The Image You Choose In This Personality Test Determines What You Value Most In Life

Human psychology is a truly fascinating subject that some people dedicate their entire lives to mastering. It's something that's always interested me since I was a child. Many of us are genuinely curious about people and their personalities, and what the reactions they have to things say about who they are deep inside.
Many things about psychology come off as simply being common sense, but it's when you really dig in and understand the roots of why we do things that we truly begin to understand ourselves. Every decision we make in life comes down to who we are as a person, whether we consciously think about it or not.
The subconscious is the mental formation that we are not fully aware of. Despite the lack of traceability and knowledge, it strongly influences our actions and feelings. In psychology, it is thought of as the more base and animalistic side of our personalities.
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By its definition, it is the part of the mind that operates outside of "consciousness." We can't intentionally control this aspect of ourselves. Our imagination comes from the subconscious. We store our raw emotions and thoughts there.
"The conscious mind may be compared to a fountain playing in the sun and falling back into the great subterranean pool of subconscious from which it rises." — Sigmund Freud
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Freud was determined to discover ways of penetrating the subconscious mind in order to learn more about the hidden structure of the human psyche. This personality test you are about to take will determine which personality theory you identify with, according to the work of Sigmund Freud.
Many other personality tests ask you multiple questions to get an idea of what you're like, but this personality test takes what you value most and uses it to determine which part of your brain is most dominant.
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So, what are you waiting for? Take the test below to find out more about yourself.