A Letter To Hillary Clinton — From A 10-Year-Old Girl Named Kaia
You have fought for us and now it is our turn to fight for you.

Dear Hillary Clinton,
Thank you for standing up for me and for all women and girls. Through this election and in the past you have been an inspiration. You have clearly shown that girls can be anything and do anything. You have proven to me that men are not stronger than women. Thank you for showing me the way.
I think it's awesome that when you were my age, you wanted to become an astronaut when you grew up — I do, too! And even when NASA said that girls couldn't be astronauts, you worked harder and harder and never gave up. Even though you never became an astronaut, you did so many incredible things.
I cried when I found out you lost the election, but I want you to know that you inspired me more because you lost. You inspired me to work hard, to do my best and to stand up for what is right.
Two of my favorite quotes that you said were that we are stronger together and there should be justice for ALL! Because I know that "all" means the gay and lesbian people, and the brown and white people, and the people not born here in America. It is true we should unite as one.
Thank you for inspiring me to work even harder. Thank you for showing me that there is more work for girls like me to do. I won't let this election bring me down. Instead of being an astronaut, maybe I will be a world leader and inspiration just like you.
So please, don't worry — I will finish what you started. There are so many girls like me ready to speak out and fight. You have fought for us and now it is our turn to fight for you.
It’s not over yet. We're only just getting started.
With love and respect,
Kaia James