14 Pros And Cons Of Loving A Scorpio (Buckle Up For A Wild Ride!)
They don't play, for better or worse.

The Scorpio zodiac sign is one of the (if not the) most powerful signs in astrology you'll ever encounter, in every way — so you can imagine the Scorpio pros and cons are vast.
The intensity in anger, intensity in focus, intensity in love — being with and loving a Scorpio can be a crazy roller coaster. And chances are, they're the conductor.
Some Scorpio zodiac traits include possessiveness and jealousy, both of which can be off-putting. But at the same time, having someone that values you that much is so enticing, it's hard not to forgive.
Their power is alluring and intimidating, so it's no surprise that you may be searching for tips and warnings for dating someone with a Scorpio personality.
All we can say is good luck, because they're as awesome as they are crazy. Scorpios are one of the most powerful zodiac signs.
More than just the everyday horoscope, loving this zodiac sign comes with its own set of Scorpio pros and cons.
RELATED: What Does A Scorpio Look Like?
What are the benefits of being (and dating) a Scorpio?
Scorpio Pros:
1. They’re intensely passionate.
Let's just say a Scorpio partner knows how to show you their love.
2. Scorpios are great lovers.
They are literally the sex sign of the zodiac. So, expect bedroom antics to be more than pleasurable.
3. They’re always looking out for you.
They're unshakably loyal, and they'll always have your back. That stinger is most harmful to the people that cross them or their lovers, so you'll know you're always covered.
4. They're decisive.
They don't play games, and they know what they want. They've always got their eyes on the prize, and they'll get it in the most efficient way possible.
5. A Scorpio's love is always 100 percent for you.
You don't have to worry about any infidelity or wandering eyes here. When they love, it's so concentrated and exclusive, it can be overwhelming. But still, so amazing.
6. They keep you on your toes.
Just when you think you’ve finally figured them out, they hit you with another twist. They always keep things exciting and interesting without even trying.
7. Intimacy is everything for the Scorpio zodiac sign.
Intimacy in all aspects consumes them when they're in love. You'll never have a deeper connection than what you'll have with a Scorpio. It's one of their good personality traits.
What are the negatives of a Scorpio?
On the flip side, there are also plenty of downsides to having a Scorpio lover. So, beware before welcoming one into your life.
Scorpio Cons:
8. They take arguments to a whole new level.
The last thing you want is an angry Scorpio, but arguments happen, and they will make sure that you get stung, one way or another. It's one of their negative traits.
9. Scorpio wants to take care of everything all by themselves.
When you love someone, you want to help them and take care of them. Scorpios, on the other hand, make that very difficult for their partners, which can make them feel unneeded or even unwanted.
10. They’re extremely possessive.
They take love and intimacy very seriously. There is no room for anyone else in their heart, so they don't want to see any extra room for anyone else in yours either.
While it might seem kind of cute at times, it can actually be annoying and borderline crazy all the other times.
11. Scorpios can be a human lie detector.
You might not even want to try to lie to a Scorpio. Not even a little white one. For them, that's the worst thing you can do in a relationship. This is actually one of their best positive traits.
No matter what, you're better off telling the truth because they can see through your BS and you will immediately regret everything. They're the type that will ask you a question they already know the answer to.
Pro Tip: Scorpios can definitely be trusted, but it takes a while for them to trust others.
12. They're paranoid.
Scorpios don't trust easily, so paranoia is common. Sometimes it's warranted, sometimes it's not. Even if you never meet a "Becky with good hair," they will investigate them and keep a constant eye on you while playing Beyonce's Lemonade album 24/7.
13. It’s hard to get them to open up.
Since Scorpios are very independent, secretive, and don't trust often. If something's up, good luck getting a peep out of them. It's like pulling teeth.
14. The Scorpio zodiac sign has no problem leaving you and never looking back.
If Scorpio finds they don't want or need you anymore — whether it be because of a fight, betrayal, or not showing enough loyalty or respect — you're out. They put themselves above all else, so it's ride-or-die.
They will not sacrifice their well-being for anyone, so when it ends, they'll leave you in the dust, and you'll just be somebody that they used to know. And damn, will it hurt.
D'Vaughn McCrae is a writer and multimedia journalist. Follow her website for more.