The Aquarius Man: Love Life & Personality Traits Explained

The good, the bad, the Aquarius man.

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People who are born between January 20 and February 18 have an Aquarius Sun sign.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet that governs innovation and unexpected events, and Saturn, the planet of restriction, structure and pessimism.

Aquarius is an Air sign known for ethereal thinking and spirituality, but is also a Fixed sign, meaning they tend to be traditionalists who fight for their beliefs.

Aquarius Man: Overview

The Aquarius man is as alluring as he is confusing. He’s unconventional and often hard to define. Despite what the name suggests, Aquarius despises conventionality.


In fact, Aquarius men think differently; they’re all about the greater good and are probably more interested in their humanitarian efforts than building romantic connections.

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Symbolized by a Water Bearer — the mystical healer who brings water, or life, to the land — Aquarius loves to give back. Aquarian men believe in “power to the people,” and aspire for social change in all aspects of life. He hates being boxed in, making him hard to read and, at times, even harder to understand.


But these men are visionaries, always thinking of the big picture, and often forgetting to focus on what surrounds them in the present.

Aquarius Man In Love and Relationships

Aquarius men are notorious for leading bachelor lifestyles. Eccentric and marching to the beat of their own drum, it takes someone extra patient and understanding to tie down an Aquarius male.

His approach to dating is highly unconventional, and a date with him won’t feel like a date at all. But with his absurd sense of humor and an intellect, he charms just about anyone (often multiple people at once).

Since he has a deep love of people, his romantic relationships progress from long-standing platonic connections over time, and once he falls in love, it’s like dating your quirky best friend. But free-spirited Aquarius hates to feel tied down, so he needs plenty of space for independence, especially when in a relationship.


However, his caring, sensitive side will always be there for you if needed. And provided he can put aside his concerns for the greater good for long enough to listen to you, he’ll be armed with advice and guidance to get you through the hard times.

But a relationship with Aquarius men isn’t without its downsides. He has trouble communicating his true feelings, making him appear uncomfortable and disconnected. If Aquarius can find confidence within himself and trust that his emotions are valid, he’s perfectly capable of having a healthy relationship where he and his partner share equal respect for one another.

With Aquarius compatibility, this man is most compatible with fellow Air signs Libra and Gemini, and Fire signs Aries and Sagittarius.

Libra and Aquarius both fight for the underdog, love trying new things, and teach each other endless knowledge; Gemini is a good match for Aquarius’ rapid mental pace and sociable nature; Aries is naturally drawn to Aquarius’ uniqueness, and shares their quirkiness and free thought; Sagittarius is just as independent, daring and social as Aquarius, and wants to change the world for the better.


Aquarius Man Sexuality

Aquarius has a high libido and desire for sex, but tends to be more focused on the bigger picture of saving the world, meaning they can go a long time without intimacy like this. Still, when he does find the right partner to seduce, it doesn’t exactly matter if there’s no emotional connection.

Sex with him is full of trying new things and experimentation. He’s not shy when it comes to showing this side of himself, and tends to do so with multiple partners. But if his sexual partner doesn’t understand his personality, they may be confused by the Aquarius man’s distant and detached disposition.

Aquarius Man Personality Traits

The Aquarian man is a humanitarian, a problem-solver, and a deep-thinker who is independent, free-spirited, eccentric and creative. But this intellectual zodiac sign is also assertive, radical, aloof, distant, stubborn, self-righteous, and overly ambitious.

He’s a force to be reckoned with, and his quest for knowledge is always ongoing. Their thirst for learning new things also means they frequently come up with new, unique ideas, and have no qualms about voicing their opinions and subsequently defending them.


Aquarius is also incredibly creative and free-spirited, and tends to think about things on a different level than most people. And because they are independent, they march to the beat of their own drum, set their own path, and don’t follow in anyone’s footsteps.

But Aquarius also has a dark side, just like the other signs of the Zodiac. Because he’s so independent and free-thinking, the Aquarius man tends to be unpredictable and unreliable. He acts before he thinks, and does so in a way that will prevent others from holding him back. But there’s no telling what he will do next, and this can be unsettling for those in his life.

Another trait that turns people off is Aquarius’ stubbornness to change, especially once they have set their mind on something. Even if they are wrong, they will fight tooth and nail to defend themselves.

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Aquarius Man: Career

You’ll rarely catch an Aquarius man becoming a slave to corporate life. Desk jobs and boardrooms are not the arena he aspires to. Aquarius men see these kinds of careers as oppressive to their individuality. Their creativity cannot be stifled by any job.

Aquarius flourishes in roles where creativity and mental stimulation are prioritized. Their unmatched charisma means they can charm their way to the top of the business ladder, attracting investors and schmoozing bosses into giving them raises.

Idealistic and intellectual, Aquarius wants to solve problems and bring joy and peace to a large scale audience. Their profession is often unexpected, forging their own paths via their careers.

Good career choices for Aquarius include working to advocate for social change, advancing artistic movements, curing untreatable illness, or lending time to charitable organizations.


