Details About The Lawsuit Over Justin Bieber's Swollen Testicle And Why Pics Of His Penis Wound Up On Selena Gomez's Instagram
Who's court are Justin's balls in today?

After an apparently rough and tumble soccer match back in May of this year, it was reported that Justin Bieber paid a visit to the emergency room at Northwell Health in Long Island, New York, due to a swollen testicle he was concerned he may have twisted while playing with his friends.
Of course, any news related to the area surrounding Justin Bieber's penis is likely to make headlines.
But in this case, our STD-phobic culture sent the rumor mills flooding with gossip that Justin had been at the ER that day seeking treatment for a sexually transmitted infection.
Fortunately for Bieber, while we're sure it was painful, he did not, in fact, have a testicular torsion.
(Gratuitous shot of Bieber playing soccer. You're welcome.)
Unfortunately for a woman named Kelly Lombardo, then an employee of the ER he visited, her alleged involvement with the rumors of his potential STD led to her being fired.
According to an article in The Daily Mail:
"Lombardo, who'd worked in the emergency room since 2007, was apparently told by several colleagues that Justin was admitted to the hospital under an alias for a sexually transmitted disease [and allegedly looked] at the pop star's medical file... She was subsequently fired by the hospital after being called 'an immoral employee' who violated Justin's right to privacy."
The ball is now in the other court, as Lombardo is suing for wrongful termination.
Her attorney, David H. Rosenberg, asserts that when hospital administrators question her regarding allegations that she'd accessed Bieber's online records, "She was told generally, 'You are a young female. You're not curious about what he was doing in the ER?' And they fired her... She didn't admit it. Never saw him there. She was literally dragged into this."
Fortunately (again) for the Biebs, her lawsuit was filed against her former employers through the New York Division of Human Rights.
Rosenberg told the NY Daily News that 'They targeted her because of her gender. It’s wrong. She’s emotionally distressed. We’re looking forward to vigorously prosecuting these claims."
And because life is never simple when you're a rich and famous young celebrity, news of the lawsuit broke just one day after Selena Gomez's Instagram account was hacked.
Not only did his 25-year-old ex-girlfriend, who just happens to be THE most followed human being on Instagram with 125 million followers, lose control of her account, but the hacker(s) used it to publish full-frontal nude photos of Justin in all his manly glory.
Fortunately for Bieber — catching the theme here? It's all kinds of ups and downs in this 23-year-old dude's life — Gomez's account was quickly shut down.
Her people have now regained control of her priceless social media platform.
It would appear that whoever the hacker(s) might be, they aren't particularly cutting edge in their photo selection.
These particular dick pics a la Bieber had were those taken by hidden paparazzi while he relaxing in Bora Bora back in 2015. Justin and Selena were not together at the time, and those photos were leaked pretty much everywhere at the time.
They were, however, proud enough of their own handiwork that they chose to caption the images with their own Insta handles, as well as the masterful statement, "we run da scene."
Alas, because, again, Bieber appears to be far more fortunate than most of us, these trolls seem to be running no scenes to anywhere.
All has been peacefully restored in the Land That Justin Built.
We're all just living in it as we wait to see what drama unfolds for the young prince next.
Senior Editor and happily-former divorce coach/mediator Arianna Jeret is a recognized expert on love, sex, and relationships (except when it comes to her own life, of course) who has been featured in Cosmopolitan, The Huffington Post, Yahoo Style, Fox News, Bustle, Parents and more. Join her Sundays at 10:15 PM EST for answers to ALL of your questions on Facebook Live on YourTango and follow her on Twitter and Instagram.