7 Ways To Have An Out-Of-Control Nipple Orgasm (AKA Nipplegasm)
Yes, it IS possible!

When we think of orgasms, we usually consider our downtown areas being involved. And they are. But some stuff on top can have a whole lot of fun as well. Yes, we're talking about nipple orgasms.
Nipples have a whole lot of party going on. And while not everyone likes having their nipples touched, fondled, kissed or sucked, it may be worth revisiting. If you're not into it, don't force it. However, if you don't like a sensation today, consider revisiting it in two weeks, as your experiences of pleasure (and pain) shift with your menstrual cycle.
"More importantly, not everyone will experience a nipplegasm, so don't feel pressure if you don't find nipple stimulation arousing to the point of orgasm. You don't have to 'check off boxes' or engage in every possible sexual experience to have a satisfying sex life. Just do what feels good for you," says sexologist Dr. Jess O'Reilly.
If you do want to experiment with nipplegasms, focus on the process as opposed to the outcome and consider these techniques:
1. Build anticipation and awaken the nerve endings in the nipple and areola gradually.
"Tease around the area to draw circulation to the region and awaken nerve endings without actually touching the nipple," says O'Reilly.
2. Combine nipple stimulation with the stimulation of other areas.
You don't need to designate "nipplegasm Tuesdays" and "clitoral Wednesdays."
Instead, "Combine multiple methods of stimulation and include your go-to moves while you simultaneously stimulate your nipples. Right before orgasm, pull back and focus on your nipples to see how your body responds," says O'Reilly.
3. Work up to intense sensation.
"So many people treat the nipples like they are radio dials (or pony reins!), but just like other sexually sensitive tissue, the nipples generally want to be gradually stimulated. As the nerves wake up and your body chemistry is in high arousal mode, some people like intensity," says sexologist Carol Queen of Good Vibrations. But it should never be a lover's default mode in dealing with nipples unless that's requested.
4. Add some heat.
"Heating the nipples through hot water or a warm mouth and tongue increases blood flow and pleasure," says Antonia Hall, a psychologist, relationship expert and sexpert, and the award-winning author of The Ultimate Guide to a Multi-Orgasmic Life.
5. Slowly stimulate the area.
When the nipples are stimulated it increase oxytocin levels in the body which increases vaginal blood flow and contractions, says Hall. Flicking a tongue or fingertip across the nipple and surrounding areola will help orgasmic potential.
6. Don't be afraid to experiment.
Even the same woman's body will need different types of stimulation at varying points of the month.
"Women tend to derive greater pleasure from one nipple over the other. Experiment with what feels best. Licking, flicking, rubbing, hot breath or cool blowing on can all feel good, or not," says Hall. Try moving from a lighter touch to increased friction.
The greatest aphrodisiac is mutual desire, and connecting with your partner at an intimate level, says Hall. Kissing, nibbling, licking, dirty talk and eye contact can all add to the likelihood of orgasming from any body part.
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