Mars, the planet named after the Roman god of war? If you're not careful, the honest Aries nature can be paired with this tendency toward aggression in unfortunate ways.
9. Impulsive
Aries are often impulsive eaters and spenders. Whether it’s impulse shopping, binge-eating, or saying something they're sure to regret later, Aries tend to be a bit rash at times.
10. Competitive
Aries can be overly competitive. They need to be first in everything they do, both socially and at work, which can get old fast. Their competitive nature tends to make them a bit annoying and standoffish, with others perceiving them as arrogant and egotistical.
Aries Personality in Love, Sex and Relationships
Dating an Aries isn’t for everyone, but there are certain signs who get along very well with them.
Because Aries is a Fire sign, they get along best with Air signs and other Fire signs. Aries is most compatible with Gemini, Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius.
Due to their fiery personality, their ideal mate is someone spontaneous, honest, romantic, independent, and a "ride or die" type of person. Aries needs someone who is hardworking and decisive but allows them to be in control. They do best with a partner who goes with the flow and isn’t threatened by their success.
Aries may be a bit harsh to some, but a perfect partner for them is someone who sees past their rough exterior and truly understands their undying passion while providing the stability they crave. The perfect match for Aries won’t be sensitive to criticism, as Aries is brutally honest about their flaws.
Known for their independence and unrivaled vigor, Aries needs someone who can keep up and give them the passion they so desperately require. But they also want someone who will respect their freedom.
What are Aries' weaknesses?
Aries is incredibly stubborn, which can cause issues in their relationships if their partner can no longer tolerate their inability to budge. Being that Aries is also very independent, they don’t like being told what to do or being bossed around.
But one of their greatest weaknesses is their tendency to react with anger and frustration quickly, soon cooling down and not realizing what set them off in the first place.
Tips for Relating to an Aries Personality
Match their energy.
In order to not feel drained, it’s important to keep up with Aries in their plans, especially if you want to get closer to them.
Being around Aries means taking risks and going on adventures, so you can relate to them by sharing that same enthusiasm. It's practically impossible for them to sit still, and they have to be in on the action at all times.
Pick your battles.
Especially in a relationship, the Aries zodiac sign always needs to have the last word. Arguments revolve around Aries being right all the time, and if you don’t come prepared to back yourself up, you’ll be left defeated.
Give an Aries their space.
Aries signs are fiercely independent. They have no problem carving their own path and not looking back to see if anyone is following, though they'll often have many followers, since their personalities are so captivating and their excitement is contagious.
Embrace their fearless nature.
Aries friends, in particular, make excellent companions. They protect the ones they care for and their tenacity for life serves as an inspiration, encouraging others to live life to the fullest.
If you take on their passionate attitude and welcome it with open arms, you’ll find yourself a little more confident yourself.
Nicole Bradley-Bernard is a freelance writer whose work has been published in FINE Magazine, New York Gal Magazine, Momentum Magazine, and more.