10 Harsh Reminders That Social Media Can Kill Your Relationship
Sometimes less really is more.

Is social media toxic for relationships? These social media and relationships quotes explain that posting everything online isn't always a good thing for your love life.
It's easy to get lost in the sea of likes, favorites, re-tweets, and that feeling of accomplishment — making people believe that you are endlessly happy in your relationship, making them crave what you have.
You may think posting about your lover online is important, cute, or endearing. It's not. It's annoying. Social media isn't just killing the relationships of people who don't know when to stop posting, it's also killing that those who spend far too much time overthinking every little thing they see online.
How does social media affect real relationships? Taking to Facebook and Twitter is no way to solve any problems — at least not the right way. Getting angry with your significant other because they forgot to post on your FB wall for your birthday is downright criminal.
It's also easy to let social media fuel your relationship insecurities.
Insecurity and relationship anxiety has become so prominent in today's society because we've got the world at our fingertips. Social media allows us to "connect" with anyone at any time, but is that necessarily a good thing? Nothing creates trust issues like social media.
If you have a hard time believing it, check out these social media and relationships quotes that will prove that social media can totally kill your relationship.
1. "The best relationships aren't posted all over social media."
RELATED: How To Balance Social Media & Relationships, According To A Love Expert
2. "Talk to your partner and stop letting inboxes, likes, retweets ruin what you're trying to build." — Tony A. Gaskins Jr.
3. "Relationships are harder now because conversations become texting, arguments become phone calls, and feelings become status updates."
4. "Nowadays, when our relationships get hard, we can just log on & get high off of this false sense of security, appreciation & understanding."
5. "Don't lose what is real, chasing what only appears to be."
6. "Don't let people know when your home isn't happy, that's when outsiders think they're welcome in."
7. "The best sign of a healthy relationship is no sign of it on Facebook."
8. "Relationships last longer when nobody knows your business."
9. "Relationship killers: Insecurity, Trust issues, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Jealousy, Lack of communication, Assumptions."
10. "'If you really loved me, you'd say so on my Facebook wall' ... said no one in a healthy relationship ever."
Madelyn Rennie is a writer and frequent contributor to YourTango who writes about astrology, relationships, and education.