The Pros And Cons Of Falling In Love With A Sagittarius
Get ready for the time of your life ...

I believe falling in love is different for everybody. The way we fall in love, how we show our affection, how (in time) the love settles in, are all of which differentiate a person from another person.
We are all different so our love will also be different — especially if you’re falling in love with a Sagittarius. However, with a Sagittarius, pros, and cons are important to know — as with every zodiac sign of course.
A Sagittarius is known for being an optimistic person, filled with a free-spirited mind, body, and soul, so when you fall in love with one, you’re in for quite a ride.
RELATED: 20 Best & Worst Traits Of The Sagittarius Zodiac Sign
Though optimistic, when it all comes down to relationships, this zodiac sign is slow with commitment in the beginning because they're scared of getting a broken heart. A Sagittarius loves deeply and intensely, they’re vulnerable, open-minded, and willing. So, when their heart is broken, they are broken.
A Sagittarius is fun and wild-hearted which is why a relationship with them feels like a rollercoaster ride. Sometimes you’ll know what to expect and sometimes you won’t, but just like any other sign, there are always some hidden elements behind each one.
If you want to know what Sagittarius pros and cons to look for, read on…
Sagittarius Cons
CON: A Sagittarius can become restless and unemotional after a while.
If you’re boring, a Sagittarius isn’t for you, especially for a Sagittarius man. Why Sagittarius are the worst? They’ll leave you in a heartbeat.
What are the cons of being a Sagittarius? Excitement is a must for them which is not fun for you if you’re not an exciting person or have the exciting traits.
If so, then you’re not ready to fall in love with a Sagittarius.
If they love you they’ll endure the boredom, but not for too long so be spontaneous!
CON: If you’re not into an independent person, so long!
What are the weaknesses of a Sagittarius? A Sagittarius is a very independent person and at times can be very hard to reach.
You have to let a Sagittarius be on its own for certain things because being alone is what they know best, so if you’re not into that, you’re not fully committed to being in a relationship with a Sagittarius.
They need independence to grow as a person and as a SO.
Sagittarius Pros
PRO: A Sagittarius will bring TONS of adventure.
A Sagittarius is a free-spirited adventurer who loves spontaneity so falling in love with one will be quite the adventure. What are the pros of Sagittarius? You will never be bored and even if you do become bored, they'll try to find their way to your heart and release the adventure out of you.
PRO: Sex with a Sagittarius is anything BUT boring.
Sagittarius is as open-minded as anyone can be, so having one in bed is always a surprise because you never know what to expect.
They're free and tend to be very honest about expressing their sexual desires.
Prideful and fun, a Sagittarius in bed is one for the books.
Michelle Ledesma is a writer and the author of 'Almost Everything.' She’s a contributing writer for Slant News, Elite Daily, and Pep and Prose.