100 Positive Life Quotes To Help You Breathe When Life Won't Let You

Just take a breath and let the rest come easy.

100 Positive "Just Breathe" Quotes YourTango

Life comes at you fast. You can be having a great time, having mounds of success, when things start crashing down. Issue after issue comes piling down on you like hundreds of bricks.

And when that happens, these 'just breathe' quotes will remind you to slow down and take things day by day.

Life is just hard sometimes. Life gets to take some free punches at us straight in the stomach while we helplessly stand by and let it. We're tired, defeated, broken, and we’ve had enough.


This is when you should breathe. 

Why do we breathe when we're stressed? It's because it's one of the best and fastest ways to calm the body. When we breathe deeply it sends a signal to the brain, then to the rest of the body, to relax. This allows for the heart rate and blood pressure to decrease.

These uplifting breathe quotes filled with wise words can help you pick yourself up and try again. Try again tomorrow, the next day, and the next day after that.

You don’t have to rush things to get yourself back to where you want to be. Take all the time you need, and go easy on yourself. You deserve a break to take a few deep breaths, then get back out in the field for another round.


For when life won’t let you breathe, these 'just breathe' quotes might be able to help do the trick.

Inspirational Breathe Quotes

1. "Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure." —Oprah Winfrey

2. "Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again." —Frank Sinatra

3. "We breathe so that the trees thrive and the trees breathe so that we are able to live." —Sanchita Pandey

4. "Ignore the noises around you that polarize and try to promote fear and division. You know better. Be better. Breathe.”― Gregory S. Williams


5. “Be strong now because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can’t rain forever.”

Just Breathe Quotes

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6. "Just breathe. When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace."

7. “The quality of your life is measured by the number of deep breaths you take. Make each breath count.”― Richie Norton


8. "Sometimes you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be."

9. “As long as I breathe, I attack.” —Bernard Hinault

10. “In the end, everything will be okay. If it’s not okay, it’s not yet the end.” — Fernando Sabino

Fernando Sabino Just Breathe Quotes

11. “Breathe as long as the sky is alive.” —Munia Khan


12. "There is one way of breathing that is shameful and constricted. Then, there's another way: a breath of love that takes you all the way to infinity."— Rumi

13. "I learned that when life pulls you under, you can kick against the bottom, break the surface, and breathe again." —Sheryl Sandberg 

14. “The wisest one-word sentence? Breathe.” —Terri Guillemets

15. “Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.”

Just Breathe Quotes


16. “The air we breathe is necessary to keep us alive, but we must continually breathe it out so we can breathe fresh air back into our lungs. God gives us his love, which we can keep in action by breathing it out to others, thus making room in our hearts for a fresh supply of love.” —John Templeton

17. "Deep breathing brings deep thinking and shallow breathing brings shallow thinking." —Elsie Lincoln Benedict

18. “Only those who know how to breathe will survive.” —Pundit Acharya

19. “God gave me the strength to see, and breathe, and talk.” —Leon Spinks

20. “When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.”


Just Breathe Quotes

21. “You’re alive and breathing. That’s a fine reason to celebrate.” —Johnny Lung

22. “For breath is life, so if you breathe well you will live long on earth.” — Sanskrit Proverb

23. “As you breathe right now another person takes his last. So stop complaining, and learn to live your life with what you have.” 


24. “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful.” —Eric D. Thomas

25. “Your life only gets better when you do. Work on yourself and the rest will follow.”

Just Breathe Quotes

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Breathe Quotes for Yoga

26. "Just breathe. Ten tiny breaths … Seize them. Feel them. Love them.”― K.A. Tucker


27. "That breath that you just took...that's a gift."—Rob Bell

28. "Inhale the present, exhale the past."

29. "I breathe in my courage and exhale my fear."

30. “Be gentle with yourself, you’re doing the best you can.”

Just Breathe Quotes

31. “Let your body breathe.”― Adrienne Posey

32. "Breathe. I am loved. I am wanted. I am appreciated." 


33. "Just breathe... You will never live this moment again."

34. "Reset yourself. Collect yourself. Breathe. Be still."

35. “Don’t forget that you’re human. It’s okay to have a meltdown. Just don’t unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where you’re headed.”

Just Breathe Quotes

36. "Breathe it all in. Love it all out."


37. "Breathe in. Hello, moment. Breathe out. I am here."

38. “Breathe consciously and with full intent to relax. In your breath is your freedom from the past and future and your ability to be here now”― Ari Zandieh

39. “Let every cell dance, love in harmony and breathe through yoga poses.”― Debasish Mridha

40. "Rise and slay."

Just Breathe Quotes


41. “Breathe in, take what life hands you; hold it, accept it; breathe out, let it go.”― Susan Gable

42. “Breathe deeply and remember to love.”― Scott Stabile

43. “Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break.”― Akiroq Brost

44. "Be happy. God gave you a breath to breathe every day. You don't need to be mad about nothin'." —Lamar Jackson

45. “Sometimes things have to go very wrong before they can be right.”

Just Breathe Quotes


46. "Breathe in. Breathe out. Move on." —Jimmy Buffet

47. “Breathe in the beauty all around you.”― A.D. Posey

48. "Breathe in joy and strength. Breathe out wisdom and peace."

