How To Text A Guy, Based On His Zodiac Sign
Whether he prefers cute, funny or quirky, find out exactly how to text a man based on his zodiac sign.

Texting can make or break a relationship. Some people flourish via text messaging and some people just can’t seem to make it work the right way. Fortunately, astrology can offer some helpful advice on how to text a guy.
Knowing which of the 12 zodiac signs a man was born under can tell you a lot about the kind of cute texts he'd love to get from you most.
Whether you and your boyfriend (or husband) love to converse via written words or tend to flop in that arena, everyone has some room for improvement on the texting front. If the two of you haven’t been communicating as well as you’d like to IRL, or if you've been getting into a lot of fights lately, try looking to the stars for some major help so you can text him in a way that makes him feel loved and understood.
Sending sweet text messages to the man in your life is also a great thing to do when everything is going well and you just want to make sure it stays that way. The right cute texts can help ensure your relationship will last for a long time because the thoughtfulness you put into them makes the person who receives them feel appreciated.
But don’t think that you can send the same text message to a Taurus man that you would to an Aquarius male and expect that it will have the same effect. One of the wonderful things about astrology is the diversity of traits among each of the zodiac signs, and when it comes to texting, like anything else, you've got to be mindful of his Sun sign's preferences. Knowing his likes and dislikes will help you write the perfect text for your special guy.
And, hey, you're in luck! We analyzed the signs and wrote examples of the cute text your guy will love most, based on his sign. So if you've been feeling like your relationship needs some help in the romance area, or if texting has been a major issue and is putting strain on you relationship, don’t fret.
How to text an Aries man
"I'm so proud of you."
An Aries man loves to receive inspirational and motivational texts in the morning. No matter how cheesy, he wants to know that you believe in his hard work. It can be a motivational quote or a simple “You can do this!” message to let him know that he can achieve whatever he puts his mind to. Send him this message with a bunch of hearts and one of those "keep it one hundred" emojis. This kind of text reminds him that you believe he is always number one in everything he does.
How to text a Taurus man
"I love spending quality time with you! Oh, and get hyped for my world-famous buffalo chicken dip, it will blow your mind!”
Promise your Taurus man that you will make time to focus on him and him only. Touch is extremely important to him and he can’t let a day go by without a big ol’ bear hug from his sweetie (even if it has to be given virtually at the moment). Be sure your message is accompanied by the hug emoji and some miscellaneous food emojis. He loves to spend quality time together and he also loves to cook. Combine those two to make him feel excited and appreciated all day long.
How to text a Gemini Man
“I have something very important to tell you. It’s urgent.”
A Gemini male appreciates a text that will keep him on his feet. He loves to have fun and is quick-witted. If you can match his wit, there is no doubt that he will fall deeply in love with you. In reality, you are just getting back at him for pranking you last week. Heck, he’ll probably even play along! He'll appreciate that you know how to laugh, which reminds him that there is never a dull moment between the two of you.
How to text a Cancer man
“I appreciate when you make me feel special, and tonight I definitely felt special!”
To keep your Cancer guy stress-free, try an emotional yet simple text to make his day. Cancer is an emotional sign, but he also tends to read too closely when it comes to text messages. If you send a simple “Hey,” he may think you want to break up with him. Yikes. With a text like this, you connect to his emotional side while being careful not to play with his feelings. It’s important to be real with a Cancer — remember that.
How to text a Leo man
“I know you may be asleep right now but I just wanted to say that I love you and you mean the world to me!”
A Leo guy is the king of cute text messages. So if you can top his cuteness, you know you’re making an impression on him. The best way to impress him via text is to catch him off guard. Send over a cute text when he least expects and he won’t be able to stop texting you. Throw in the Earth emoji and a bitmoji of you hugging a heart, and he will be so surprised and touched by the gesture.
How to text a Virgo man
“I know we have been having stupid fights lately, but I will always be here for you. I am in it for the long haul and I love you!”
Virgo men are all about loyalty. Your Virgo loves being loyal to you and expects the same in return. Also, if you can’t get with that, then I would walk away now. Sometimes he just needs to know that you will be by his side through all the hard times. He worries a lot, so reassure him every so often that he is your one and only. Sending him something super sappy will help him relax.
How to text a Libra man
“I am always on your side. I will always be your biggest fan and your number 1 supporter. I love you with all my heart!”
Libra is always the mediator, so sometimes he needs you to take his side. He is always dealing with people and their problems, but he doesn’t want to be constantly fighting in his own relationship. Basically, he helps keep drama to a minimum within his friend group, and he doesn’t want the drama rolling over into his relationship. Send him a reminder like this, and be sure to add on the classic kissing face emoji to make him feel the feels.
How to text a Scorpio man
“I want you to know how much I appreciate our relationship. You are loving, caring, romantic, and always real with me. Thank you for showing me what real love is.”
If you can express your emotions fully and clearly, your Scorpio beau will die from all of the love he feels coming from you. Just die! Your guy will literally stare at his phone for three minutes straight trying to figure out how to respond because he is so overwhelmed with gratitude. Don’t worry, he eventually will, and the two of you will be even closer because of it.
How to text a Sagittarius man
“Hey wanna go pick up a pint of ice cream and head to the beach for the sunset?”
When you text your Sag boyfriend, don’t send him requests to Netflix and chill. He may just say no and break up with you on the spot. Sorry, was that harsh? When it comes to serving up uber-cute texts to a Sagittarius man, you have to step up your game. Asking him to do spontaneous things will do the trick. He'll appreciate that you respect his freedom and still want to know what he's up to. Add in a sunset emoji and a smiley face and he'll happily reply before you know it.
How to text a Capricorn man
“You is smart, you is kind, you is important”
Your Capricorn male loves tradition, so if you can text him something somewhat original, but most importantly cute, on a regular basis, he'll be one happy camper. You can send him quotes every Friday to help him get through the day and make it to the weekend. Or you could send him cute puppy videos for those horrendous Monday blues. Starting little traditions makes his heart go aflutter and these texts will keep him crazy about you.
How to text an Aquarius man
"Are you made of Copper and Tellurium? Because you’re CUTE!”
This may sound a little nerdy, but we are talking about an Aquarius man here. When you text him, you should send a random factoid for him to nerd the heck out over. Aquarius loves intellectual conversation. And even though he likes to have fun too, he wants to see that you can hold stimulating conversations. Use your sleuthing skills to see what sparks his interest and create a text that is smart and cute at the same time. Send him a science joke like this and he'll absolutely love it.
How to text a Pisces man
“I made this with you in mind! You make everything have more meaning because you have shown me what it really means to be loved!”
Your Pisces guy is a major romantic. He uses his artistic talents to woo you and it's your turn to do the same (because, after all, love is a two-way street). Send him a video of you singing or a pic of your painting along with the message above. He will be teary-eyed before you know it and will truly understand the love you have for him.
Sarah Fader is the CEO and Founder of Stigma Fighters, a non-profit organization that encourages individuals with mental illness to share their personal stories. She is an author and blogger, having been featured on Psychology Today, The Huffington Post, HuffPost Live, and Good day New York.