20 Positive, Inspiring Quotes For When You Feel Like 'Life Sucks'
Everyone has bad days.

Nothing strikes harder at the core of who you are as a person than the sense of failure. When your dreams come toppling down, it's really hard to just dust yourself off, bring yourself out of your depression and pick yourself back up again.
While it's perfectly okay to feel what you are feeling, what really matters is what you do when life takes an unexpected turn.
First remember that you are not the only person in the world to admit defeat. In fact, when you feel like a loser, that means you TRIED to win. Winning makes you among some of the most amazing people in the world.
You can learn to not let the moment get you down. When you feel like a total loser, remember you are not. You are learning and one day you will look back at this moment thankful you didn't give up on your dreams.
Just look at these three people who experienced failure at its worst — and yet our world wouldn't be the same today if it weren't for them:
1. Bill Gates
Believe it or not, there was a time when you might have never heard his name. Did you know that before he became the mastermind behind Microsoft, his first business failed? In fact, one thing he has shared with others is to "heed the lessons of failure."
Today, he is among the ranks of people who donate the most money to charity in the world. A loser is tomorrow's winner, someone's giver, and someone's success story.
2. Jim Carrey
One of the funniest and most recognized comedians of our time, at one point, lived less than a happy life. Homeless before fame and fortune has kept him humble. One thing is for sure, nothing creates a sense of thankfulness and humility with humor like life can.
Remember most people go through life afraid to take risks. But it's those same risks that will teach you what you want and need and what you don't want and what you don't need.
3. Michael Oher
He grew up with many obstacles against him — an alcoholic parent, poverty, and the loss of his father in tragic death. It was already tough to make it in the world, but his dreams were set on football. In 2009, as an NFL player for the Baltimore Ravens he and his team went on to win the Super Bowl.
Each one of these individuals have one thing in common — they loved what they did and they were unwilling to settle for less than their dreams. They listened to their instincts, and more importantly, they had an attitude, a mindset that said, I may have lost today but tomorrow, I can be great.
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One way to grab a hold of the courage you need to pick up your boots and walk on to your destiny is to read motivational quotes that inspire you to achieve your goals. You got this!
If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and hilarious friendship truths, we've got you covered.
1.Remove the imaginary wall you put up for yourself.
"Great things never came from comfort zones." — Unknown
2.Preparation is key to living your best life.
"It’s not the will to win that matters—everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters." — Paul “Bear” Bryant
3.Your success is a process.
"If at first you don’t succeed, you are running about average." — M.H. Alderson
4.Don't ever doubt your capabilities.
"Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine." — The Imitation Game
5.And YOU are in charge of what happens in your world.
"I will do what queens do, I will rule." — Daenerys Targaryen
6.The most important person you need to hold on to is yourself.
"Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you." — Tyrion Lannister
7.Your resilience is honored.
"It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get back up." — Vincent Lombardi
8.Even your small victories matter.
"Sometimes you can have the smallest role in the smallest production and still have a big impact." — Neil Patrick Harris
9.You are your biggest supporter.
"Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do." — Kim Kardashian
10.And it is ok to let your feelings show.
"When you start to develop your powers of empathy and imagination, the whole world opens up to you." — Susan Sarandon
11.And always push for what you believe.
"Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement." — Marv Levy
12.Your personality is your most potent weapon.
"Despite everything, no one can dictate who you are to other people." — Prince
13.Setting goals is just the beginning.
"The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach." — Benjamin Mays
14.And self growth is the best growth.
"Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment." — Stephen Covey
15.Let your courage radiate through you.
"Courage is grace under pressure." — Ernest Hemingway
16.Always trust the journey.
"It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop." — Confucius
17.Your failures don't necessarily mean you failed.
"Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm." — Winston Churchill
18.And learning when to let go is the best you can do for yourself.
"Close some doors. Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because they no longer lead somewhere." — Unknown
19.Look for the good in every bad.
"Only in the darkness can you see the stars." — Martin Luther King, Jr.
20.Because happiness is a process that you should be willing to take.
"The fact that you aren't where you want to be should be enough motivation." — Unknown