49. "Inhale blessings, exhale gratitude..."—Jessica Robinson

50. “You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days.”

Just Breathe Quotes


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Just Breathe Quotes About Life

51. "When people ask me what the most important thing is in life, I answer: 'Just breathe.'" —Yoko Ono

52. “We breathe when we're wrong, we breathe when we're right, we breathe even as we slip off the ledge toward an early grave. It cannot be undone. So I breathe.”― Tahereh Mafi

53. “The breath is a small daily reminder of the cyclic nature of life. We are constantly inhaling and exhaling in our lives. We take in information and let it go. We rise like the breath and we also fall. Sometimes we feel full and sometimes we are empty.”― Jenny C. Bell


54. “There are so many distractions in your daily life that taking the time to pause and consciously breathe is a gift you can give yourself — and in so doing you give it to others who feel your sense of calm and inner strength.”― Ntathu Allen

55. “…and sometimes, life is just hard, and some days are just rough…and sometimes you just gotta cry before you can move forward (and all of that is OK).”

Just Breathe Quotes

56. “When life feels too big to handle, go outside. Everything looks smaller when you're standing under the sky.”― L.R. Knost


57. “Sometimes life takes you into a dark place where you feel it's impossible to breathe. You think you've been buried, but don't give up, because if truth be told, you've actually been planted.”― Karen Gibbs

58. “The trick to life is to just keep breathing.” —Johnny Lung

59. “Life is pretty easy. Breathe in and breathe out, then repeat.”

60. “Every day is a second chance.”

Just Breathe Quotes


61. "The present moment is the only moment available to us and it is the door to all other moments." —Thich Nhat Hanh

62. “Life isn’t measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” 

63. "Breathing is the greatest pleasure in life." —Giovanni Papini

64. Breathe deeply, until sweet air extinguishes the burn of fear in your lungs and every breath is a beautiful refusal to become anything less than infinite. —D. Antoinette Foy

65. “Life is tough, my darling, but so are you.”  — Stephanie Bennett-Henry

Stephanie Bennett-Henry Just Breathe Quotes


66. When the breath is unsteady, all is unsteady; when the breath is still; all is still. Control the breath carefully. Inhalation gives strength and a controlled body; retention gives steadiness of mind and longevity; exhalation purifies body and spirit. —Goraksasathakam

67. "If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance." —Andrea Boydston

68. "I wake up every day and think, 'I’m breathing! It’s a good day.'” —Eve Ensler

69. “We breathe, we think, we conceive of our lives as narratives.” —Christopher Lehmann-Haupt

70. “You’re allowed to scream, you’re allowed to cry, but do not give up.”

Just Breathe Quotes


71. “Breathing, according to me, corresponds to taking charge of one’s own life.” — Luce Irigaray

72. “Conscious breathing is the best antidote to stress, anxiety, and depression.” —Amit Ray

73. “Conscious breathing heightens awareness and deepens relaxation.” — Dan Brule

74. “Breath is the finest gift of nature. Be grateful for this wonderful gift.” — Amit Ray

75. "What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet."

Just Breathe Quotes


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Just Breathe Quotes for Anxiety and Stress

76. “Keep breathing. Just keep doing it. It's easy. In and out.”― Jenny Downham

77. "Sometimes you just have to stop, take a deep breath, and put things into perspective." — Katrina Mayer


78. "You will get there when you are meant to get there and not one moment sooner... so relax, breathe, and be patient."—Mandy Hale

79. “Turn your pressure into Power, and your anxiety into Productivity.”― Jeanette Coron

80. “A little progress each day adds up to big results.” 

Just Breathe Quotes

81. "Breathe. This too will pass."—Edward FitzGerald


82. “Learn how to exhale, the inhale will take care of itself.” —Carla Melucci Ardito

83. “Breathe. To Pause. To make space. To collect your thoughts. To remember. To face the next moment. To choose.”

84. "A healthy mind has an easy breath."

85. “I will breathe. I will think of solutions. I will not let my worry control me. I will not let my stress level break me. I will simply breathe. And it will be okay. Because I don’t quit.” — Shayne McClendon

Shayne McClendon Just Breathe Quotes


86. "Whenever you’re feeling down — just breathe. Everything will work its way out in the end." — Johnny Lung

87. "Conscious breathing is your anchor.”

88. "Don't worry, just breathe. If it's meant to be, it will find its way."

89. "Just breathe. Tomorrow is a brand new day."

90. “Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.”

Just Breathe Quotes


91. “Some things are out of your control, but not your breath." —R.S. Grey

92. "Breathe. A great time to relax is when you don't have time for it." —Sydney Harris

93. “The breath is always present. It lives and dies so quickly it doesn't have time to occupy thoughts.”― Psil Silva

94. “The more we talk about our troubles and our fears, the more life we breathe into them." ― Evinda Lepins

95. “You can’t change your situation, the only thing you can change is how you chose to deal with it.”

Just Breathe Quotes


96. "When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive — to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." —Marcus Aurelius

97. "Breathe in deeply to bring your mind home to your body." —Thich Nhat Hanh

98. "Sometimes it's OK if the only thing you did today was breathe."

99. "Breathe. It's just a bad day, not a bad life."

100. “You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens.”

Just Breathe Quotes


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Caitlin Butkiewicz is a contributor to YourTango.