The Uncharacteristic Way Each Zodiac Sign Acts After A Breakup
You're acting strange, girlfriend.

A breakup can hit you so hard that it can cause you to act out of character.
We all deal with breakups differently and some breakups are more difficult to process than others.
Sometimes when we’re in the post-traumatic throes of a breakup, we may behave in strange and bizarre ways.
When you’re reeling from a breakup, you can find yourself doing some pretty unbelievable things — things that, when you look back upon them, you wonder how (and why) you did them.
Your zodiac sign after a breakup may not only feel far removed from its normal self but even like an entirely different person.
Here’s how the zodiac signs act after a breakup.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You try to hook up with one of your ex's friends or family members.
There's no logic to this behavior. Do you think that if you do manage to get with someone connected to your ex that they'll run and tell them how amazing you were? Or are you just trying to get your ex to regret breaking up with you?
Whatever you're doing, it's not very nice to use someone for your own reasons. Yes, one way to get over someone is to get under someone else — but keeping it in the family isn't cool.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
You go full-on emo and write bad poetry, prose, and songs.
It's good that you want to get your feelings out in a creative way and if you are inspired to write something, good on you.
However, some of your breakup writing should never be seen by anyone else. When you're in the throes of heartbreak, you don't have that distance you need when looking at your work.
Write it, save it on your computer, or even print it out and toss it in a drawer. Give it some time; if you really think there was something in what you wrote, look at it when the heartbreak has dissipated and you can see clearly.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You spread rumors about your ex.
Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, this can manifest negatively when Gemini is hurt.
It's not good to spread rumors and gossip about your ex. You think you're doing damage control with the way people think of you but really, you're just looking like a Grade-A jerk.
Points, though, for creativity, as most people would just say their ex cheated on them or that you had irreconcilable differences, but you spin a story that's truly imaginative.
You're not painting yourself in a very good light and when you spread lies — the damage is far more intensive than you think.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You text, call, and message excessively.
You refuse to go no contact, so you go overboard and are constantly reaching out to your ex.
It's easy to see through your sham of concern. If they need someone to talk to, it's not going to be you. If you want to remain friends, you're still going to have to go through a cooling-off period. It's embarrassing when you send text after text and they never respond.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
You make up mean nicknames for your ex.
You pass it off as just being funny, and while your sense of humor is usually on point, this is not handling things in a grown-up way. Use all that creativity for something that will make you feel better. For example, write a novel about your relationship — but be sure to change the names!
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
You try to shed your past.
When your relationship is over, you try to change everything about yourself — you get a makeover, do things you'd never normally do and say things that sound strange coming from you.
Maybe you think if you're a totally different person you won't hurt so badly, but the truth is you're just hiding from yourself. Eventually, you're going to have to come to terms with the fact that the breakup changed your life and learn how to move forward.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
You overindulge in everything.
Normally, you're someone who strives for balance, but breakups throw you for a loop. You'll do anything to dull the pain.
If feeling better is what you're going for, surprise! All that overindulgence is only going to make you feel worse. Instead, be selective about what you're indulging in, prioritizing self-care and time with friends.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
You change the bed sheets.
No, you don't just wash the bed sheets; you remove them, throw them in the trash, and buy new ones. Anything that your ex enjoyed using is purged from your home, just like you hope to purge them from your heart and mind. You make a ritual out of getting rid of any trace of them as if your house was a crime scene.
Be careful when you burn any of the cards they gave you or the pictures of you together; you don't want to burn the house down with your fury!
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
You stay put.
You, the traveler and the adventurer, go entirely against your character when you're dealing with a breakup and don't go anywhere. You barely leave the house.
If you can't get it delivered you'll do without. If you don't work from home, you'll call in sick. You will do what you can to retreat from the world and you get comfort from the familiar and the routine.
Capricorn (December 22–January 19)
You dramatically give your ex back their stuff.
You collect everything they ever gave you and all of the things that they left at your place and you make a big show of returning them to your ex. You want to hurt them however you can, and you think returning their things is going to feel like a stab in the heart.
The problem is that it may hurt you more than it hurts them and at some point, you're going to want all that stuff back. If you're lucky, you can get someone to steal them back for you; if you're not, you're going to regret being so hasty.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
You stay friends with your ex's friends.
You'll justify inviting your ex's friend's out by saying that you always liked them and that you don't want to lose them now that the relationship is over.
The truth is you want them to tell your ex how amazing you are and how much fun they have with you. In your perfect evil world, your ex's friends would take your side and turn against him.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
You develop a fake profile and try to catfish your ex.
Catfishing rarely works out well, especially if your motives are questionable. You think you know what your ex wants in a partner, so you create a profile you think is sure to entice them. Once you do, you become the epitome of their ideal partner.
What happens when he falls for the fake you? Have you even thought about the consequences of your actions, besides getting even?
Christine Schoenwald is a writer and performer. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, and Woman's Day.