30 Perfect Comebacks To Use When Someone Calls You Fat
Because some bad behavior calls for a good sick burn.

One of the hardest things fat people experience is being fat in public and how to respond when someone says you look fat.
Sure, I've got low self-esteem no matter where I am, but it's undeniably easier to have low self-esteem when I'm with people I love than it is to be a fat woman with low-self esteem walking down the street right after high school on my block lets out.
While our society, on the whole, continues to be more in tune with and accepting of a wide variety of differences among people, that's not the case for everyone, and it's definitely not the case for fat women.
Battling the low self-esteem in my own head is one thing, but what am I supposed to do when a total stranger hurls insults at me? It's not uncommon for me to be minding my own business and hear someone yell "Fat!" as they walk by.
But learning what to say when someone calls you fat or otherwise fat shames you makes a world of difference.
Coming up with good comebacks is one of the most powerful things I've done to feel better about myself and to respond to someone calling me fat.
When someone called me fat in the past, I simply pretended it wasn't happening because I asked myself "what do I say?" I'd lower my head, refuse to make eye contact, and pick up my pace — embarrassed and ashamed.
After all, being insulted this way is dehumanizing. It's demoralizing. No wonder so many fat women have such a tough time grappling with their self-esteem.
About two years ago, I stopped letting these random insults go. I don't pick a fight, and I use common sense, but if the moment feels right, I call out the fat-shamers now.
The best comebacks when someone calls you fat are the ones that make the other person stop and think. Making good comebacks about weight force the offender to come face to face with their own words.
But at the moment, it can be too terrifying to think of a quippy, sarcastic reply to some random, body-shaming stranger.
What is a good comeback? Thankfully for you, I'm here to help you out and know what to do when someone calls you fat.
Here's a list of 30 good comebacks for when you're struggling with what to say when someone calls you fat.
1. "My body is not your business."
2. "So I'm fat. What's the problem?"
3. "I may be fat, but at least I'm not rude."
4. "Sorry, but I'm already in a relationship."
5. "Please, please. I know you're a fan, but no pictures today."
6. "I could lose weight if I wanted to. You, however, will always be rude."
7. "I'm sorry you're hurting enough that yelling at a stranger seems acceptable."
8. "I'm also smart, kind, and I've got a behind that won't quit."
9. "More to love!"
10. "Yes. And ...?"
11. "Somebody clearly didn't get hugged enough."
12. "I'm perfect just the way I am."
13. "That's inappropriate and cruel."
14. "The world is hard enough without adding your own particular brand of nonsense to it."
15. "I'm fat, but I'm also human."
16. "Why do you want to make me feel bad? Seriously. I'd like to know."
17. "No one is impressed."
18. "I didn't know dogs could speak."
19. "Your mother must be proud."
20. "I'm happy, can you say the same?"
21. "I'm not fat. I'm abundant."
22. "I'm sorry, did you have something to say to me?"
23. "A woman is so much more than the size of the pants that she wears."
24. “Body shaming isn't cute, and the same with you."
25. “I am not in competition with you. I am very happy with myself and you are obviously sad with things that do not concern you.”
26. “I could lose weight if I wanted to, but you are stuck with your horrible personality. Perhaps if you are nice to the next person they might help.”
27. “Grow up and learn the difference between an intelligent remark and a childish comment before you embarrass yourself somewhere else.”
28. “I can bet you are not half as proud of your body as I am of mine. You should learn to speak with a little more respect.”
29. "If I just made you feel uncomfortable, it would seem my work here is done. I do not need any negative energy in my space.”
30. “Why do you think opening that space you call a mouth would make any difference? Go be useful somewhere else. Save a plant or something...”
Rebecca Jane Stokes is a writer and the Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek with a passion for lifestyle, geek news, and true crime.