19 Of The Most HILARIOUS Memes And Tweets About The GOP's Healthcare Bill Failure
In what could be called a major fail, his bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, failed to garner enough votes and was pulled from the House floor swiftly.
But that’s OK because sources claim that Donald Trump isn’t too upset.
However, the majority of the United States celebrated because now we won’t die from our pre-existing conditions, which is always a plus.
So yay?
But for real, this is a good thing.
As a woman, I felt kind of attacked with all these new and not-so-exciting plans Donald Trump and Paul Ryan had for their new healthcare plan.
Considering you need a woman to have a baby that may eventually turn into a Republican one day, you'd think that they'd be all happy go lucky about giving the mother and child some pretty nifty care, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
Man: GOOD; Woman: Go make me a sandwich and there better be more than two slices of pastrami on it this time!
According to Trump, we now have to wait for Obamacare to explode in order for him to do anything else in terms of healthcare reform. Which makes total sense because NO IT FREAKIN' DOESN'T!
You are the President.
I will agree that Obamacare is far from perfect but just taking your ball and going home because you didn't get to play with the big boys is not exactly how a democracy works.
Donald Trump needs to step up to the plate, hand in small hand with Paul Ryan, and figure something out so that America isn't the laughing stock of the world. Though, that may be too late.
But what do I know? I'm just a woman.
Luckily, I'm not the only one happy and absolutely terrified at the same time. Here are 19 memes and tweets and really express how I feel!