11 Totally Genius Drake Quotes To Get You Through Your Breakup In ONE Piece
He's got your back girl.

You got the boot and it SUCKS. Whether the breakup was imminent or you were taken by surprise, break ups are NEVER easy. But it's time for you to wallow, get angry, and move on to bigger and better things.
What will get you through your heartbreak other than some artfully mastered lyrics and quotes from the love and heartbreak king himself?
Nothing! DRAKE is coming at you with some of the most beautiful words to put you back together. Piece by broken piece.
Who would have guessed it? A rapper, giving breakup advice and words of encouragement? Yep, he’s YOUR guy and he’s here to get deep about emotions, make you feel like getting revenge, and tell you it’s all going to be OK in the end.
AND, you have to trust him. His lyrics are so mature that you have to assume he has experienced a couple of break ups. Maybe just a couple...poor guy.
He wants the best for his audience. Come on, no one can deny his dedication to his fans. Look to "One Dance" lyric “Strength and guidance/ All that I'm wishing for my friends”. WOW if your guy can’t stick around, you know you’ll always have Drake to pick you up and dust you off.
Girl, I know it’s been a tough week, a tough year BUT remember Drake has got you.
He will always be spitting the greatest breakup advice and will never let you down. Now pop on your over-the-ear headphones, queue up your Drake faves make these quotes your breakup mantras. YOU. WILL. GET. THROUGH. THIS. Drake said so.
Just check out these Drake quotes on break ups and love:
If you’re looking for a little inspiration, we’ve got the best quotes to share and savor. For quotes from the most inspiring celebs, activists, and poets, look no further! You might even find the quote that motivates the best parts of your life (and love!) forever.
1.When you want him back.
"I can't get over you, you left your mark on me I want your high love and emotion endlessly." - Drake
2.When breaking up is hard for BOTH of you.
"I hate getting messages from you it's like you know the perfect shit to say fucks up my whole day I though all these feelings went away." - Drake
3.Love is harder than it seems.
"I should have known better, than to think that this is real, and you could be mine..." - Drake
4.When the heart lags behind.
"Mind in one place, heart in another." - Drake
5.It's tough to break up around the holidays.
"Not havin' closure, it take a lot out of me
This year for Christmas I just want apologies" - Drake
6.Find a REAL man next time.
"Boys will break your heart. Real men will pick up the pieces." - Drake
7.You don't deserve to cry over someone like him.
"Don't cry over a guy let a guy cry over you, cause girls give and forgive and guys get and forget." - Drake
8.When technology gets in the way of you moving on, Drake says get rid of it.
"Sometimes you have to erase the messages, delete the numbers, and move on. You don't have to forget who that person was to you, but you do have to accept that they aren't that person anymore." - Drake
9.Don't allow a negative energy to come back into your life.
"Good luck trying to find someone who cares like I did who understands you like I do who is forgiving like I am & when you realize there's no one out there like me I won't be where you left me..." - Drake
10.When the other person never put in what you put into the relationship.
"I know they said the first love is the sweetest, but that first cut is the deepest. I tried to keep us together, but you were busy keeping secrets." - Drake
11.In the end you WILL be stronger.
"Pain makes you stronger, fear makes you braver, heartbreak makes you wiser." - Drake