What It's Really Like To Have Sex With A Scorpio

Sex is primarily a power play for Scorpio, and you know how they feel about power.

What It's Like To Have Sex With A Scorpio, Based On Their Personality Traits & Astrology weheartit

In the bedroom, Scorpio's erotic battle can be described as the sexual vs. the sensual. Simply put, they are the horndogs of the zodiac!

Scorpio's, born between October 23 and November 22, possess magnetic personality traits and a strong sense of self that makes them a force to be reckoned between the sheets. Since Scorpios are so complex sexually, they are deep, intense and multi-faceted lovers.

If you want to know how to have great sex with a Scorpio man or women, here's the scoop: Scorpios get off on power.


They love, love, love role-playing games where they are in charge (no surprise here) and get to wield their might over poor unsuspecting victims.

RELATED: 10 Brutal Truths About Having Sex With A Scorpio (As Written By One)

The Scorpio enjoys making a partner cower, grovel, even sob, then try to win back their approval.


Both men and women born under this Sun Sign enjoy heavy-duty power-play and have no trouble enacting Master/Mistress and slave fantasies, because for them, these scenarios don't stray far from the truth.

Scorpios are also taboo-breakers. They are game for anything if there's the promise of an orgasm at the end of the tunnel. Scorpios embrace their fetishes (as everyone should), and often have more than one off-beat fantasy that they are perfectly willing to share with deserving partners who'd also like to play.

Unfortunately, Scorpios are the least likely of all zodiac signs to be monogamous.

This isn't because they are unable; rather because most often, they don't have the desire.


if the Scorpio has a faithful streak, they can be extremely dedicated and true. But it's all up to Scorpio what kind of partner they choose to be. For this reason, open relationships are often good options for this Sun Sign.

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Physically, those born under the Scorpio moon tends to have very voluptuous bodies — men as well as women. I've always believed that this is an outward manifestation of their inward — and all encompassing — sexual life.

Did I mention that this Sun Sign is highly erotic?

Scorpio women are prone to full-body multiple orgasms which are so intense they can frighten away faint-hearted lovers.


Scorpio men tend to have extremely copious emissions (i.e. they ejaculate in buckets). Partners will have no trouble admitting that Scorpio climaxes are so strong they feel as though they are spasming along with their Scorpio lovers.

RELATED: 14 Brutal Truths About Loving A Scorpio (As Written By A Scorpio)

Because their ruling body part are the genitals, Scorpios are prone to having issues "down there" — including cystitis, skin eruptions, serious urinary tract infections, and even sexually transmitted diseases. So Scorpios should take special care to practice safe sex, use condoms and use discretion in partners.

Although they love "the act" intensely, Scorpios have been known to abstain from sex just to prove a point — or even to punish a partner.


They get off on holding back almost as much as they do when letting go.

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Sex is primarily a power play for Scorpio, and you know how they feel about power.

Aggressive in bed, many Scorpios prefer sexual encounters anywhere, be it in stairwells, cars, and movie theaters. The riskier the better.

Prone to excesses, Scorpios are more likely to be considered sex "addicts" than any other Sun Sign.

Not only are Scorpios provocative, they are also incredibly private. Your sexual secrets are safe with a Scorpio, and rarely do they schtupp and tell.

RELATED: The Hard Truth About Loving A Scorpio

Ariella Moonstone has been a sought-after astrologer for several decades, counting many recognizable names among her private clientele. Vivian Woodley, MA/MFT, has been a licensed therapist for more than 20 years, specializing in issues related to sexuality. Their book, The Astrology Sex Diet is available on Amazon.


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