Aquarius Man: Family Life

Always focused on society as a whole, Aquarius can forget to show empathy and consideration on a micro-level. This means they can be guilty of seeming aloof when it comes to family, fearing vulnerability.

But this is little more than an act. In reality, they will do anything for their loved ones, expecting the same in return. Since they have strong views and opinions, Aquarius dads can expect a lot from their children. The early years might not fascinate intellectual Aquarius, but making his children into young prodigies will be the focus of this dad when his kids can walk and talk.

His humanitarian interests mean he will be invested in their education and making sure his little humans have a positive impact on society. But he's also able to let loose as a parent and be playful and silly.

Aquarius Man: Friendships

Aquarius doesn’t readily open up to people, meaning they tend to have a close-knit group of friends. Because they are resistant to showing vulnerability and expressing their feelings, it will take time for them to welcome new people into their social circle.


But Aquarians make great friends; they are selfless, and will do whatever it takes to help their friends.

Ideal friends for Aquarius are people who are creative, honest, fun, intellectual, and care about human issues. Friendship for Aquarius should be filled with doing new activities, expanding their horizons, learning things about a variety of topics, and fighting for the good of the world.

7 Fun Facts About Aquarius Men

1. He's not the best at telling you how he feels.

As compassionate and caring as Aquarius man can be, speaking his thoughts is not one of his best traits. Because of this, he can seem pretty distant sometimes. But don't let it fool you. These guys care a lot about you, they just may not say it.

2. Aquarius men take everything you say to heart.

Knowing that verbal communication of his feelings may not be his forte, be careful with what you say if you're upset with him.


These guys really do take it to heart. If you're angry that he didn't call you back and say something like "don't ever call me again," he's probably not going to. So, be patient and know that you need to be strong and secure.

3. This zodiac sign is extremely trustworthy.

When an Aquarius man is single, he's ready to mingle. However, a lot of the time he feels like it's hard to really connect on a deeper level (and he's a deep kind of person). So, if he's not feeling a solid relationship, he's not going to be in it. Period.

Take that as a good thing, though, because if he's with you, he's with you.

4. Aquarius won't tell you if he's not into your relationship.

If you've been seeing an Aquarius man and he's not feeling your new relationship, he probably won't say a word. Most likely, he'll just ghost you. Why can't he just be clear? Well, it's just not in his nature to deal with these kinds of awkward situations, so give him a little break, move on, and don't think much of it.


5. Aquarius men enjoy their alone time.

As social and exciting an Aquarius guy can be, because he's in his head all the time when it comes to his feelings, he needs alone time to decompress and process those things on his own.

Don't take offense; there are probably times when you don't want to be around anyone either. Make sure you're giving him enough alone time to do whatever he wants, no questions asked.

6. If he believes he's right, he's right.

Aquarius is stubborn. Like, really stubborn. If he thinks that something is right or you're wrong, in his mind, that's just going to be that way. End of story.

That can be really annoying to someone on the outside, understandably, so the best thing to do in that situation is to understand that's just how he is, and make the decision just to agree to disagree.


7. Aquarius is a really good listener.

Even though he's in his head all the time and is stubborn, the one thing that's undeniable is that he really does listen to you, through and through, and cares while he's doing it.

Because he's insanely tuned into his surroundings, always absorbing everything, his interest in you is never feigned. Run with that, because it's hard to come by.

RELATED: The 10 Best And Worst Personality Traits Of Aquarius + Their Perfect Love Match

Famous Aquarius Men

It should come as no surprise that many highly creative, free-thinking celebrities are Aquarius men.

Harry Styles: February 1, 1994

Christian Bale: January 30, 1974


Rainn Wilson: January 20, 1966

John Travolta: February 18, 1954

Justin Timberlake: January 31, 1981


The Weeknd: February 16, 1990

Ed Sheeran: February 17, 1991

Ashton Kutcher: February 7, 1978

Joseph Gordon-Levitt: February 17, 1981

Elijah Wood: January 28, 1981

Michael B. Jordan: February 9, 1987

Tom Hiddleston: February 9, 1981

What sign is Aquarius attracted to?

Zodiac sign Aquarius is most attracted to fiery Sagittarius because of all their similarities and common values.

Sagittarius is positive, free-spirited, interested in knowledge, and loves adventure, just like Aquarius. Sagittarius and Aquarius are also both creative, and are a great match spiritually and mentally.

What does an Aquarius man like in a woman?

Aquarius men want a woman who doesn’t come on too strong, is interested in talking about all the topics under the sun, isn’t threatened by his independence, and shares his love of humanitarianism.


It will take some time for Aquarius to make his move, but your chances are greatly increased if you possess these qualities.

How do you know an Aquarius man is falling for you?

The Aquarius man won’t readily reveal his true feelings, but will show his interest by the way he acts towards you. He will devote his time and attention to what you have to say, but be reticent to share his own thoughts. But take his non-verbal cues as signs that he's in it to win it.

RELATED: Aquarius And Aquarius: What Happens When Two Aquarians Date


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Kayla Cavanagh is a YourTango writer and editor who focuses on pop culture, astrology, quotes, and relationship topics.
