16 Quotes From Insta-Poet Sarah Doughty That Will Break Your Heart

Love, heartbreak, and life itself - all in written form.

Sarah Doughty Poems Instagram Quotes About Love And Heartbreak

The world is a melting pot of aspiring artists of all sorts, trying to ease their way in the world of art to make a name for themselves.

Sarah Doughty, an author and poet, has definitely paved the way through the internet world with her fascinating words. With 37,000 followers (and counting), it's no wonder she has gained notoriety for her words of wisdom.

"Writing to me is like breathing ... It allows me to weed through all the pain, in an effort to find myself again." Sarah says in her Smashwords profile. With her growing audience, it's no wonder why Sarah has also written many novels in addition to her poetry.


Gifted and very well enchanting, I had the pleasure of speaking with her about her writing and growing career.

Q. What prompted you to begin writing poetry?
SD: I've always been a creative writer, but when my complex PTSD caught up with me and took over my life two years ago, I needed a way to let out all the emotions bottled up inside of me. So I set a daily regimen of therapeutic writing. But because I couldn't be around many people without feeling like I would drown in fear, I started my website and Instagram, sharing my words and taking the plunge into the online world, hoping to show people that they aren't alone.


I've continued to do that, sharing everything I write, including all of my books, for free. Because if I can help readers escape, even for a short time, it's worth it. 

Q. How does a poem begin for you?
SD: When I set out to write, I have some kind of springboard — be it a word or phrase, a feeling from a memory, or sometimes I draw from the experiences of others. In the process, I like to evoke as much emotion as possible, which is where word choices are crucial.

Often, my poetry can have more than one meaning, depending on how the reader sees and relates to it — and to accomplish this is very rewarding. 

Q. Where do you draw your inspirations for your writing? 
SD: When it comes to my poetry, I see beauty, and horrors. I'm haunted by my own every day. So, as many writers do, I pay attention and I write them down.


For my fiction, my inspiration stems from my characters, and I'm able to not only escape into their world and experience it with them, but I can see how they handle themselves — more importantly, how my heroine evolves and heals after having a similar, horrific childhood. It's healing and it empowers me. But above all, it's cathartic.

Q. If you've ever come across writer's block, how do you overcome it?
SD: If I find myself stuck — which doesn't happen very often because I have fail-safes in place — such as prompts, plots which I planned in advance, or music. Sometimes tapping into some instrumental music from artists like MEDIC, Eluvium, Lights & Motion, God Is An Astronaut, and others with a similar feel will let me focus for a short while and let my muse run free. 

Q. What is the best advice to give to aspiring poets/writers out there?
SD: I'm asked this question all the time. The key to writing well and having enough impact to grow is to keep writing. Over time, our minds evolve and develop a unique way of expressing itself creatively, which is why most writers can look back at their old pieces from a year, five years, or even ten years back and think, "Wow, that piece is horrible!" That is the evolution.

But many writers find their 'sweet spot' and stop pushing themselves to grow. Or they'll cater to the masses of social media and stay within that area of comfort. If that happens, the evolution stops. I suggest writers never settle, learn from their mistakes, and always push to the next level. 


If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotesinspirational sayings, and hilarious friendship truths, we've got you covered.

1.On recognizing beauty.

Sarah Doughty Poems Instagram Quotes About Love And Heartbreak Instagram

"Watching you walk beneath the sunshine, with its golden light illuninating you, was the most beautiful thing  I ever saw. —Sarah Doughty


2.On lust.

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The fire in my veins and burning, insatiable gaze sentenced you to a night of heaven you would never forget. —Sarah Doughty


3.On motherhood.

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Sometimes the worse feeling is knowing you can't bring another soul into the world. —Sarah Doughty


4.On passion.

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I desired to taste every inch of your skin, and spend my time driving you higher. —Sarah Doughty

5.On memories.

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I wonder if anything will be left behind with my memory. —Sarah Doughty


6.On being merciful.

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You're the catcher and I'm the fly, completley at your mercy. —Sarah Doughty

7.On loving someone.

Sarah Doughty Poems Instagram Quotes About Love And Heartbreak Instagram

Everything I love about you is written in my soul. —Sarah Doughty


8.On broken prose.

Sarah Doughty Poems Instagram Quotes About Love And Heartbreak Instagram

Take these pieces of my broken prose, No one was reading them anyway. —Sarah Doughty

9.On worthiness.

Sarah Doughty Poems Instagram Quotes About Love And Heartbreak Instagram

It might take oceans of sacrifice, but you're worth every one. —Sarah Doughty


10.On heartbreak.

Sarah Doughty Poems Instagram Quotes About Love And Heartbreak Instagram

You drained every bit of life from my veins and all that remained was an empty, bloodstained heart. —Sarah Doughty

11.On love.

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We came upon this chance meeting, the sum of all that we were within this infinity. And it was the happiest moment of my life. —Sarah Doughty


12.On discovery.

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There's a universe of stories locked inside her head, and she takes her time, exploring and uncovering each one. —Sarah Doughty


13.On regret.

Sarah Doughty Poems Instagram Quotes About Love And Heartbreak Instagram

If I could take it all back, all the wrong things I ever said, all at the wrong time, those unexpected moments where I bared my soul, I would... —Sarah Doughty


14.On that special someone.

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I'd much rather dance with you in the rain, sit under the stars, and laugh with you, than spend another meaningless night without you. —Sarah Doughty

15.On realizing your worth.

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Let me revel in all the parts you think are flawed until you believe each one is nothing but perfection. —Sarah Doughty


16.On loving the wrong person.

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Do you know what you mean to me even after all that went wrong? How you continue to haunt my dreams and force me to question everything? I can't bring myself to care that we were doomed from the start because I still want you. —Sarah Doughty