13 Things Everyone Wonders Before Their First Kiss — ANSWERED!
Pucker up!

The first time I tried to kiss a boy, I was just 4 years old, and it didn't end as well as I had hoped. I was in preschool, and the boy was someone I had shared a lot of memories with from crayon drawings to playing on the playground.
He crawled beneath a table after we had our graduation performance. I took off my graduation cap and crawled beneath the table beside him. I could hear my mom look for me just as I leaned in to kiss him. Mid lip pucker, the table cloth was lifted and I was busted. Mission unfulfilled!
Fast forward, as a teenager, I had no idea how to kiss. Yet, I fell in puppy love with someone who claimed to love me, too. We talked about kissing long before we actually did kiss each other. And when it happened, it was an amazing experience full of butterflies, stars aligning, and memories of a lifetime. Thankfully, our first kiss was not a horror story.
The thing about kissing is that when it's your first kiss, it's tough to know what to expect. But the truth is no two kisses are the same, even with the same person!
If you're still curious about kissing and want to learn more, here are 13 of the most common questions people ask about kissing for you to enjoy:
1. Where did kissing come from?
6. Is kissing good for you?
7. Does kissing burn calories?
8. Is kissing addictive?
9. Where do you put your lips?
This may just sound too simple, but where you put your lips will come naturally when you kiss for the first time. The lips have natural curves that fall together with another person's lips the moment they meet. Since kissing is meant to be playful, you might decide to move your lips one way and then change them around for another. You can decide not to press too hard against the person you're kissing and gently touch their lips or anywhere near their lips to slowly ease the tension to make for a more seductive kiss.
10. What do you do with your hands when you kiss?
12. Can you catch a disease from kissing?
13. How does kissing taste?
Want to know your kissing style? Take this kissing style quiz to find out.