7 Honest Men Admit The Mistakes Women Always Make During Blow Jobs

No, not the teeth!

blow job mistakes weheartit

When it comes to blow jobs, we assume for men that they are kind of like pizza — even a so-called bad one is pretty darn good. Right? 

Well, yes and no. Sure, blow jobs are great, and men do love them. Probably as much as the real thing in many cases. But that doesn't mean they love everything about them. Much like anything else that has the capacity to be awesome, there's actually a lot that men HATE about getting a blow job. There are likely some blow job mistakes you make that men are afraid to tell you about. 


However, they will confess it all here. From when we use our teeth (ouch!), to when we're not really showing much enthusiasm, to when it's just too monotonous for THEM, they have a lot to say.

Think about it from our own perspective: Imagine if they went down on us and just licked the exact same spot over and over? Hello, soreness. We get it.

Blow jobs don't have to be a "job" — they should be a lot of fun for both of us. If you are not having fun, they will be able to tell and it'll be less enjoyable for them as well. In that case, why even bot

Take notes and learn. If you are going to go down and do the job, you may as well make sure you avoid making any blow job mistakes in the process.


1. When you become careless when trying to get us to finish.

"Things are pretty sensitive down there, so if you are racing to the finish, you are more likely to bite or nip our junk. And that will ruin the fun, fast."

2. When you use the same up-and-down motion over and over again.

"One is obviously teeth. And two is the jack-hammering approach... like, the same up-and-down motion with no variety or enthusiasm. We recognize it's a sacrificial act, but we'd like to see that you're not just plowing through it to just finish the job."


3. When there's a lack of connection during blow jobs.

"I'm up here, she's down there, and when it's over, it feels as if we never connected. And I'm just embarrassed at how unconnected, think-I'll-turn-on-the-ballgame I feel."

4. When you try to kiss me after I come from a blow job.

"What I hate about blow jobs: When they insist on kissing afterward. And then you get a taste of your own... err, happiness."

This is something that deserves a conversation. Make sure they are OK tasting themselves. Otherwise, reconsider that kiss.

5. When blow jobs are just not as good as actual intercourse.

"You mean besides the fact that it's not actual sex? Nothing."


Men do love blow jobs, but it's still not the same as the intimacy when they are having sex

6. When you use your teeth during blow jobs.

"I hate when people don't watch their teeth."

Some of us find pleasure in pain, but when it's JUST pain? Not so much.

7. When you don't seem like you're enjoying giving a blow job.

"I want it to be fun and consensual, obviously. Enthusiastic consent is what makes sex fun in the first place."

Make sure, if you are going down, it's because you want to, and make sure he knows you are as into it as he is. Otherwise, don't do it.