A Black Man Is Getting His Penis TATTOOED To Match His Skin Because It's White


black man taking a bubble bath weheartit

Dick. Penis. Cock. The Baby Maker.

Whatever a man's member goes by, it's no secret that it's his pride and joy — right next to the baby that it will some day go on to actually make. Without a penis, I can't really explain it to you, but I have to assume this is a worldwide observation and trust you get me. 

A man's ego is tied to his penis —  or at least that's the way I remember it being explained in high school anatomy and what I've witnessed in my real-life dealings with men. 


So, it doesn't come as a surprise that a 40-year-old black man is having his white penis transplant tattooed to match his skin tone.

Seventeen years ago, when this unnamed man lost his penis in a circumcision gone wrong when he was only 23 years old.

And just last month, he became the third person ever to have a successful penis transplant.

However, there was one caveat! He couldn't choose the penis (obviously) that was bestowed upon him and thus he ended up with the penis of a W.A.S.P.


Yes, his donor penis was that of a white man — and it certainly stood out for this black South African man.

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Urologist Dr. Andre va der Merwe, the lead surgeon on the case, told the Mirror: "We have very few donors for this transplant procedure." 

And with that, surgeons have set out to fix his penis and give the poor guy a bit more color coordination


It's probably a relief to the guy, as it might get a little awkward when he goes to have sex for the first time and he visually has the penis of another man. I mean, I know there are lots of penises with two tones, but they're usually pretty similar. So again: AWKWARD, awkward sex in the making. 

RELATED: What Women REALLY Think Of An Uncircumcised Penis

Considering all things else, Dr. Merwe says that "... this is the only issue left," meaning his body hasn't rejected the penis. He's able to have erections, and if all continues to go well, he'll be able to give his new wheels penis a spin in six months (fingers crossed).  

However, this type of tattooing — medical tattooing — in such a sensitive area isn't as simple as walking into your local tattoo joint, according to medical tattoo artist Rosemarie Andlauer of Miraculous Creations in Massachusetts.


She told the Daily Mail, “Even if the client was comfortable having it done in one session, because of the area, I wouldn't feel safe having the entire penis healing at once. I would not tattoo all the way around. I would do lengthwise, probably one-third at a time. I would allow healing in between each session.This would take a little longer, but remaining healthy and safe is too important to rush.”

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Personally, I can't imagine the kind of soreness that lingers on a penis tattoo. But, I guess in the long run, that's a small price to pay for the peace of mind of having your penis actually match the rest of your body.

And, here's to hoping we see this on an upcoming season of Grey's Anatomy.
