What It's Really Like To Have Sex With A Sagittarius
Are Sagittarius good in bed?

Sagittarius men and women, born between November 22 and December 22, like to have fun in bed even more than all other zodiac signs.
They're not above roughhousing, wrestling, tickling and giggling, sometimes simultaneously. In fact, if you really want to know how to have great sex with a Sagittarius, you should know that they find the act of laughing to be arousing. Sag males and females can get quite turned on after some good guffawing.
Sex games are fine for Sags, just so long as they're not too involved or time-consuming. The Archer's love of flitting from one thing to the next continues in the boudoir, but Sagittarius absolutely hates being tied up or restrained in any way. It seriously freaks them out and can send them packing. Perhaps this is rooted in their horse-self, a revolt against being domesticated. So just remember, no ties! Literally.
You won't need to play a guessing game to find out what turns this zodiac sign on — they'll tell you, straight up.
Some have gotten the rep of being selfish lovers, which is unfortunate because in the sack, Sagittarius can be very giving. Although they're extremely direct and forthcoming about their own needs, Sagittarians have no problem satisfying yours. Just don't beat around the bush because they have no patience for coyness in bed. Let them know just what you want and you'll get it ... and get it thoroughly.
Are Sagittarius good in bed?
Sagittarius has the best sexual compatibility with Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, so these five zodiac signs will find Sagittarius to be very good in bed. But no matter what your sign, hooking up with a Sag in the sack is almost always a tremendously satisfying union for both parties, the perfect combination of fire and fun. Think: multiple orgasms with a daring partner who just won't quit, and an adventurous soul to boot.
Sagittarius sex life
If you seek a serious lover with plenty of romance, keep looking. Sagittarius like to cut to the chase and get down and dirty with little ceremony. The good news is that, while they're not big on foreplay, they make up for it with endurance.
Many Sags can also be talented in the area of oral pleasure. They take the acts of fellatio or cunnilingus luxuriously slow and steady, which I equate with their horse-half's penchant for grazing. Imagine the methodical way a pony munches in a field and you'll get a picture of Sag's style.
The term "hung like a horse" brings to mind the Sagittarius man because they are usually especially well-endowed. Even short-in-stature Sags have been known to sport impressive packages. Plus, they can go at it like prize-breeding stallions.
Not surprisingly, doggie-style is their fave position — which, in their case, can also be called "horsy-style." But most Centaurs aren't adverse to a little Cowgirl and being taken out on the range for a long, hard ride.
Relationship-wise, tread lightly with Sagittarians. Though they are not opposed to settling down, all too often they equate commitment with confinement. They are easy to bed but tough to wed because of their fear that marriage might put the kibosh on the freedom they hold so near and dear to their big hearts.
Make no mistake, though — Sags aren't against monogamy or opposed to being fully devoted to one partner. It's just that they are terrified of feeling trapped.
Once they meet a partner who understands their need for freedom, they are happy to roam, but even happier to come home to your welcoming bed. Sagittarian spontaneity between the sheets is legendary.
Ariella Moonstone has been a sought-after astrologer for several decades, counting many recognizable names among her private clientele. Vivian Woodley, MA/MFT, has been a licensed therapist for more than 20 years, specializing in issues related to sexuality. Their book, The Astrology Sex Diet is available on Amazon.
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