Photos Of Kim Kardashian’s Butt Show Cellulite — And People Are Fat Shaming Her
Not cool, internet!

It truly is hard keeping up with the Kardashians. When Kim Kardashian butt pictures were released in 2017 that were taken by the paparazzi on a getaway to Mexico, people started talking.
I get it. You may not like the Kardashians because they often don't give us regular non-celebrities reasons to love their jet-setting, money-spending lifestyle.
But guess what? They are still human beings with feelings that deserve respect, despite whatever makes you dislike them.
The Kardashians are just part of the popular culture that us, as viewers and consumers of reality television, have created and built. If there's anyone to blame, it's us.
It still doesn't give anyone the right to fat-shame the most popular Kardashian: Kim, for her butt or cellulite pics.
When you are constantly in front of the camera, you are pressured into doing stuff to your body to retain or attain a certain aesthetic.
Did she have butt implant injections? Probably. Is that our business? No. Does she have cellulite in un-retouched photos of her backside? Yes. Should we care? No!
She's a mother of four, lest we forget little North, Saint, Psalm, and Chicago West. When you have babies, your body changes. And even if some of those changes were made on purpose to look a certain way, why are we mocking her?
Does it make others feel better about themselves to throw shade at a celebrity? It is our responsibility to show future generations of girls what real beauty is.
What is that? Well, I'm happy you asked! Real beauty isn't defined by the standards of those who make money off films or music albums with some distorted view of what a woman should look like.
Real beauty is different. Real beauty should be defined by the individual and by each girl and woman who thinks to herself, "Would I look better if I did XYZ to my body?"
You can be beautiful naturally. You can be beautiful if you choose to enlarge your breasts. You can be beautiful if you choose to get butt injections. You can be beautiful if you have cellulite.
You can be beautiful just by being you.
But instead, we get people shaming Kardashian's butt cellulite photos. Like this person, who, for some reason, was compelled to drop this comment on Twitter: "Kim Kardashian's butt looks like a baby's poopy diaper it's terrible."
We have people who are determined to bring others down for the sake of what? To have your voice heard among a million other bullies?
The same people who made Kardashian who she is are the same people shaming her body. And that's just ridiculous.
A few years after these photos were released, Kardashian eventually admitted to feeling insecure about her cellulite.
In an interview, she said, “I’ll never be a person who says it’s a more positive thing if I show my cellulite. The feeling when I had to wear that corset, [the shapewear] is not that. It’s the second skin that makes me feel comfortable and cozy and all smoothed.”
She said that she had gained 60 pounds after her first two pregnancies: “It changed my body, my skin. [I got] photographed from every angle. All I have to do is type Kim and Shamu. That really changed my security. It broke my soul for a while.”
In a separate interview in 2019, she also added, “I do have cellulite. I am photographed all the time. For me, I always use it as motivation even when people are really unjustly critical. I just use it as motivation. I want to just work harder to figure out why I am feeling that way. A few years ago I was photographed and I had cellulite on my thighs [wearing a bikini] in Mexico. And I was like, ‘Okay. I do not like how I look. I am going to get to the gym.'”
Kardashian eventually lost the baby weight with diet and exercise.
She spoke out on her cellulite once again on social media in 2019 to tell her followers about her shapewear line. She admitted to having cellulite on her thighs, also. But she said that it was one of the things that the shapewear was great at helping with.
Kardashian added, “So I feel like it definitely snatches here. I am big on cellulite on the thigh. So I wanted to make sure there was extra bonding on the side of the thigh. So these new set of shapewear is our extra bonded, extra snatching shapewear.”
But she puts it best, as she's said, “You’re never going to be perfect. I think life is about being happy and being confident.”
Liza Walters is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture, and relationship topics.