What Your Favorite Color Reveals About Your Intimacy Style
Think fast ... and then find out!

Did you know the color someone wears may reflect something significant about the psychology underlying his or her personality traits and sexual preferences?
That’s right, according to color psychology, the color of your favorite clothes gives people clues not only about your basic personality but about your sexual personality as well!
What does your favorite color say about you sexually?
Well, It depends ...
Look for your favorite color below to find out what color psychology reveals about your intimacy style:
1. Red
Red is energizing and exciting, a call to action for lovers who like to initiate and engage fully. It connotes confidence and passion and can produce feelings of craving, whether for food or sex. Red lovers are easily aroused and once the sexual spark is ignited, it may take hours to extinguish.
Natural explorers and red lovers can also be impulsive and not too concerned with detail, so make sure your sex is safe and consensual!
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2. Black
Dressed all in black? You might prefer kinky sex. Black connotes mystery and hidden charms, but also hidden agendas. Many lovers of black clothes are masochistic or sadistic in nature and love the dynamic of serious power play in the bedroom.
When you put on a pair of black leather pants or boots, don’t you automatically feel wilder? Black can be perceived as powerful and unfriendly, but it also exudes sophistication and elegance, often the choice for high society events. It creates a barrier between ourselves and the world around us which allows us to protect our secrets.
3. Gray
Gray connotes a lack of emotion. Unable to commit to the mystery of black or the illumination of white, people who prefer gray aren’t quite sure what they get excited about. It’s a solid and stable color that promotes logic and reason instead of passion.
Men who wear gray might look at sex as a way of relieving tension and women might be focused on having sex to procreate or accommodate their partner.
While gray can be formal and elegant, it’s not glamorous or attention-seeking in any way. Conservative and self-sufficient, gray wearers may find themselves lonely from shutting down their emotions when it comes to new relationships.
4. Blue
Affectionate and exuding inner peace, people who love blue make wonderful sex partners, sensitive to their partner’s needs, and are invested in making love into fine art. With honesty, trust, and loyalty as defining qualities, blue lovers are ‘givers’ who like to build strong relationships and bask in the glory of a successful union.
Not quick to judge or change, they may need to get some expert advice and think things over at first (like a new sexual request or fantasy), but when they commit, they go all the way with a passion that goes much deeper than lust.
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5. Pink
Combining the passion of red with the purity of white, pink is all about unconditional love, romance, and intimate caring. Pink can alleviate anger, aggression, and resentment, but beware that it also connotes naivete and inexperience, which is why paired with a stronger color like black, it becomes subversive and twice as sexy.
Pink lovers embrace sensuality and are likely to spend time indulging their bodies with massage or baths, inviting you to join them on their journey of self-love and nurturing. Sex can be wild, but it’s always fulfilling, as pink lovers won’t rest until each partner is satisfied.
6. Orange
Orange is cheerful and enthusiastic, emphasizing the intuition and ‘gut feelings’ we all possess. Highly adventurous and extroverted, wearers of orange not only lean toward sexual fantasies but make those fantasies come true!
While impulsive and risk-taking, orange also connotes great communication and a positive spirit. You can count on someone who loves the color orange to engage with you in conversation and steer it into spirited new directions, right up until you’re undressing each other.
Expect an assertive, intuitive lover who values foreplay as much as sex, and could venture into ‘naughty’ behavior if the instinct is there.
7. Yellow
Yellow is creative and independent, the choice for people who communicate well and love to indulge in new and exciting ideas, like new sexual positions, sexual fantasies, or sex outdoors.
Complications often come along with yellow, whether it’s the need for an additional sexual partner, or another ‘appetite’ demanding attention. Satisfying the yellow personality involves a lot of spontaneity (think quickies!) and coming up with new relationship patterns so things never get dull.
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8. Purple
Lovers of purple or violet have the energetic qualities of red combined with the trusting stamina of blue, making them giving lovers a strong charismatic pull. Highly sensitive and compassionate, they indulge bodily desires frequently and with a great variation of intensity, so expect a lover who can enjoy a quickie just as much as a big production.
Spiritual people are often lost in the world of imagination, purple lovers are also great candidates for sexual fantasy and role play, getting caught up in everything from the sexy story to the details of the costumes. Remember their need to stand out in a crowd, and be rewarded for their individuality.
9. Green
Green wearers balance the mental clarity of yellow and the emotional depth of blue. They know the type of partner they’re looking for and are willing to commit fully when they find it. They love to observe, finding voyeuristic fantasies extremely erotic, sometimes even in groups, as green lovers are also known to be excellent hosts who value prosperity and abundance.
Greens are not action-oriented and do not like to take risks, but their sexual generosity is unparalleled when they feel safe and loved, and their relationship loyalty is rock solid.
10. Brown
Brown lovers tend to be warm and deep, sensitive to the needs and desires of their partners. Down-to-earth and extremely loyal, browns may be fearful of losing ‘control’ during sex which can be overcome with intensely intimate foreplay that ensures there is all the time and privacy in the world for emotions to blossom.
You can’t say, “I love you” often enough to a lover of brown. Security and loyalty are paramount, with a strong desire to build relationships toward a larger goal of family or permanent partnership.
11. White
White is pure and cleansing, connoting youth and innocence, and in turn, an innocent or sometimes dismissive view of sexuality. White lovers crave simplicity, which can either manifest as an uncomplicated casual relationship or the reliable routine of marriage.
With a tendency for fanatical perfection, whites can sometimes be prudish, not wanting any of their physical ‘flaws’ to be seen in the light. They would rather hide any imperfections and present a ‘perfect’ exterior. It may be a challenge for them to openly communicate sexual needs and desires.
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Dr. Ava Cadell is America’s #1 Sexpert as a Clinical Sexologist, Sex Counselor, Founder of Loveology University, and President of the American College of Sexologists International. She is the author of nine books, as well as a sought-after media therapist and global speaker.