The Quick-Start Guide To Pegging Your Guy For The First Time
Let's not rush into this...

So you've come to YourTango to learn how to try pegging.
Welcome! Me, and the other fans of ass-play are so excited to have you join our ranks.
You're about to experience a world filled with dildos and lube and harnesses galore!
There's so much swag and accouterment that goes along with pegging, it's easy to skip to past all the stuff you need to know in order to grapple with how to try pegging and go straight for the shopping trips.
While the shopping is all well and good, there are 5 things I want to share with you about your adventure into the miraculous kingdom of pegging.
I'm hoping they make your journey into butt city that make more smooth and enjoyable for all parties involved.
1. Plan of action
So your boyfriend casually mentions that he wants to try pegging.
Here's what NOT to do.
Do not go out, buy the biggest strap-on dildo you can find, wait until he's asleep and then stick it right up his bottom.
That's rape, guys.
Casually mentioning a desire to explore and actually doing the deed are very, very different things.
Before the two of you start pegging, you need to talk.
Find out how experience he has, if any at all.
Talk about any concerns on insecurities his desire to be pegged might bring up for you.
Some women feel insecure when asked to pegged, believing that they aren't satisfying their partner.
Often, this isn't the case. The pleasure men experience from prostate stimulation is simply different than what they get from standard intercourse.
Tetting these types of convos out of the way before you go sticking things up butts willy-nilly will make you both more comfortable and happy going in.
Set up a plan of action going forward.
Schedule a trip to shop together, and to set up different sessions to explore ass-play and pegging.
2. Start small
Unless you man has a lot of experience with pegging, you will want to start off with a butt plug, toy (or finger) that is on the smaller size.
Also remember it must have a flared base, where it's wider at the top than where it goes in. Otherwise it will easily just be swallowed alive by the butt. Don't believe me? Check Google Images. (Or don't.)
If this is the first time your partner has ever had anything put inside his ass, it's a dangerous idea to leap straight to a full pegging.
It's dangerous for him because it can be painful, and it's dangerous for you because you don't know how much speed and force to use without causing your partner pain or tearing.
Before you step into your newly acquired strap-on dildo, work your way up, starting with some humble ass play.
This will help prepare him (and his ass) for what's to come.
It will also give YOU a great anatomy lesson. Using your fingers exploring inside him until you find the prostate and learn to stimulate it will be great knowledge to have when you graduate to full-on pegging.
3. Lube it up
When you are in the heat of the moment it is easy to forget lube.
Plus, if your partner seems receptive, you might think he doesn't NEED lube at all.
When it comes to pegging (or any kind of anal sex) the more lube the better.
The human anus has not one, but TWO sets of sphincters.
There are the sphincters we can see externally, and then a second set deeper inside the anus.
Using lube (almost too much lube) makes your initial penetration through both sets of sphincters that much more easy while creating a super hot sense of friction.
Just make sure the kind of lube you have purchased is compatible with your toys.
The silicone based lube you have for your own playtime won't work with your all of your toys.
I suggest buying specialty water-based lube to use with toys only.
That prevents the toy's material from breaking down and potentially leaking chemicals into his body or yours.
4. Talk dirty
Pegging isn't just the act of penetrating a man with a with a strap-on dildo.
It's an entire sexual subversion.
Men love pegging because of the stimulation it gives to their prostate, but some men also love the role reversal that takes place when it's a woman doing the fucking.
It goes to follow then, that you should make the most of that role reversal.
You're dominating him when you're pegging him, so dominate him with your dirty talk too!
Test the waters by asking him if he likes the way something feels, he might find it hot for you to call him a little bitch too. You won't know until you try.
With all things pegging:
Don't force it.
If dirty talk while you peg isn't for you, don't pretend that it is.
5. Keep it clean
You can be very dirty together and still remain hygienic.
No toys that have been in his ass should ever go in your vagina unless they have been properly cleaned.
Any bacteria that is picked up from the anus could be harmful to the vagina, and nobody wants that.
It's also a good idea for him to anally douche with water before you begin to experiment with pegging so that you have a fresh butthole canvas to enjoy.
Poop happens, but with these steps, you can keep it to a minimum.
Also, please remember to clean your sex toys before using the the first time, too!
Fresh out of the package doesn't always mean the thing is actually fresh.
Safe is so much better than sorry, plus if you do it right, you can turn your pre-washing of sex toys into a hot little foreplay game.