Where He Really Wants To Ejaculate During Sex (As Told By Men)
Brace yourselves.

It is a fact we all learn eventually: when a guy has an orgasm, his semen comes with it.
If he is alone, the chances are high that he's spurting his seed into a tissue, or if the ranker comedies are to be believed, inside of a dirty sock they find on their bedroom floors.
As woman, what happens to a man when he orgasms has always fascinated me.
I'm a woman and as a such fluid doesn't often come rioting out of my person when I have an orgasm (unless the Womanizer is involved). There's mess and moisture when I orgasm, but nothing that has me panicked and looking for a place to abandon my load.
If you're having sex with a man and he has an orgasm, he's probably going to put his semen inside a condom.
But if you and your partner are not using condoms, this begs the question — where is his semen going onces he orgasms?
Porn has given us many ideas about where men want it go, but since my partners have never made any of these requests, I was skeptical. So I took advantage of my anonymous group of men and asked them about this tough question.
This one is a little bit gnarly, but thanks for going with me on it.
Dudes, if you had your way where would you prefer to ejaculate on your partner if you weren't orgasming inside or inside a condom? Why that place?
- "Face. Never have, I guess it's a power move?"
- "For me, it's about convenience. Not targeting. So probably, like, the inner thigh or hip, if that's safe. I do not really get the whole "choosing a target" thing, though I have had women request that I paint their faces, and I'm happy to oblige. If she's really turned on by it, it can even be sexy for me."
- "No preference, I guess. A tissue, maybe?"
- "In her mouth. My first partner liked [that]. Fond memories of that."
- "Anywhere she was OK with it, otherwise, nowhere on her."
- "It pains me to have 'inside' disqualified because the feel of a woman swallowing as I orgasm is one of my favorite things. Failing that I'll take face and boobs. Decorative. Extra points if she wears it with pride."
- "On my wife's breasts or across her [butt]. Why? She requests both regularly, and seems to really enjoy it, which is awesome for me."
- "On my wife's breasts or across her [butt]. Why? She requests both regularly, and seems to really enjoy it, which is awesome for me."
- "My preference? [Boobs.] [Boobs] all day. I am a breast fetishist. ... Anyway, yeah. I like to ejaculate on breasts, especially cleavage and nipples. ... However, I will/will not orgasm anywhere she asks; inside, up high, down low, butt, mouth, stomach, my stomach, wherever. If she asks, I'm happy to oblige."
- "Stomach or chest. I like to rub it into the hair there."
- "Stomach or back, depending on position. I don't get any enjoyment out of shooting it anywhere specifically, so that just makes the most sense to me, because it's closest and allows me to wait as long as possible to pull out."