10 Things That Make Men Catch Major Feelings For You
These tricks can make guys catch feelings really quick.

If there’s one thing that’s hard for most girls to figure out, it’s how to get a guy to like you and legitimately care about you. The truth is that it can take a bit of effort to make a guy start catching feelings, especially if they’re a bit obtuse.
That being said, getting a guy to care about you — and maybe even fall in love with you — might be possible if you know what to do.
Here are 10 ways to make him catch feelings for you in a loving, caring way.
1. Talk to him about intimate details of your life, and ask him about his.
Tell him funny stories from your childhood. Ask him about how he got that one scar. Show that you are interested in him as a person and things will go far.
2. Show him your vulnerable side.
The key thing here is to make him want to protect you, not make him want to call a therapist. A little vulnerability (not insecurity) is good. Too much will make you look like a clingy, desperate mess.
3. Hold eye contact.
Studies show that prolonged eye contact makes men more likely to fall in love with you.
4. Make a nice meal for him.
You know how older women always tell girls that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach? Well, they’re not lying. Showing off your domestic goddess side will make most men think about you in a different way.
5. Back off if you think he’s taking you for granted.
The easiest way to make someone realize what they’ve lost is to remove it from their lives, even if it’s temporary. When you make yourself scarce, he ends up realizing that people like you don’t come around every day. That makes him care more than hounding him for attention.
6. Use a Pavlovian training method.
Pavlov was a smart man. He trained dogs to drool by associating a reward with a sound. You can take a cue from his training by trying to get guys to associate good feelings or feelings of empowerment with you.
By giving them compliments and showing your desire for them, they start to want to be around you more and more.
7. Have sex regularly and frequently.
Ever notice how people who have sex frequently tend to end up in a relationship? If the sex is good, chances are that his hormones might kick into “caring” gear rather than just “gratification” gear.
8. Be his friend.
The last thing that guys want to have around them is a girl who acts like she’s more interested in a relationship than she is in the guy she’s talking to. If you want him to care about you, treat him like a friend that you’re also sexually interested in.
9. Hold his hand.
This simple gesture actually releases hormones that spark love in men.
10. Communicate your desire.
The one thing men want more than anything else is to be wanted. Showing him that you want him will likely make him care for you.
Ossiana Tepfenhart is a writer based out of Red Bank, New Jersey. She writes primarily about lifestyle, food, finance, and relationships.