35 Best Mother's Day Memes To Share With Your Mom On Facebook
Happy Mother's Day!

This year, Mother's Day is on May 9th, 2021 and chances are, if you're reading this, you have a mother, whether she's biological or not. Because that's not what makes a mother.
We joke about all the side effects of childbirth, like peeing when you sneeze and stretch marks we are proud of. But please remember that the person you consider your maternal caretaker — the one person you can always count on no matter what time of night, the one woman who means the world to you and shows you that you are her world — that's your mother.
And if that person has passed on, this day will be hard. But feel blessed in knowing you had the relationship that so many people can only dream of having with their mom.
If you're a mother yourself, you're probably reading this holding one child by the hand at the doctor's office making sure they don't knock over the AARP display, while trying to get three minutes of pure, uninterrupted mommy time. Or, more than likely, you're hiding in the bathroom.
Maybe you're sitting on the couch for the first time in eight hours, just looking for something funny to read while your kid plays with their toys. But don't think you get off that easy; if it's quiet for too long, you know there's trouble.
And this is why mothers need to be celebrated! Because no matter what they are doing (working, pooping, shopping, attending to medical issues), they're still mothering. It's a 24/7, sometimes thankless job with barely any breaks.
We've gathered the most relatable Happy Mother's Day memes to share with your mom on social media:
1. Motherhood is truly painful.
Photo: Someecards
"Happy Mother's Day. Sorry I wrecked your vagina."
2. These are the worst type of brushes that mom used on your hair.
Photo: Instagram
"When mom brushed your hair with this, she also brushed your ears, forehead, neck, and brain."
3. Better do what she wants...
Photo: quickmeme.com
4. Dad really doesn't know what to do when Mom's not there to help.
Photo: Instagram
"Mother's Day eve is when the grocery stores are filled with dads wandering around like they're shopping in a different country.
5. Now if only it were true the other way around...
Photo: Instagram
"Here's a list of things your mom wouldn't do for you."
6. This is your mom's day and her day only.
Photo: winkgo.com
"Absolutely no one:
Me on Mother's Day: 'I want to thank me.'"
7. Why even bother with a card?
Photo: Instagram
"When you forgot about Mother's Day and didn't get your mum a present: I am the gift."
8. Come on it's one day a year, kind of like your mom's second birthday.
Photo: Instagram
"You'd better not forget Mother's Day!"
9. Hey, isn't this what everyone wants?
Photo: Instagram
"All I want for Mother's Day..."
10. Making a homemade card is always a heartwarming Mother's Day gift.
Photo: Instagram
"Me waiting for my mom to notice the card under her pillow which I made for her for Mother's Day."
11. Sometimes you can't remember your kids' names.
Photo: therandomvibez.com
"Am I a good Mother Susan?
My name's Amy."
12. Your mom never stops caring for you, even when she sometimes shouldn't.
Photo: Someecards
"Happy Mother's Day to someone who carried me for 9 months physically and for 29 years financially."
13. The internet always has you covered with the best Mother's Day memes.
Photo: Instagram
"When there's a lack of Mother's Day memes on Mother's Day: Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete."
14. Sometimes, the laundry room is a mother's safe haven.
Photo: Instagram
"Mommm!! We want a snack! Mommm!! I thought she was doing laundry... oh well..."
15. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Photo: Instagram
"When it's Mother's Day and the kids are finally being grateful."
16. Grumpy Cat says Mother's Day is no excuse.
Photo: quickmeme.com
"Happy Mother's Day! Is dinner ready yet?"
17. Moms are supposed to believe in you... right?
Photo: Someecards
"Happy Mother's Day to the one person who believes I could do anything despite all evidence to the contrary."
18. Make her an amazing plentiful brunch — not just a simple waffle.
Photo: Instagram
"When it's Mother's Day and your mom wakes up and sees you made the food today for her."
19. How does it feel, mom?
"My Mom: Where are you taking me for Mother's Day?
Me: We have food at home.
My Mom:"
20. Sometimes motherhood feels like you gave birth to aliens.
Photo: unearthedcomics.com
21. There's always one parent who will keep the faith, apparently.
Photo: Someecards
"Mom, thanks for always being slightly less disappointed in me than Dad is."
22. She's a fixer, even on her day.
Photo: Instagram
"Me trying to make a Mother's Day meal and messing up.
My mom stepping in to fix it."
23. At least it will be a really good-smelling candle.
Photo: Instagram
"Mother's Day shopping is hard when your mom deserves an island but you can only afford a candle."
24. Now that's accurate.
Photo: Instagram
"Thank you mom for making me food so I don't die."
25. Let the mom wars begin.
Photo: imgur.com
"If I don't post anything on social media today, do I even have a mom?"
26. So devious, but it's not like it's a bad thing... hopefully.
Photo: despicablememinions.org
"I smile because I'm your daughter. I laugh because there's nothing you can do about it."
27. The superheroes ain't wrong.
Photo: Instagram
"Happy Mo- Everyday is Mother's Day!"
28. Don't rely on your mother to remember her day of the year.
Photo: Someecards
"Mom, just wanted to say you forgot to remind me this Sunday is Mother's Day."
29. Kids say the greatest things.
Photo: Imgur.com
"Mom, what's it like to have the greatest daughter in the world?
I don't know dear... you'll have to ask Grandma."
30. Your mom really is a superhero.
Photo: Instagram
"Moms on Mother's Day. Moms every other damn day."
31. Use a bit of her own language.
Photo: Instagram
"Have a Happy Mother's Day because I said so."
32. Hit the nail right on the head.
Photo: Cardstore
"Motherhood Inc. Human Resources
One vacation day a year?! That's all I get?!
We call it Mother's Day but technically you still have to work."
33. She's one dynamite lady.
Photo: Instagram
"Mother: 1) One badass woman doing the work of many. For free. No labor rights and terrible bosses. See also: hot-mess, s***-show."
34. Moms: one title, five million jobs.
Photo: Instagram
"Mom, we've hired a few people to fill in for you while you relax on Mother's Day."
35. Oh, what a joy children are...
Photo: domesticatedmomster.com
"On Mother's Day, stripped of her youth, her energy, and her money, she quietly reflected on the joys of kids.
Liza Walters is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture, and relationship topics.