Zodiac Signs That Are Terrible At Relationships (And Why)

Sometimes, relationships end before they really began.

zodiac woman who is bad at relationships blackred from Getty Images Signature, triloks from Getty Images Signature, Artulina from Artulina via Canva

When you've had such high hopes for your relationship, but it ends almost abruptly, it's a time to grieve. You question what happened, without realizing that every zodiac sign has terrible relationship habits that affect how they love. 

Every zodiac sign has a pattern in relationships, and astrology shows that it's more than compatibility that affects how these individuals love another person and what triggers them to leave.


Understanding what makes each zodiac sign bad at relationships will give you something to work on, and hopefully see your relationships flourish in the future.


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Here's why your zodiac sign is terrible at relationships


Aries (March 21 - April 19)

why aries is terrible at relationships Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

For Aries, their romantic relationships end before they even begin because of the Ram not treating it with care and thoughtfulness. Aries makes plans and never includes their partner, but are then surprised when their partner confronts them about it.

Though they may have expected their partner to ghost them, Aries doesn’t make it seem as if they are invested in having a long-term relationship. It's okay to play it cool, but not to the point where Aries is freezing their partner right out of their life.

RELATED: The Major Differences Between Aries Sun, Moon And Risings


Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

why taurus is terrible at relationships Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Taurus is bad at relationships because of the very elaborate set of tests and trials they set up to make sure a partner is vetted. But Taurus takes such a long time trying to ensure this person is good enough for them, that they eventually run out of patience and decide it's not worth jumping through hoops.

Taurus fails to understand that a potential partner doesn’t want to prove themselves as worthy of their attention. Sometimes, they need to take a leap of faith and let whatever happens, happen.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

why gemini is terrible at relationships Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Gemini fails at relationships because they have "buyer's remorse" and like to keep their options open with a partner. They don’t want to be tied down if someone better comes along.

Gemini also doesn’t like it when things get emotionally messy. For them, it's better to keep someone at arm's length, and if their relationship doesn't turn into something serious, there's no harm done. At least not to themselves.

RELATED: Gemini Compatibility: Most And Least Compatible Signs


Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

why cancer is terrible at relationships Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Cancer is terrible at relationships because they see potential in a relationship that isn’t always there. If a partner is honest from the beginning that they don’t want something serious, Cancer thinks they can change that person’s mind. But Cancer isn’t being honest with themselves.

They can't choose someone just because they're a challenge to be victorious over. Next time, Cancer should believe it when someone says they’re not interested, and move on.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)

why leo is terrible at relationships Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Leo is too busy to waste their time on “almosts” and “not good enoughs,” so they make a strong and healthy decision to end things. While it’s better than leading someone on and breaking their heart, it’s a process that makes Leo bad at relationships.

The Lion knows they are the whole package and don’t want to settle for less. Luckily, their confidence is extremely attractive and people are drawn to Leo, so they probably won't be single for long.

RELATED: The Hard Truth About Loving A Leo


Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

why virgo is terrible at relationships Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Virgo tends to be bad at relationships because they drift apart from their partner. When Virgo and their significant other are at two different points in life, they don’t connect in a positive way and Virgo decides to go their separate ways.

They know they can’t force a relationship, especially when both participants don't have the emotional resources to create a lasting bond. It doesn’t make Virgo feel any better about losing a potential soulmate.

RELATED: 4 Best Romantic Matches For Virgo (And The Zodiac Signs Who Don't Stand A Chance)

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

why libra is terrible at relationships Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Libra is so incredibly careful to not say or do the wrong thing in a relationship that they aren’t true to themselves. And it makes their relationships inauthentic.

It’s impossible for Libra to maintain a relationship like this because they thrive on honesty, and vulnerability draws them closer to their partner. It's great that Libra is considerate of another person's feelings, but not to the extent where they are too afraid to reveal their true self.

RELATED: Libra Compatibility: Most And Least Compatible Signs


Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

why scorpio is terrible at relationships Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Scorpio is bad at relationships because things tend to get intense very quickly in the beginning, but soon fizzle out. There’s no shortage of attraction, but there’s very little else, and that makes Scorpio want to retreat and end things.

In this instance, there’s not enough to build a healthy relationship. It becomes nothing more than a physical satiation, but nothing beyond that grows.

RELATED: How To Know When A Scorpio Is Done With You

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

why sagittarius is terrible at relationships Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Sagittarius tends to fail at relationships because it doesn’t take long for them to feel like their partnership is suffocating them. They cherish their independence and want to feel free to do whatever they please, without feeling tied down to someone else.

Once reality sinks in, Sagittarius ends the relationship. Perhaps they could have worked things out, but it’s very scary for them.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

why capricorn is terrible at relationships Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Capricorn is terrible at relationships because they put their work responsibilities before everything else, meaning there’s little time to even see their partner. They are far too busy for a relationship.

They may convince themselves they can keep the relationship together outside of their career, but it’s just not plausible. Even if they want a relationship, they see the breakup as an “out” to spend more time on their work projects.

RELATED: How To Keep A Capricorn Madly In Love With You

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

why aquarius is terrible at relationships Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Aquarius is bad at relationships because they rarely spend any alone time with their partner. They are all about group dates with friends, and steer clear of a nice night in with their significant other.

Aquarius simply doesn’t want to do “couple things” together. They won’t even hold their partner’s hand, making them appear detached and uncaring. It’s no wonder their partner left the relationship.

RELATED: The Most Important Things To Know About An Aquarius In Love


Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

why pisces is terrible at relationships Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Pisces is terrible at keeping a relationship because they think their partner is some kind of mind reader. They expect their partner to know what they are feeling at any given moment, pushing them away easily.

From the way Pisces acts, their partner may think they only want to be friends and don’t want to continue a romantic relationship. Pisces needs to realize that they need to be more vocal about their needs, rather than assuming their partner knows.

RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs That Are Pisces Soulmates

Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and frequent contributor to YourTango. She's had articles featured in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, Huffington Post, Business Insider, and Woman's Day, among many others.
